Chapter 9

** The Dragon Drop-Off**

**Athena's Point of View**

I'm jolted awake by a series of loud, frantic knocks on my door. My first thought is that it's probably just another dream trying to drag me back to the chaotic world of dragons and celestial debates. But the knocking doesn't stop, and neither does the faint sense of panic rising in me.

"Alright, alright!" I groan, throwing off the covers and stumbling toward the door. I open it to find Lirael, who looks like she's been sent on a mission of utmost urgency. Her wings flutter behind her with the kind of authority that makes me want to snap to attention.

"Good morning!" I say, half-expecting her to have something important to tell me, like that I've won a celestial lottery or something. Instead, she looks at me with a mix of impatience and determination.

"Get dressed. We're flying to Egnand. Arion needs you to help deliver a list of lost souls," she says briskly, her wings ruffling with each word.

"Wait, wait, wait," I reply, trying to process this. "We're flying to Hell? As in, the Hell?"

"Yes, that's the one," Lirael confirms. "And since you don't have wings, you're going to fly with Nyx."

"Nyx?" I repeat, my mind racing. "Who's Nyx?"

Lirael opens the door wider, revealing a massive dragon lounging in the hallway, looking decidedly unimpressed. It yawns, revealing teeth that could probably use a dentist visit. "Meet Nyx. She's your ride."

Nyx looks at me with a mix of boredom and disdain. "Great," I mutter. "I'm riding a dragon named after a night goddess. Just what I needed."

"Don't worry," Lirael says with a smirk. "Just hold on tight and try not to scream too much. It's bad for Nyx's delicate sensibilities."

I eye Nyx's scaled back, which looks like it could be a bit slippery. "So, any advice on how not to embarrass myself while flying?"

"Just don't fall off," Lirael says, her tone as deadpan as Nyx's gaze. "And try not to look too terrified. Dragons can smell fear."

"Great," I say, climbing onto Nyx's back and trying not to look terrified. "Just my luck."

As soon as Lirael mounts Nyx behind me, we're airborne. I clutch Nyx's scales with white-knuckled intensity as we soar through the sky. The wind rushes past us, and I try to keep my eyes open. Lirael, on the other hand, seems perfectly at ease, her wings fluttering as if they were made for this.

After what feels like an eternity of my nerves fraying and Nyx occasionally giving annoyed snorts, we finally land in the bleak and smelly expanse of Egnand. Arion is waiting for us, looking as grumpy as ever.

"About time," Arion says, glancing at me. "I hope you didn't scare Nyx too much."

"I think Nyx might be considering a career change," I reply, trying to steady my nerves. "I hear dragon whispering is a lucrative profession."

Arion hands me a scroll that looks like it's been around since the dawn of time. "Here's the list of lost souls. Make sure it gets delivered to the right place."

"Got it," I say, trying to sound more confident than I feel. "I'll handle this."

As we start walking, Arion explains that we need to find the Keeper of Lost Souls, a notoriously cranky entity with a reputation for being difficult to please. Perfect.

But then I spot a familiar figure lounging against a pillar with a lazy grin. It's Lucifer, looking as devilishly charming as ever.

"Well, well, if it isn't Athena," he says, strolling over with an air of casual arrogance. "What brings you to Egnand?"

"I'm here on a soul-delivery mission," I reply, trying not to blush at his attention. "And I didn't expect to see you."

"Surprise," Lucifer says with a wink. "And I must say, you look quite… out of place."

"Oh, thank you," I say, trying to sound sarcastic. "That's exactly what I was going for."

Lucifer's eyes twinkle with mischief. "So, how's the dragon ride? Did Nyx behave?"

"Nyx was a perfect angel," I say, my tone dripping with irony. "Except for the part where she almost threw me off her back."

"Ah, dragons are such divas," Lucifer says with a grin. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the hang of things. Just remember, if you need anything, I'm around."

I try to ignore the way his gaze seems to draw me in, like I'm being pulled by some invisible force. "I'll keep that in mind," I say, focusing on the scroll. "But for now, I've got souls to deliver."

Lucifer gives me one last teasing smile before disappearing into the shadows. I glance at Lirael, who raises an eyebrow.

"Don't let him get to you," she advises. "He's all charm and no substance."

"Tell that to my blushing cheeks," I mutter as we head into the heart of Egnand. 

Despite the grim task ahead, I find myself smiling. If nothing else, this place has its moments of dark comedy, and I'm definitely here for the ride—soul deliveries and all.