season 1. chapter 15

Chapter 15: The Calm Before

The RV rolled along the highway, the distant hum of the road beneath them a comforting, steady rhythm. Inside, the atmosphere had shifted; there was a quiet intensity that hadn't been there before. Everyone was processing what had happened, each lost in their own thoughts. Damion was at the wheel, his focus on the road ahead, while Daniel sat beside him, scanning a map on his phone and making occasional comments about their route.

Emma and Taylor were at the dining table, whispering quietly to each other, their conversation a blend of nervous laughter and tension. Taylor kept glancing at Sarah, her eyes wide with lingering awe from the night before. They had seen strange things in their time, but nothing like what Sarah had done.

At the back of the RV, Jason and Sarah lay together on the small bed, the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the windows. Normally, they would have been talking, joking, or quietly enjoying each other's company, but this time was different. Jason clung to Sarah more tightly than usual, his arms wrapped around her as if afraid to let go. His face, usually so calm and expressive when he was with her, had returned to its familiar stoic mask.

But even in his silence, there was something different in the way he held her—protective, almost desperate. Sarah noticed the shift in him, the way his grip had tightened after the battle. He was more guarded, and while he usually opened up to her in private, he seemed to be retreating into himself.

Still, he couldn't stay silent forever. "You did something incredible back there," Jason said, his voice low, almost distant, but carrying the weight of everything that had happened. "The way you controlled the water… how you took down those creatures. I've never seen anything like it."

Sarah smiled softly, running her fingers through his hair. "I didn't know I could do that," she admitted. "It just… happened. Seeing you lying there, I couldn't stand it. I didn't have time to think. It was like the water was responding to my emotions."

Jason's grip on her tightened a little more. "It was more than that. You were in control the entire time. You were stronger than any of us." His voice faltered for a moment, the stoicism slipping as he looked up at her. "And I couldn't even stay conscious."

Sarah shook her head, leaning down to press her forehead against his. "You were the reason I could do it. Seeing you like that… I had to fight. I couldn't let you go."

He let out a quiet sigh, his fingers tracing the curve of her back. "Still, you've got this power now. It's something big. We have no idea what it means or where it came from, but we need to figure it out."

"We will," Sarah assured him. "Together. Like we always do."

Jason gave a small nod but said nothing more for a while. He stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. His usual confidence was shaken, not just by the battle but by what it meant for all of them. Sarah's abilities had emerged in a moment of need, but what if it wasn't the only surprise waiting for them? There were forces at work far beyond what they understood.

After a long pause, Jason finally spoke again, his voice quieter this time. "I'm just… glad you're alright. That all of you are."

Sarah smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "I'm more worried about you. You've been different since last night."

He was silent for a moment, then sighed. "I don't know, Sarah. I guess it's all just starting to weigh on me. The fights, the demons, the fact that no matter where we go, something is hunting us down. I keep thinking—what if I'm not enough to protect you?"

Sarah frowned, cupping his face gently. "Jason, you don't have to protect me. We protect each other. You've always been there for me, for all of us. But this isn't something you can do alone."

Jason stared into her eyes for a long moment before nodding. "I know. It's just… I guess I'm not used to feeling like I'm not in control."

"Neither am I," Sarah whispered. "But we'll figure this out. Whatever's coming, we'll face it together."

Jason didn't reply, but his expression softened just a little as he rested his head on her chest. They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside the RV moving on without them for the moment.

In the front of the RV, Damion glanced at Daniel, breaking the silence with a soft chuckle. "They're still back there, aren't they? Always cuddling like that."

Daniel smirked, not looking up from his phone. "It's how they cope. Everyone's got their thing."

"Yeah, well, at least one of them has powers now," Damion said, his tone half-joking but laced with seriousness. "That's something we'll need to keep in mind. Water powers. Can't say I saw that coming."

Daniel nodded thoughtfully. "No one did. But it might be the edge we need. Things are only going to get tougher from here. And Jason… he's not the same. I think Sarah's the only thing keeping him grounded right now."

Damion's expression grew more serious as he glanced in the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Jason and Sarah in the back. "Yeah, I noticed. Let's just hope whatever's coming, we're ready for it."

The RV hummed along the road, the tension in the air still palpable, though masked by the quiet conversations and moments of peace. Everyone knew this was only temporary—just a brief lull before the next storm. But for now, they held onto the calm, hoping it would last just a little longer.