Chapter 017:

Chapter 17: In Hyperspace Surprise

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Mandalore/Bandomeer

Location: Hyperspace - Onboard of YT-1930 Light Freighter 'Wayfarer'

Jack's POV:

When I entered my room to change out of my armor and put on some normal clothes for once since I woke up in this universe I noticed a package on my workbench.

I walked to it and opened it up, what I found were brand new clothes with a note.

The note in question read the following.


I'm sorry for being so hard on you, but the fact remains I would do so again in a heartbeat if given the chance.

However, what happened a while ago in your room? That truly opened my eyes to the fact I was pushing you way too much instead of letting you recover as I should have.

Things almost happened that I'm sure you might have enjoyed at that time but beat yourself up over later.

What I'm trying to say here is. I'm sorry for being a bad mother, and I hope you will accept this gift as an apology, even if I have to take a long time and go a long way to gain your forgiveness for everything I have done over the years. I failed as a mother.

Sincerely, Chief Catra Cleo Gryphen, mom}

This note made me pause, I'm shocked, I mean sure she was harsh and almost killed me in the memories I have like many times.

But the memories, I had regained of my childhood from ages one to five. In those, she was the epitome of a great mother.

Hell the memory of when I was in that lab, I heard tales of how a madwoman among the Mandalorians was on the lookout for her child.

I knew it was my mother, and when I heard of a massive attack on the lab in question… yeah no way I could say she was a horrible mother.

When this mission is over she and I need to talk things over, for sure.

For now, though, it would be a waste not to wear it

I thought this with a smile putting the note aside and dressing in the clothes my mother had prepared.

Soon enough I stood in front of my mirror looking at myself.

I was wearing, kaki-colored pants tucked into brown military boots, above it I was wearing a soft brown undershirt with a white hard leather jacket on top of it, the collar and inside lining all had a soft sort of leather and fur on the collar.

Even though my arms were bare, I looked great, even saw I was finally growing hair even if it looked like a buzz cut for now.

"Got to admit, my mother has style, and I look more like a smuggler than a trader." I smiled saying this.

I soon grabbed my armor and brought it all to the workshop in the back of my cargo bay.

I could already see Rin and Sera close to done with their armor.

When I entered the room I saw their faces show shock when they saw me in these clothes, well Sera looked shocked with a blush but Rin… she was drooling.

"Rin your drolling, and I take it Sera you like what you see." I said with a smile

"*gulp* oh yes master I like what I see…" Rin said with a gulp before getting a hit on the head from Sera.

"Yes sir, it suits you rather well, and the scars add to a bad-boy vibe." I heard Sera say, biting her lower lip with sparkling eyes.

'Great, seems I will be busy during this trip.' I thought, wishing to finish the maintenance before things got sidetracked again

"Well, when you're done go get familiar with the ship." I told them, putting my armor on the workbench and the rest on a brand-new armor stand next to it

"Will do sir." I heard Sera say before walking away with her armor.

Rin soon left as well when I turned around to take off the armor plates of my suit, totally ignoring her.

'Pfew, this is gonna take a while.' I thought looking at all the dirt, sand, and grime underneath it all.

— — — — — 

Location: Hyperspace - Onboard the Komr'rk of Alpha team

Butch POV:

I looked at the data or message given to me just before launch.


Listen up, in this pad are the instructions for those chokers on Sera and Rin, I made sure its coded so that only Jack will be able to open it.

Find a way to give it to him, including those boxes with more of those collars or chokers, still not sure what to call them.

Oh, if there is anyone good enough among enemy women, to capture them, we could use some more in the clan and might even be able to make them into warriors.

Or 'that' if you find any that Jack might be interested in.

Anyway, do this and I will spare your son Odo from his capital crime of joining Deathwatch.


Chief Catra Cleo Gryphen}

"Damit chief…" I shook my head, she knew I cared too much about Odo, he's my oldest child and never put the clan in danger or he would not have lied and used some random dead people who died before the war who had a kid in prison as his alias.

"Boss?" I could hear my second wonder

"Sigh, seems we will have a side mission from the chief." I gave the pad to him

"Read it and you will know." I told him rubbing my temple due to the sudden headache I got from this

I can hardly believe her audacity on this, I thought when I saw the face of my second-in-command grimace.

"Fuck…" was all I heard him say, watching him sit down and rub his own temples.

Ha, two minds think alike huh, even though I kind of scoffed at that.

"How are we even going to do that? The heir is way out of the way and closest to the Fortress, not only that… finding capable women among Pirates? That are not pleasure slaves?" I heard him say with a shake of the head

"Not only that, any potential women the heir might like or be interested in, again that are not pleasure slaves?" he said

"Yea… among pirates that is kind of impossible, no it is impossible." I corrected myself

"For now let us talk about Lark and Lazy-bones, you think the brat will learn anything?" I asked him

"Ha! As if, Alpha had to train him and we gave up after a while because we would have killed him if we hadn't stopped. Lazy is going to have his hands full dealing with that pampered ass." his words made me laugh.

