"What a majestic dinosaur…"
Without hesitation, Sunny pulled out March's camera. There was no possible way that he was going to lose this opportunity. Eyeing the long-necked, purple reptile with reverence, he rapidly snapped a picture book's worth of pictures. Hopefully, the camera wouldn't run out of memory storage.
It looked similar to the Brontosaurus, a prehistoric creature that Ruan Mei had told him about when he begged her to tell him what a dinosaur was. However, no amount of diagrams could possibly compare to the real thing. They had curved horns that were accompanied by what seemed to be whiskers.
Although, he did question how one was able to exist, as dinosaurs went extinct… a very long time ago. On Earth at that, so it was very strange to find one on an uncharted world such as this…
"…You've been taking pictures for almost an hour. Also, it's a droma, not a dinosaur. Two different things."
At Dan Heng's baseless conjecture, Sunny repeated his words in a mocking tone.
"'It's a droma, not a dinosaur~' They're the same thing!"
The older… much older man sighed as he realized that this was a worthless endeavor. Instead, he shifted to a different topic.
"I didn't expect that a dinosaur of all things could hold your attention for so long. I would have thought that you would be harassing either Castorice or Phainon."
Sunny scoffed as he continued to snap pictures from every angle possible.
"First of all, it's not harassment. I'm a very likable person. Second of all, you wouldn't understand because you're a dinosaur!"
"My biology is closed to a dragon, actually. Of course, Vidyadhara are not dragons."
"Okay, magical dinosaurs then. Anyways, the point is that you wouldn't get the novelty!"
Sunny hardly sees normal animals around. Usually, it was Nightmare Creatures, Fragmentum monsters, and all the different non-human species on the Xianzhou. Memetic entities didn't count, since they weren't even real.
As such, every mundane animal was interesting to him. Especially dinosaurs.
"…Hey, when we're Saints, do you think you'll be able to become a dragon?"
Dan Heng narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"What do you mean 'when'?"
Sunny nonchalantly shrugged.
"You're a bit late on the uptake. Did you forget that this is a progression fantasy? It'd be a miracle if we don't become gods by the end of this…"
A baffled expression appeared on Dan Heng's face.
"…I should probably ignore that."
He sighed.
"Seriously, why are you taking so many pictures?"
Sunny paused for a moment, before he continued to snap some more shots.
"That idiot March wouldn't know what a dinosaur looked like even if I explained it to her, so I'm making sure to perfectly illustrate it's magnificence for her! I'm just that nice."
In response to his words, the dinosaur preened. It deliberately struck poses that would be found in a dinosaur movie, allowing him to get even more shots.
Sunny wasn't sure how a dinosaur understood the human tongue, but who cared?
After a few more minutes, Sunny stopped so that he could look through the photos he took. Although plenty of storage was taken up, each photo was too valuable to delete. If she knew what's good for her, March wouldn't think about deleting any once he saw her again.
Meanwhile, Dan Heng shook his head in exasperation.
"What is the main reason you're taking so many photos?"
The corners of Sunny's lips twitched as he glared at Dan Heng. What a particular question. He sighed.
"It's not much different. I just wanted to show this to March. That idiot decided that catching the common cold wasn't cute enough, so she got something a lot less common."
At the horrible joke, Dan Heng stared at the top of his head to ensure a certain hat was nowhere to be seen. That only made things more awkward.
"…She'd probably prefer it if you took pictures of other things instead. Besides, I doubt she wants you to waste her storage."
Sunny pursed his lips, lost in thought.
"Mem, what do you think I should take a picture of?"
The pink, fluffy creature suddenly appeared, rising out of the unmoving Creepy shadow. She placed her hands on her hips, speaking in a strange dialect that Sunny could somehow understand.
"As a beautiful girl myself, I'd guess that she would want to admire the visage of another beautiful girl! After all, birds of a feather flock together!"
Sunny wasn't sure that her logic made any sense, but what did he know? At the same time, he couldn't help but say:
"You're many things, like a puppy, bunny, maybe even a dinosaur, but a beautiful girl isn't one of them… wait, don't tell me that's your true form?!"
He had previously witnessed a walking flamethrower turn into a girl, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched if the same applied to Mem, right?
The strange creature was about to deny his statement, before pausing.
"…Well, it isn't impossible."
Dan Heng couldn't understand Mem, so he had no idea what they'd were talking about.
After a few moments, Sunny nodded.
"In that case, I'll go take a picture with Castorice! That way, the conditions would be met, right? Besides, I bet my glorious visage would enhance the photo… and we could have a dinosaur in the background!"
He turned in a random direction, intending to scout out the entire city of Ohkema in order to find the Chrysos Heir. Meanwhile, Dan Heng raised a hand in an attempt to stop him.
"Wait, I don't think that March would want to see another…"
…He was already gone, having stepped through the shadows.
"What is the real reason you took so many pictures?"
Sunny frowned at Mem's words. People were starting to get too comfortable with asking him questions. He decided it was fine to tell her.
"…Well, it's March's birthday today. I thought some dinosaur pictures would be a pretty good present, even though it be late… still, why would she want a picture of a pretty girl anyways?"
Sunny paused.
"Are you projecting your desires onto her?"
Mem suspiciously looked away.
"What? Of course not."
Sunny shook his head with a wry grin on his face. Even if March didn't want a picture of Castorice, she'd still get plenty of dinosaur pics.
…He suddenly had a business idea.
"Mem, what do you think about resurrecting a bunch of dinosaurs?"
She blinked.
Sunny grinned.
"Then, we could create an amusement park filled with dinosaurs. We could make a ton of money! As for the name… let's ignore copyright and call it Jurassic Park!"