Chapter 014:

Chapter 14: In Motion Due To Revelations

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Coruscant

Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple

In the depths of the Jedi temple lay the Archives with the Vault of Relics even deeper.

Inside said fault lay many items and objects with dark auras that shone in weak black light.

However, in this very room, one of the objects became incredibly active and shone with such intense light that the force crystal box it was in, slowly started to crack.

Suddenly the lights turned on suppressing the dark aura and two men could be seen walking inside towards the crystal box that was about to shatter.

The closer these men came the more active the object became in trying to break out.

These men, one small and old with the other tall, middle-aged, and rigid.

The small man with green skin holding a walking stick, face filled with wrinkles was Grand Master of the Order, Master Yoda.

The rigid man walking beside Yoda was a tall man, with dark brown skin and a bald head, this man was the Master of the Order, Master Mace Windu.

"True it is, I see." Master Yoda said looking at the object trying so hard to escape

"Indeed it does" Master Windu answers

"Active it became, knowing why, we do not." Master Yoda said

"Mmm, not tell me you are, hiding you are." Master Yoda spoke

"... I know this object, it was recovered from a Republic Research lab many years ago." Master Windu spoke with a face like he had eaten something bitter

"Speak of this, you shall." Master Yoda spoke looking at Master Windu.

"Alright, it is time you learned about it anyway, now that this… thing is active, It all began when a large Mandalorian attack fleet had been seen gathering deep in the Outer Rim." Master Windu began

"At the time Dooku and I, were ordered together with twenty-three others to go and investigate. The large number of masters and knights, showed us that it was important." Master Windu fell silent

"Continue, you will, finish you must." Master Yoda said waving his hand toward the object making the crystal box light up

"Sigh, as you know only Dooku, myself, and the masters came back with the bodies of the knights and two fallen masters, we encountered the Mandalorians in full assault of the base, a base that should not have been there." Master Windu reluctantly continued.

"When we arrived, there was this large battle going on, all of them vs one young child… nothing they did worked, everything they threw at the child was thrown back." Master Windu spoke up, face soon becoming emotionless.

Master Yoda noticed Master Windu suppressing his emotions, likely due to them being in the vault, and surrounded by many Sith artifacts of old.

"The masters decided to contact the Mandalorians for a report and asked if they needed assistance with the child, who was clearly using powerful force techniques." Master Windu kept going, seeing Master Yoda look at him with a stern face to not dare to stop

"It was allowed… but it soon became a massacre, and if not for Dooku and Master Yaddle finding this object having a connection to the child none of us would have gotten out alive." Master Windu grumbled

"As soon we got our hands on the object… the child lost all his powers and fell unconscious, the Mandalorians rushed to grab him and left in quick order. Handing the child to others and covering the retreat even slaying many of us who had tried to reach the child." Master Windu fell silent

"Know more, you do, speak you will." Master Yoda said

"What else to say, we returned with the fallen, had a grand burial, and returned with even more people, that base… sigh, it was a lab to find out what made a force-sensitive child tick using that object to do so." Master Windu rubbed his temples in frustration remembering it all.

"Know this I do, looking into I shall." Master Yoda spoke.

"Relieved you are, destroy I will." Master Yoda said with a faint smile before turning serious.

His hands could be seen moving and pointing toward the object in question, a large amount of force was being gathered, surrounding the object and lifting it up.

It started to fight even more even screaming, it was throwing Force Screams, and small lightning sparks for Force Lightning that were blocked by the box it was inside of.

Soon a large bright flash of pure white light happened that pushed away the dark auras of everything there, when the light was gone the object was no more, and in the crystal box lay only dust.

"Done this, sooner we should." Master Yoda said nodding before turning around and walking away followed by Master Windu

— — — — — 

Location: Coruscant - Some basement

In a Dark room, far away from the Temple, a dark-hooded man was standing speaking to another dark-hooded man on a holocall.

When both stopped speaking and feeling into the force.

The man on the holocall started speaking.

[I can sense that object just got destroyed, my connection with it is gone.] The man said

"Interesting, are the Jedi on to us? I wonder if they finally grew eyes." the man in the room said questionably

[No they don't the last moment I see is it being pulverized by the force, but I felt a powerful connection with the child we used.] the holographic man said

"Were you able to find the location, master? We need to get that boy or man as it has been years, if we can't get him, he needs to disappear if we can't turn him to our side." the man in the room said

[No I was not able to, apprentice… the force blocked my attempts even warning the Jedi, and now the object is gone, and with that who knows what happens to the subject.] the holographic man answered

"Too bad master, it will be a sad loss, but not the end of the world, we just have to find him and deal with him, if he has children… take them if they are force-sensitive." the man in the room said

[Then you know what to do, get to it, apprentice. I have to deal with, other business.] the holographic man stated before disconnecting the call

"Just you wait, I'll find him and use him against you, or destroy him if he has no more use." the dark-robed man said

'If only we were able to get there in time back then… incompetent fools were not able to do anything right.' the man thought

"Blasted, the time, time for my own business in the senate." the man said walking away

— — — — —

Sector/System: Mandalore

Location: Mandalore - Clan Gryphen Compound, Jack's Room

Jack's POV:

I was back in control after hearing a terrifying scream inside my mind, almost making me pass out, but if allowed myself to see many memories, many things I would have wished to have been left forgotten.

Many I still can't see due to the fog still being there, but I can remember all of my childhood from age one to the start of my hunt for adulthood to become a warrior around age fourteen

But everything around the age of ten… after the last memory where I had been learning about blasters from my grandfather, the old armorer.

