Lamar’s Pride

Ciara's body weakened, her mind foggy from lack of nourishment. But her spirit remained unbroken. She lay on the cold, hard floor, her belly aching with hunger, her throat parched with thirst.

Three days passed, or so she thought. Time lost all meaning in the darkness. She was given dry bread and water, but it was barely enough to sustain her.

Despite her physical weakness, Ciara's determination never wavered. She knew that if she gave in to Lamar's demands, she would be putting her children in danger. She had to protect them, no matter the cost.

As the hours ticked by, Ciara's consciousness began to fade. She phased in and out, her mind drifting to memories of her past, her loved ones, and her unborn children.

In her lucid moments, she thought of Fidel, wondering if he knew about her predicament. Was he searching for her? Did he care?

But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on her survival. She had to conserve her strength, for her children's sake.

As she lay there, Ciara's body began to shut down. Her heart rate slowed, her breathing shallow. But her spirit remained strong, refusing to surrender.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the door to her cell creaked open. A figure loomed in the entrance, their features obscured by the shadows.

Lamar had sent for her.

Ciara was dragged from the darkness of the dungeon, her body weak and bruised. She was thrown to the ground before Lamar's throne, her eyes fixed on the Alpha's cold, calculating gaze.

"Ah, Ciara," Lamar said, his voice dripping with malice. "I see you're still stubborn. But I think it's time you learned to cooperate."

Ciara spat at his feet, defiance burning in her eyes.

Lamar chuckled. "How...amusing. But let's get down to business. I know Fidel's name has come up before. And I think it's time we discussed him."

Ciara's heart skipped a beat, fear creeping up her spine.

"You see, Ciara, I can make your life very...difficult. Unless you tell me the truth. Who is Fidel to you? And what is your relationship with him?"

Ciara's lips sealed, her jaw clenched in determination.

Lamar's smile grew wider. "Ah, I see. Well, let me make things clearer. If you don't confess, I'll send for Fidel myself. And I'm sure he'll be...interested to know about your little secret."

Ciara's eyes widened in horror, her mind racing with terror. She knew she couldn't let that happen.

"Fine," she spat, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll tell you. But please, don't tell Fidel."

Lamar's eyes gleamed with triumph. "Oh, I'm listening."

Ciara's words tumbled out in a desperate rush. "We had a one-night stand, Fidel and I. I was cast out of the pack, shunned. He can never know about the twins, Lamar. His pack is powerful, ruthless. They'll destroy me, and anyone who helps me, on a whim."

Lamar's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes narrowing as he considered her words. After a moment, he nodded.

"Very well, Ciara. I'll keep your secret...for now. But know this: if I discover you're lying to me, or hiding anything else, you'll suffer the consequences."

He gestured to his guards. "Take her to the holding cell. See that she receives medical attention and proper care for her...condition."

The guards dragged Ciara away, but this time, she was taken to a cell with a softer bed, clean water, and a small window that let in a sliver of light. A doctor came to examine her, and she was given food and rest.

Ciara knew she wasn't out of danger yet, but for the first time in days, she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she and her twins would survive this after all.

A few days had passed since Ciara's confession, and Lamar had been deep in thought, weighing his options carefully. He had secluded himself in his throne room, refusing to see anyone, as he pondered the implications of Ciara's revelation.

The silence was only broken by the occasional rustle of papers or the soft scratch of his pen on parchment, as he made notes and schemed. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one more complex than the last.

But finally, after days of contemplation, Lamar's thoughts began to clarify. A plan began to form, and with it, a sense of determination.

He sat up straight, his eyes narrowing as he thought through the details.

"Yes, it's a risk, marrying a human woman. But the reward...the reward is worth it. Alpha twins, born of a human mother. The power they could's unprecedented."

"And Ciara herself...she's strong, resilient. To carry Lycan babies, to survive the pregnancy...she's special, no doubt about it."

"Of course, the pack will object. They'll see it as a weakness, a dilution of our bloodline. But I'll make them see reason. I'll make them understand the benefits."

"And Fidel...ah, Fidel. He'll be furious when he finds out. But by then, it will be too late. Ciara will be mine, bound to me by pack law. And the twins...they'll be mine too, raised as my own."

"It's a gamble, I know. But I'm willing to take it. For the power, for the prestige...for the chance to shape the future of our kind."

Lamar's mind was made up. He would marry Ciara, make her his bride, and claim the Alpha twins as his own. The consequences would be far-reaching, but he was ready to face them head-on.

He sent for Ciara.

Ciara was led to Lamar's throne room, her heart racing with anticipation. She had no idea what to expect, but she steeled herself for the worst.

Lamar's expression was unreadable as she approached. But to her surprise, he smiled, and his eyes seemed to gleam with excitement.

"Ciara, I've made a decision," he said, his voice low and smooth. "I want to marry you. Make you my bride, and claim the twins as my own."

Ciara's mind reeled. She had expected punishment, not a proposal.

"Why?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lamar leaned forward, his eyes burning with intensity. "Because I see potential in you, Ciara. Strength, resilience. And the twins...they're a game-changer. With them by my side, I can secure my pack's future."

Ciara hesitated, unsure of what to say. But Lamar's next words sealed the deal.

"I'll close the chapter on Fidel," he promised. "You'll never have to worry about him again. You'll be mine, and mine alone."

Ciara's heart leapt at the promise. She was willing to do anything to escape Fidel's grasp.


"Yes," she said, her voice firm. "I accept."

Lamar's smile grew wider, triumphant. "Excellent," he purred. "We'll make the arrangements immediately."

At this point it didn't matter what any pack member thought, things have changed and for the betterment of the pack. It was high time they embraced change.

Ciara's life had now taken a different turn.