Let them a Journey New Begin

I don't own Fallout

The steel oar, its head surrounded and fitted with sharpened gator teeth, sunk deep into the Raider's shoulder, piercing through his leather armor as he roared obscenities and anger at the barbarian woman. "You fucking bitch!" he cursed, moments before a deep, bloody gash tore through his torso as she ripped her rather unique weapon through him. He fell to the ground as blood began to pool, and laid ominously still…

"You face Galoria of the Bourbon Street Gators Slayers!" She roared as bullets flew overhead, "And you have interrupted my conversation!!" She rammed the bottom end of her oar at a charging Ripper-armed Raider, making him stumble back as his nose bled profusely, before sliding it onehanded to hold it at the end before she swung the oar in a wide arc, slicing through several nearby raiders' necks with one powerful swing as they clutched at their suddenly gaping neck wounds, struggling for breath and gagging on their own blood as 'Galoria' laughed manically charging headlong into small arms fire.

If her slaughtering Raiders like old brahmin wasn't such an unnerving sight. She might have been beautiful to watch.

"Why do we even try raiding around here?!" shouted an older, smarter raider, deciding to cut his losses and run for it as his… team? Clan? Thugs he killed people with? It didn't really matter. Barely over a week ago, his last crew got wiped out by the gunslinger known as Swat, he was smart enough to run for it then when he had the chance…

Speaking of… he turned and ran for it, the last few raiders still standing watched him go. Fuck this noise. He was going to try his luck in Nuka-World. Nobody in their right mind tried this shit in Nuka-World. Some of the other Raiders fired pot shots at him but this was a mistake… just because he was running away didn't mean 'Galoria' was going to stop swinging at the rest of them… it took another head brutally being severed in one swing for them to realize that he had the right idea. .

The last raider dumb enough to stay around found himself lifted bodily in the air as Galoria impaled him on her tooth oar weapon, she waved him around like a rather macabre flag before hurling him aside to roll dead in the dirt. She slammed the end of her oar into the ground dramatically, like a flag, and stood proudly among the dead raider bodies as the three Salty City Guards. A female guard, a middle-aged guard, and a young male guard stood watching in silence. They were sent to help her remove the Raiders, but they stared in horrified but amazed awe at the fact that she did all the work…

"A glorious victory to us my good fellows!" she cheered, grinning at them covered in blood.

"…Does she do that all the time?" a female guard hesitantly asked the middle-aged guard.

"…Fuck I hope not…" he mumbled in annoyance but knowing better as the young male guard continued to stare opened mouthed in awe... probably at her impressive rack. "Nice work Galoria." He said as she smiled beautifully at him, but it was still a little off-putting covered in the blood of her enemies.

"Indeed! I have not experienced such exercise since I face the metal horrors of The Auto-mo-ble Factory with Swat!" a look or rather childlike glee crossed her face as she grinned at the guard. "Now. As your problems have been thoroughly removed, may I ask in which direction my husband has gone?"

"…Give us a moment…" said the middle-aged guard as he turned to speak with his compatriots. Galoria politely waited for their private conversation to finish.

The female guard glanced over his shoulder as they huddled, closing the young male guard's mouth with her hand. "I'm not sure telling her where Swat went is a good idea…" she said softly as Galoria let her attention wander freely, smiling all around as she turned her pretty blonde head this way and that. Completely ignoring them.

The middle-aged guard sighed softly. "I don't know… she did help us out with these Raiders… and she's much cheaper than Swat that's for sure." She had cost nothing at all, volunteering to remove the raiders once they had been reported and spotted near a farmstead. He kicked over a dead Raider, her throat torn open by the jagged but sharp teeth lined up along the edges of Galoria's rather unique weapon.

"…Guys." The young guard said, a look of epiphany on his face. "Whether we should or shouldn't, that doesn't really matter…" he mumbled in a hushed whisper. "I'm pretty sure she can MAKE us tell her where Swat went…"

The middle-aged guard sighed again, reluctantly. He had a point. Galoria was easily a close-ranged version of Swat. And if they didn't want to get on Swat's bad side, they certainly wouldn't want to get on Galoria's… Although with enough distance between them they might have risked it… Swat however could kill them at 500 paces in a dust storm.