"Hahaha! That is correct, but you forget one little thing." I said leaning forward with a grim look on my face

"He might be lazy and have patience in spades… but what if he snaps, the kid would be tied, skinned, and roasted and all that if the kid does not die during any of it.." I told him watching him pale.

"By the ancestral spirits… I forgot about that." he said with a pale face.

"We can only hope." I raised my drink

"...we can only hope" I heard him mumble, as we both threw our beers back, with an entire box near us.

We of Alpha never go in sober but will leave sober

— — — — — 

Location: Hyperspace - Onboard the Komr'rk of Bravo team

A young man around twenty could be seen shadowboxing.

The young man is of average human height with blond hair and dark blue eyes.

This man in question is Lark, who is busy practicing his hand-to-hand.

Lark POV:

I never thought I would be allowed on a mission of this magnitude, my parents both elders of the clan would never let me go normally.

I guess pestering them enough finally allowed me to go.

And now that I finally am, I will show up the heir, and in turn, become the Heir myself

That thought made me gain a smirk 

I kept practicing thinking of that bastard's face, but all good things came to a stop when I saw the dubbed Lazy-bones walk towards me.

No armor on just a shirt and pants, no shoes either, hands and feet bound with bandages.

I have a bad feeling about this.

And that feeling was right, I saw the man suddenly run my way before I was flung into a wall.

"*cough* charge unexpected… expected a kick." I said through a cough

"Dam brat, you got too many openings, now get back up." I heard him say and I could feel my eyes shrink and my body pale at the stance he took.

'Teräskäsi fighting style the Steelhand fighting style… I'm done for, only close combat masters use it for hand-to-hand or knife and hand.' I thought in pure fear.

But he never gave me the chance to regain myself since the moment I stood up I got downed by an elbow in my side making me wince in pain.

"Even now you are thinking about the Heir, you should think how to counter me!" I heard him growl at me where my block got hit by a knife hand, making me wince

I got thrown every way possible and felt slight pain whenever I got hit, this made me aware he was not holding back his punches like all the guards had done.

"Sir, I found this pad for you with a message from the chief." the second-in-command said making him stop.

That was when I flew back and rolled on the floor soon coughing and spitting some blood.

"Never look away from your enemy." I heard him say when I saw him read the data pad and grimace.

"Oh chief you crazy woman." I heard him say

I took the time to regain myself and to listen in.

"You are in luck brat, seems this message of the chief tells us some much-needed extra information." he said making me look wide-eyed.

"That means we will have a tough fight, much tougher than we initially expected, expect heavy enemy fire." I saw him walk away when I charged at him.

I noticed myself flying again and saw everything… turn black.

— — — — — 

Location: Hyperspace - Onboard of YT-1930 Light Fraighetr 'Wayfarer'

Jack's POV:

After I finished and had put everything back in order after a thorough clean on the inside as well, mainly the under-weave.

So I decided to leave everything on the armor stand and decided to go back to my room to do some reading.

Or I would have if I had not been stopped just outside the doors by an over-excited Rin.

Who mind you, dragged me to the room that had been suspiciously sparkling clean to the right of the bathroom last I checked during the tour.

When she dragged me in there I no longer saw the room it had been, it had changed drastically, there was no longer a normal bed or console or anything it had before.

It now had a bed with chains on it, and the walls, the walls now had chains and some sort of padding on them so you couldn't get hurt.

However in the middle were some stockades, three in fact, in a triangular formation with some weird device to put in food or drink, I wasn't too sure what it was.

To my left and right sides just next to the door, I saw two racks filled with whips and other things.

"Look at this pad! It says here this is a special prison room" Rin told me excited about the prospects.

'Special prison room, fuck that this is more a pleasure dungeon or a 'special' training room for pleasure slaves.' I thought, with my left eye twitching

I decided to read the pad before I snapped and did something bad, like take it all out and later throw it out the cargo bay after leaving hyperspace… to just name something.

Looking at the pad I was shocked again because what I found surprised me even more.

{To my dear Grandson,

Listen up you brat, I'm pleased you finally got some cute girls with ya, this room is my gift to you and also my thank you for all the support and supplies you brought home and even to other clans.

You can also use it for some fun with them girls or use it to train new girls or I quote female prisoners. (*wink*).

Enjoy yourself to the fullest boy, you are only young once, Hahaha!

Oh, before I forget, the device between the stockades is filled with a special brew of mine, the more female prisoners drink from it… the raunchier they will become and soon be begging for that, Hahahaha!

See you brat,


This message made my mouth twitch just like my left eye.

Really gran, that woman is always so kind and gentle… I'm starting to think I never knew her.

Then again I only awoke a few weeks ago in this universe so I guess, technically I don't know her that well.

I saw an extra file added showing how to make more of that 'special drink' I closed the door after dragging Rin out and locking her and Sera out from it.

Rather not have them experiment or well Rin attempt to taste that drink.

"Sigh, what is wrong with my family…" I shook my head walking away

'A small prison would have been fine but this… I'm not sure what to think anymore.' I thought, entering my room once more.