Chapter 4

** Angelic Encounters**

**Athena's Point of View**

We descend from the cliff like we're starring in an epic movie—Taye's wings spread wide, gliding us down toward the shimmering castle below. Meanwhile, I'm gripping his arm like a cat clinging to a curtain, hoping I don't end up as a splat on the ground.

As we land softly on the cobblestone path leading to the castle gates, I'm too busy mentally congratulating myself for not screaming the entire way down to notice that we're not alone. Taye's wings fold neatly behind him, and he gives me a look like, "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" I respond with a shaky thumbs-up because, really, what else do you do after surviving an impromptu flight?

The castle up close is even more impressive. The stone walls shimmer with an otherworldly light, and the towers are so tall that I have to crane my neck to see the tops. I half-expect a dragon to swoop down and give us a warm (possibly fire-breathing) welcome.

But before I can fully take in the view, my attention is drawn to a group of figures approaching us from the castle. They're all winged, like Taye, but their wings are different—some are silver, some gold, and one has wings that look like they've been dipped in every color of the rainbow. They're all stunning, of course, because apparently, there's no such thing as an unattractive angel.

One of them, a tall angel with golden wings and a very serious expression, steps forward. His eyes are locked onto Taye, and I suddenly feel like I'm witnessing a celestial parent-teacher conference.

"Taye," the golden-winged angel says, his voice deep and authoritative. "You're late."

Oh great, angels can be sticklers for punctuality. Who knew?

Taye gives a small, apologetic nod. "Apologies, Arion. There were… complications."

Arion—because of course his name would be something fancy like that—turns his gaze to me, and I suddenly feel like I'm being judged by the strictest teacher in the school. "And this is the human?" he asks, like he's sizing me up to see if I'm worth the trouble.

"Yep, that's me," I say, trying to sound casual. "Athena Mikaelson, fresh from Brooklyn. Or, you know, whatever's left of me."

Arion raises one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "She's... different," he mutters, not exactly sounding thrilled about it.

"Different is good, right?" I chime in, flashing what I hope is a charming smile. "I mean, it's better than being boring."

Arion looks like he's deciding whether to laugh or smite me. I'm really hoping for the former. Luckily, another angel steps forward before things get too awkward. This one has silver wings and a face that's more open and friendly. He's like the 'fun uncle' angel, if that's a thing.

"I'm Lirael," he says, giving me a broad smile. "Welcome to Lanom, Athena. Don't mind Arion, he's just mad because someone stole his lunch yesterday."

Arion glares at Lirael, who just laughs it off. "I'm kidding… mostly," Lirael adds, winking at me. I can't help but like this guy—or angel, or whatever.

"Thanks, Lirael. It's nice to meet someone here who doesn't look like they're about to send me to detention," I say, giving Arion a side-eye. 

Taye clears his throat, trying to get us back on track. "Athena's journey in Lanom will be unique. We need to determine her purpose here."

"Ah, the ol' 'figure out why the heck you're stuck between worlds' routine," Lirael says, nodding sagely. "Been there, done that, bought the wings." 

I snort, unable to help myself. "So, what's the plan? Do I get a map or a checklist or something?"

"Not exactly," Taye says, his tone turning serious again. "But you will have guidance. We'll be with you every step of the way."

"Except during lunch," Lirael interjects. "Apparently, that's a free-for-all."

Arion sighs, clearly losing patience. "We should proceed to the council chamber. Time is of the essence."

Lirael claps me on the back, nearly knocking me over with his angelic strength. "Don't worry, Athena. It's not as bad as it sounds. You'll do fine. Besides, we've all been through this initiation stuff before. It's like hazing, but with more wings."

Great, so now I'm pledging Angel House. What could possibly go wrong?

As we head toward the castle doors, I notice a few more angels hanging out in the courtyard. One is lounging on a bench, casually polishing a spear with wings that are a shimmering black, while another with bright red wings is engaged in what looks like a heated debate with a dragon who's... wearing a monocle?

Okay, now I've seen everything. This place is like the afterlife's answer to a fantasy comic book convention.

The castle doors swing open with a creak that's far too dramatic to be accidental, and we step inside. The interior is just as impressive as the outside, with high vaulted ceilings, intricate stained glass windows, and tapestries that look like they're alive—literally. One of them waves at me as we pass by, and I awkwardly wave back. 

"So, what exactly happens in this council chamber?" I ask, trying to sound casual and failing miserably.

"Mostly a lot of talking," Lirael says, rolling his eyes. "And some arguing, if we're lucky. But don't worry, it's just protocol. We'll get you sorted out."

"Yeah, 'sorted out.' That's reassuring," I mutter, feeling the weight of the situation start to sink in. This isn't just some weird dream or prank. This is real, and I'm about to find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

But as we walk through the grand hallways of the castle, surrounded by angels and dragons and who knows what else, I can't help but feel a strange sense of excitement. Maybe this afterlife thing won't be so bad after all. 

If I'm stuck here, I might as well make the most of it. And who knows? Maybe I'll discover that being different isn't just okay—it's exactly what I need to survive in this crazy, winged world.