"…Why do you want to find Swat anyway? I mean yeah, you say he's your husband but that doesn't mean much in the wasteland…" the female guard noted thoughtfully. "My sister's husband ran off eastward years ago, heard he got remarried…" she frowned quietly for a moment, "…Then again I did say I'd kill him if he came back…"

"My husband Swat and I need to return to Bourbon Street so I may accept my coronation as the chief of my tribe."

"I sense a story..." groaned the woman guard with a roll of her eyes.

She smiled at them, apparently quite thrilled to answer their questions, and ignoring the snark. "I was to perform a great feat, something that would benefit my tribe and I chose to slay the Great Albino! Eater of Our Children and Terror of the Bayou!-"

"Skip a bit miss." The middle-aged guard noted as she complied, while quite happily eager to continue.

"The White Beast brought terror and fear to our tribe, and many others, for generations, my grandmother's grandmother lost a leg to it along with her husband! So with my trusty Gator Glaive" she raised the steel oar, in one hand "I set out to slay the monster." The young guard opened his mouth to ask a question, but the female guard elbowed him into silence. "I stalked and hunted in the bayou for three days. Finally, when I found its killing ground… I waited." She said, her voice low and dramatic. "It struck without warning, but I was more than prepared for it, we battled and grappled for hours, I was inches away from death at many moments. Its massive size belying its great speed in the waters. It was easily bigger than the very walls you protect!"

A rather whimsical look crossed her face, considering she was talking about a fight to the death it unnerved the guards a little. "Then exhausted and bloody, my life flashing before my eyes… A sound like a thunderbolt pierced the night air and the eye of the Great Albino. Its roar of pain echoed throughout the bayou. I'm told my tribe heard its echoing cry all the way back at Bourbon Street…" her eyes seemed to sparkle. "He saved my life, calm as the eye of a storm. The monster filled with great unrivaled rage surged towards the hero Swat. His great jaws of death opened wide to swallow him into the darkness… then he tossed a grenade in its mouth and shot the grenade…"

The guards collectively nodded their heads. That certainly sounded like Swat.

"He was a Knight in grubby leather armor… grandmother was happy to receive him! We had never seen such a noble soul before!"

They paused, and stared at her wide-eyed amazement. Finally, the young guard asked out loud the what other two, somewhat confused were inwardly pondering. "…She has met Swat before? Right?"

You have to understand something. To most Wastelanders this side of the Great Rocks; Swat was an extremely efficient, violently ruthless, and no-nonsense mercenary. Granted, that was usually pointed towards causes and jobs for the greater good, but he was a mercenary nonetheless. So to hear of him spoken about like some hero of the wasteland was just a little odd.

"I assume so, she did say he was her husband…" The female guard said hesitantly, although becoming increasingly unsure.

"That reminds me. Are you sure he's your husband?" the middle-aged guard asked.

Galoria smiled broadly at him, "Indeed! We swore an oath of loyalty to each other and spent a wonderous evening together!... Admittedly he had consumed a great deal of holy bourbon first, but grandmother says our oath is binding! He will make a great warleader when I lead the tribe… Assuming my sister hasn't usurped my authority…" she added, looking thoughtful for a moment then shaking it off, smiling again. As if the mere thought of a bloody coup was more humorous than anything.

"…Oh fuck, there are more of her…" the middle-aged guard, disbelieving at the prospect of another 'Galoria' running around, mumbled depressingly under his breath as the female guard, a curious look on her face said…

"Usurp? Wait what?"

"Regardless! Now that the raiders are defeated, I must resume my search for Swat. Please direct me towards Vault 69."

The young guard scratched his chin sheepishly before stating, "We don't actually… know where it is. But Swat went eastward, so you might be able to find him if you follow the road."

"Thank you!" she said cheerily and before the young guard could resist, she had wrapped him into a bone-crushing hug, but considering her generously sized breasts were pressed firmly to his face he didn't really mind when he heard his spine pop. She dropped him wobbling to the ground and went to hug the other two but they stepped away, declining politely. "May we meet again!" she replied cheerily, following the road eastward.

"…Think we shouldn't have told her that? Will Swat be mad?" asked the female guard.

The middle-aged guard shrugged, "No idea… I'm sure he'll be fine. Swat seems like the kind of guy who could handle a woman like her…" the younger guard, groaning with a wide blissful smile on his face. Fell backward into the dirt. They sighed together before standing alongside him, each grabbing a leg, and beginning to drag him back home.

