55 Whispers in the Industry

The fallout from their meeting with the whistleblower began almost immediately. The music industry had a way of sensing shifts in power, and Lucas's sudden silence after the lawsuit stirred suspicion. News outlets buzzed with speculation, some questioning why Lucas hadn't responded publicly while others reported that he was preparing for a media blitz.

Back at the apartment, the atmosphere was charged with tension. Lucas, Emily, and Mark had spent the better part of the week planning their next move. The flash drive held everything they needed, but the path forward was far from simple. They had to be strategic. The first step was to assemble a team of trustworthy allies—people with influence and the skills to help leak the information without exposing Lucas or his sources.

Emily's phone pinged. She glanced at the screen and gave a small, tight smile. "We've got a meeting with Megan Winters. She's one of the top investigative journalists out there. If anyone can help us navigate this, it's her."

Lucas nodded, appreciating the significance of bringing in someone like Megan. Her reputation was spotless, and her exposés had brought down corrupt corporations in the past. If they could get her on their side, the label would have a much harder time covering their tracks.

Later that evening, they met Megan in a small, private office downtown. She was sharp-eyed and professional, with an air of no-nonsense determination. After brief introductions, Emily explained the situation, laying out the basics of what they had uncovered.

Megan leaned back in her chair, listening carefully. When Emily finished, Megan steepled her fingers and fixed Lucas with a pointed look. "This is huge, Lucas. If even half of what you're saying is true, this could take down some of the biggest players in the industry. But I need to know one thing before we go any further—are you ready for what comes next?"

Lucas hesitated for only a moment before he nodded. "I've come too far to stop now."

Megan studied him for a long moment, then gave a small, approving nod. "Good. Here's how we do this…"


Over the next few days, the plan started to take shape. Megan would handle the investigative side, quietly reaching out to industry contacts to corroborate the information on the drive. Meanwhile, Emily and Mark focused on protecting Lucas's public image, keeping him out of the spotlight while they prepared to strike. They needed the timing to be perfect.

But the label wasn't sitting idle. Lucas's silence wasn't going unnoticed, and whispers began circulating through the industry. Executives at the label were starting to get nervous, sending out feelers to see if Lucas was planning to retaliate. It was only a matter of time before they realized what he had.

One afternoon, while Emily was reviewing their strategy, her phone buzzed again—this time with a different kind of message. She frowned, showing it to Lucas and Mark.

"It's from an anonymous number. They're offering a deal."

Lucas's stomach tightened as he read the message: *We know what you have. You don't want to go through with this. Come to us, and we can work something out. It doesn't have to end badly for you.*

Mark cursed under his breath, leaning over the table. "They're getting desperate. They don't know exactly what we have, but they're guessing. They want to buy you off before you go public."

Lucas felt a surge of anger. The label had already tried to destroy him—now they were trying to silence him with a bribe. "I'm not taking their deal," he said firmly.

Emily nodded. "We didn't come this far to back down now. But we need to be careful. If they're reaching out, they might also be planning something more aggressive."


The tension ramped up as the week wore on. Megan was making progress with the investigation, uncovering more details to back up the evidence on the flash drive. But as they moved closer to the breaking point, Lucas began to feel the pressure mounting. The label wasn't going to go down without a fight, and every day they waited felt like another step closer to an all-out war.

Late one night, as Lucas sat alone in his apartment, his mind raced with thoughts of what was to come. He had always dreamed of making a difference in the industry, of standing up for the little guy. But now that he was on the brink of exposing everything, the enormity of it was hitting him hard.

A soft knock on the door broke him from his thoughts. He stood and opened it to find Emily, her face etched with concern.

"I just got off the phone with Megan," she said quietly. "The label's lawyers are moving. They've been quietly contacting media outlets, trying to get ahead of the story. They want to paint you as a disgruntled artist before we can release the evidence."

Lucas nodded grimly. He had expected as much. The label had resources, and they would use everything they had to discredit him. But he wasn't going to back down.

"We're still on track?" he asked.

Emily gave a small smile. "Yes. Megan says she'll have everything ready in a few days. Once she publishes the story, it's going to be impossible for the label to cover it up."

Lucas took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination. They were so close now. The end was in sight, but it would be a fight to the finish.

"They're going to come after us with everything they've got," Emily warned. "But we're ready. We've got the truth on our side."

Lucas nodded, his resolve hardening. "Let them come. We'll take them down."