
Fidel stepped forward; his eyes locked on his children. "I am your biological father," he said, his voice firm. "I know this may come as a shock, but it's true. And as your father, I have a right to be a part of your lives."

Ethan and Emery looked at each other, then back at Fidel, their expressions unreadable.

"What does this mean?" Ethan asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It means that you have a choice to make," the wise council member interjected. "You can choose to acknowledge Fidel as your father and be part of his life, or you can choose to reject him and maintain your current life with your mother."

Ethan and Emery looked at each other, their minds racing with the implications. They had always known they were different, that they didn't quite fit in with the rest of the pack. But this? This was something they never could have imagined.

"I don't know," Ethan said finally, his voice laced with uncertainty. "I need time to think."

Emery nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. This is a lot to take in."

Fidel's face fell, his eyes flashing with disappointment. "Fine," he growled. "Take all the time you need. But know this: I will not be ignored. I will not be rejected. I am your father, and I will claim you as my own."

Ciara stepped forward, her eyes blazing with anger. "You will not bully them, Fidel. They have the right to make their own decisions."

The council member held up his hands, calling for calm. "Enough. We will reconvene in three days' time. Ethan and Emery, I suggest you use that time to consider your decision carefully. The fate of your lives hangs in the balance."

As the meeting adjourned, Ethan and Emery left the council chambers, their minds reeling with the weight of their decision. What would they choose? Would they accept Fidel as their father, or would they reject him and forge their own path? Only time would tell.

Sophia, Fidel's wife, watched the scene unfold with a calculating gaze. She had always known that Fidel had a past, but she had never suspected that it was so complicated. Now, with the revelation of Ethan and Emery's true parentage, Sophia saw an opportunity to secure her place in Fidel's life.

She approached Fidel, her voice sweet and seductive. "My dear husband, I see now that you have been burdened with a great secret. But I want you to know that I am here for you, always."

Fidel's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. "What do you want, Sophia?"

Sophia's smile never wavered. "I want to help you, Fidel. I want to help you claim your rightful place as the father of Ethan and Emery. And I want to ensure that they acknowledge me as their stepmother."

Fidel's expression changed; his eyes gleaming with interest. "Go on."

Sophia's voice took on a persuasive tone. "Think of it, Fidel. With Ethan and Emery by our side, our power and influence will be unstoppable. We will be the dominant force in the pack, and no one will dare to challenge us."

Fidel's face set in a determined expression. "I like the way you think, Sophia. Together, we will make at nothing."

Sophia's smile grew wider, her eyes glinting with triumph. She had secured her place in Fidel's life, and now she would stop at nothing to ensure that Ethan and Emery became hers to control.

Ciara stormed into the palace, her mind racing with thoughts of Fidel's betrayal. She found Lamar in the throne room, his expression calm and collected.

"Are you satisfied now?" Ciara demanded, her voice trembling with anger. "Everyone knows the truth. You've got what you wanted."

Lamar's gaze locked onto Ciara's, his eyes glinting with a hint of something more. "Oh, no, my dear Ciara. I'm just getting started."

Ciara's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

Lamar's smile grew wider. "Fidel's throne is weak, Ciara. And now that his secrets are out, he's more vulnerable than ever. I intend to take advantage of that."

Ciara's eyes widened in shock. "You can't be serious. You're not going to challenge Fidel for the throne, are you?"

Lamar's expression turned cold and calculating. "Why not? I have the support of the pack, and Fidel's actions have made him a liability. It's time for a new leader to take the reins."

Ciara's mind reeled as she realized Lamar's true intentions. He had been playing

her all along, using her to get to Fidel. And now, he would stop at nothing to claim the throne for himself.

"You're using me," Ciara accused, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lamar's smile never wavered. "Perhaps, my dear Ciara. But you'll find that my rule will be much more... beneficial to you than Fidel's ever was."

Ciara entered the room where Ethan and Emery were waiting, their eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "Mom, why didn't you tell us?" Ethan asked, his voice laced with hurt.

Ciara took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I was trying to protect you, kids. I didn't want you to know about Fidel's true nature until you were old enough to understand."

Emery's eyes narrowed. "But why keep it a secret? Why not tell us the truth?"

Ciara sighed, feeling a pang of guilt. "I was afraid of losing you both. I knew that if you found out about Fidel's past, you might want to know more about him, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you to him."

Ethan's expression softened. "Mom, we're not going anywhere. We just want to know the truth."

Ciara's eyes welled up with tears. "I know, kids. And I'm sorry. I was wrong to keep it from you. But please, you have to be careful around Fidel. He's not what he seems."

Emery's eyes flashed with anger. "We know, Mom. We're not stupid. And we're not going to let him get away with this."