season 1. chapter 13

Chapter 13: The Ominous Quiet

Night had fallen, casting long shadows around the RV as it sat parked at a quiet, dimly lit gas station. The air felt still, almost too still, as if the world itself was holding its breath. Inside the RV, Jason was working out, pushing himself through a set of military-style pushups with Sarah perched comfortably on his back, a book resting in her hands. She read quietly, her voice occasionally breaking the silence with a soft chuckle at something in the story.

Jason grunted as he completed another pushup, his muscles straining but his mind focused. The exercise helped clear his thoughts, a welcome distraction from the strange, uncontrollable power he had discovered within himself. "How's the book?" he asked, his voice slightly strained but steady.

"It's good," Sarah replied with a smile, glancing down at him. "But you might want to slow down before you wear yourself out."

Jason smirked, shaking his head as he kept going. "I'm fine. Just a few more."

Nearby, Emma and Taylor sat together at the small dining table, chatting quietly as they watched Jason's workout with amusement. Taylor, looking more relaxed than she had in days, leaned over to Emma. "I don't know how Sarah can just sit there like that. He makes it look so easy."

Emma laughed softly, shrugging. "It's Jason. He's always been like that—pushing himself to the limit but making it look like nothing."

Outside, Damion and Daniel stood by the RV, their hands covered in grease as they worked to fill the gas tank. The quiet hum of the station's pumps provided a steady backdrop to their conversation.

"You think we'll be alright out here for a while?" Daniel asked, glancing at the empty road that stretched out before them. It was eerily quiet, with only the occasional car passing by.

Damion wiped his hands on a rag, his brow furrowing. "I don't know. Something feels… off." He scanned the area around them, the unease gnawing at him. "We haven't had a quiet moment in days. This just feels wrong."

Daniel nodded, his eyes narrowing as he looked around. "Yeah, I feel it too. It's too quiet."

They both fell silent, their senses on high alert. The night air felt thick, heavy with something they couldn't quite place. It was as if the world was waiting for something to happen. And then, without warning, it did.

A sudden gust of wind whipped through the gas station, strong enough to rattle the RV slightly. Damion and Daniel froze, their eyes darting around as a deep, low growl echoed from somewhere in the darkness. It was faint, almost imperceptible at first, but unmistakable. Something was out there.

Inside the RV, Jason paused mid-pushup, his body going still as he felt the sudden shift in the air. Sarah, sensing his tension, glanced up from her book. "Jason?"

Jason's eyes narrowed as he slowly lowered himself to the floor, his instincts kicking in. "Something's wrong."

Before anyone could react, the RV shuddered violently, as if something had slammed into it from the outside. Emma and Taylor gasped, their eyes wide as they clutched the edge of the table. Sarah quickly slid off Jason's back, her book forgotten as she stood up, her face pale with worry.

"What was that?" Taylor whispered, her voice trembling.

Jason moved to the window, pulling the curtain back just enough to peer outside. His eyes scanned the darkened gas station, but all he could see was the dim glow of the lights and the shadowy figures of Damion and Daniel standing near the gas pump. They were tense, alert, but Jason couldn't make out what had caused the RV to shake.

"Damion, Daniel!" Jason shouted through the window, his voice sharp. "What's going on out there?"

Before they could respond, the growling grew louder, more menacing, and from the shadows, two figures emerged—hulking, twisted shapes that barely resembled anything human. Their eyes glowed red in the darkness, and their bodies seemed to shift and writhe as they moved. It was as if the very air around them warped with their presence.

Damion took a step back, his jaw clenched. "Jason! Get ready!" he yelled, his voice edged with urgency.

Jason's heart raced as he grabbed his jacket, slipping it on in one smooth motion. "Stay inside," he told Sarah and the others, his voice firm. "Lock the doors. Don't come out unless I tell you."

"No, I'm coming with you," Sarah said, her voice determined.

Jason turned to her, his expression softening for a moment. "Sarah, please. Stay with Emma and Taylor. I need to know you're safe."

Reluctantly, she nodded, stepping back toward Emma and Taylor, who were already locking the doors and windows.

Jason rushed outside, where Damion and Daniel were standing side by side, their eyes locked on the approaching figures. The air felt thick with danger, and the growling had turned into a menacing snarl, reverberating through the gas station.

"What are those things?" Daniel muttered, his voice tight with fear.

"I don't know," Jason replied, his eyes fixed on the creatures. "But we've dealt with worse."

The demons stalked closer, their forms towering and twisted, their eyes glowing with malice. Jason could feel the heat rising within him again—the flicker of fire that had saved him before. He clenched his fists, trying to summon it, but the flames remained just out of reach, as if teasing him.

Damion cracked his knuckles, stepping forward with a determined look. "We fight. Together."

Jason nodded, his mind racing. Whatever these creatures were, they were after them. And they wouldn't stop until the group was destroyed.

The night had turned, and danger was here once again.