All of that… made me wish I did not know, but now I do… how to deal with things, this will make being a trader a bit more difficult.

'At least there is something good out of this'. I thought trying to be positive due to all the memories I gained access to, when I suddenly remembered that my mother was in my room with Rin and Sera

When I looked at them I saw a rather surprising sight, both Rin and Sera with no clothes on lying on my bed ready to receive me.

But what surprised me more was that my mother was nowhere to be seen, I tried to look behind me when I was pulled into the bed, by both girls.

"Just look at us, let us go and enjoy ourselves." I hear Rin say, biting her lower lip

When I joined them, I heard the door open and close behind me, making me feel a burst of anger that quickly subsided due to what the girls did to me.

'I can't sense the pressure anymore, but my emotions are out of whack, just hope things won't go badly in the future.' I thought in slight fear but quickly forgot it all and focused on the girls.

— — — — — 

Chief Catra POV:

I managed to slip away, my body was beaten black and blue, with no true damage or broken bones, seems I trained him too well knowing where it would hurt the most and what to do to leave no marks, but to think he was about to choke me to death, that thought made me shudder.

'New plan, try not to do anything to agitate him for now, we need to have our talk then plan the attack some more, do the attack, and then send him back out there and let him be their problem.' I thought about the Republic which is corrupt and about to fall apart.

I was rather happy to have gotten out with barely any damage, but Rin and Sera, judging from the sounds, they were keeping him rather busy.

Good thing as well, because I rather not find out if my son… would be into 'that'.

I shuddered at the thought, making me quickly call Butch to my office.

I arrived in quick order and saw Butch waiting outside, as soon I entered he followed.

"Helmets off." I told him, putting mine on the desk beside me, just before I slumped into my chair

"Chief… you're face." I heard Butch say, making me wish I had a mirror to look and see what was there

"Not now Butch, he fell back into that! All his anger and evil side came out… He almost did 'that' Now that I am calmer I know he made it look and feel as if he wanted to kill me… but 'THAT' Butch!" I could feel my face pale at the thought

And seeing Butch's face show disgust, I knew he figured it out.

"What now? how did you calm him down?" I heard him ask

"Sigh, Rin, and Sera threw themselves at him, they're busy now, anyway he is at least back to himself." I told the man

"I heard this scream and saw black smoke coming from him." I told him seeing the man pale

"You mean what happened then… " I heard him say before stopping

"... Yes… we have to prepare." I said still slumped in my chair with my face in my hand

"Send out the word on this matter, to all clans of 'ALL FACTIONS' Butch, all of them. Inform them something has activated my son's Jedi side, which we had been trying to get rid of." I spoke up

"No, you are too emotional right now and are not thinking it through, what if they find out and come looking for him? We lost many that day, and even more after the war." Butch told me

"YOU! …" I wanted to yell at him, but I knew he was right so I stopped myself

"Fuck… prepare the men, we go and deal with those bases ourselves, tell Deathwatch the plan to deal with the biggest base, we attack the smaller ones asap." I told him

But he did not leave as I expected.

"Chief, about Rin…" I heard him say, making me look up and widen my eyes in shock.

I had one of those slave chokers still on my desk.

"Tell me… did you use that on Rin?... please tell me." I could hear the anguish in the man's voice.

After Odo his eldest son left to join Deathwatch, Rin was his pride and joy, staying with the clan sneaking out with my son to join the war, and coming back as a true warrior.

Then I made her the captain of my guard, how proud he was, so I could understand his world falling apart.

"I used it on her… I know she mends well but the fact still stands she shot my son in the back, with clear intentions to take him out." I growled at him turning back to how I was normally

"I might have overreacted but she… choice it willingly… fuck, she was happy, even stating now I have to stay with him. Hell, she went on a massive ramble." I told the man

I saw his eyes widen, we both knew she was all over my son and was devastated when he after one night ignored her and left to trade.

How hard she trained to show her worth when he came back just to be ignored when he came back to deliver supplies.

"Tell me, what did she say?" I heard him carefully ask

"Pff… I'm not even sure it was a punishment anymore, she was so happy, she almost scared me Butch… she was so chipper talking about family, children, how many he would want…" I told him getting goosebumps

"She did?... I guess the boy saw the signs… poor brat I think the choker will come in handy… my... my baby girl is… obsessive…" I could see his face turn unsightly

"I knew she was temperamental, hell she's a redhead, but still, obsession I feel I made the right choice." I told him seeing him slump into the chair still there for the old doctor back then

"Fuck… seems we both made mistakes and were blind to the obvious." I heard him say

"Yeah, I have noticed that the last few days, I'm not going to train him anymore. I'm afraid that if I do and go too far again he might have a lapse like today…" I walked to a small hidden fridge grabbed two beers and threw Butch one of them.

"I think we need one, for this mess I made for both of us." I told him

"Only one chief, where about to deal with some bases." Butch said with a chuckle, making me scoff.

"Yeah well, here is to the best mother in the universe!" I told him and took a long sip

"And to the blindest father in the universe." I heard him say watching him drink all of his can, before grabbing his helmet putting it on, and leaving

I looked at my fridge… maybe next time, for now, I already messed things up enough… although the beers tasted awfully good today.

"Sigh, that black smoke and scream, I'm sure they will get active to look for him, might have to plan to relocate the clan after all." I said, quickly drinking my beer and leaving my office.

"For now, let's blow off some steam by dealing with the little traitor and lying brat Odo." I made my way quickly to the training field.

'I can only hope, my son will understand everything… and not let the darkness consume him.' I finished thinking.