Eastward in Vault 69…

"…So did you tell them yet?" Jack asked as Swat poured over an old-world map.

"…Not yet." Swat replied hesitantly as Jack sighed, audibly. "…I was going to wait until I finished the book."

"Don't just..." he sighed disappointedly, "...Go tell them now." Jack said as Swat sighed. "They might not mind."

Swat eyed the old ghoul for a moment, sighed, then stood up. "…Alright fine. You're not wrong…"

It has been three days since Swat finally found his mother's book. And in that time the women of the vault had reorganized mostly. They haven't decided on a new leader, or if there should only be one. There has been talk of a council and that Swat would be asked to stay… and in all honesty, he might have obliged if he didn't have a task of his own to perform. He had to take the book to his mother's grave…

Which led to his conundrum; He was going to have to leave Masha and Satsuki behind. The journey was long, harsh, and deadly. Jack would of course come, along with Raid, and Casey had openly declared that she was going as well as according to her there were a lot of caps in that direction and the caravan prospects were vast. Shakespeare would be staying however, the women of the vault found him absolutely delightful, and he had even become a sort of teacher of the arts among other things. Plus having a big scary super mutant defending them would be preferred.

Swat rubbed his face as he went looking for them, he hadn't slept much recently, between planning the journey and reading his mother's book he spent many nights awake and most of the day asleep. He wandered the vault for awhile, searching for the two girls before arriving at his room. Finding them both standing around the room he was given and talking absently to each other.

"We should tell him…" Masha said as he entered.

"But-" but Satsuki paused and blinked at him, "Bard."

"…Hey. I've been meaning to talk to you two…" he said, closing the door behind him and rubbing his hair, and walking around them. Tossing his coat onto a nearby table with the rest of his gear. "…As you know I'm going to go see my mother and… it's… far from here." They both watched him together as he cleared his throat. "…I can't take you with me." He said, "Not in good conscience anyway. Honestly it's a good thing, with you too here the vault can recover much faster and…" he paused as they glanced at each other, then back at him." He was pretty good at reading people, but he couldn't read them so he took a rather neutral approach.

"Now girls don't be to ma-Whoof!" they suddenly pushed him onto the bed, and before he could continue his thought Masha's lips were pressed to his, silencing him as Satsuki pressed her big soft chest to his, both of their hands rubbing the quickly appearing bulge in his pants.

"Me too…" Satsuki said as Masha's tongue slapped around his. Masha pulled away and suddenly Satsuki was on his lips now, silencing him again as Masha knelt before him, Satsuki slipped away too, sliding down his body and letting her large breasts rub down his body as she let them rest on his lap. Masha gave him a coy smile, slipping her hands under Satsuki's boobs as Satsuki unzipped her suit slowly. Her breasts bulged from her suit and wobbled erotically as Masha's pulled his pants and underwear away, his cock forcing up between Satsuki's chest, his head poking out between them.

Before he could stop them, Masha's lips were on his tip, as Satsuki's hands pressed her huge tits together, squeezing his length tightly between them before slowly sliding them up and down, slapping against Masha's face as he felt Masha's tongue prod, lick, and dance around his tip. He fell onto his back, his hips thrusting up to meet Satsuki's bouncing breasts, Masha moaning contentedly as his cock slipped lightly between her lips.

"Cum whenever you want…" Satsuki said softly, his cock suddenly throbbing between her breasts, ready to comply as he tried to hold on. Masha pulled away, watching his tip appear and disappear between her friend's breasts, occasionally her tongue would dance out, giving him a quick lick, before disappearing between her talented lips.

"Shit!" he hissed, he was never a match for Satsuki's heavenly chest, his cock pulsed as Satsuki sped up, her breasts slapping loudly on his lap as she gazed at him, patiently waiting as, finally after what felt like an eternity, he pushed his hips up and released. Like a geyser his load shot majestically into the air, Satsuki closed her eyes and slapped her breasts down as she felt the rain of seed splash onto her generous breasts, tilting her head upwards as it got on her neck, face, and cleavage.

Swat panted for breath as Satsuki sat on her knees, watching him as she rubbed her breasts alternately up and down, a small spurt of seed squeezed out as she waited. He glanced at her, their eyes met, and her tongue slipped out from her mouth like a snake searching for prey, licking a long rope of cum from her lips, and pulling it back into her mouth. He saw her throat bulge slightly as she swallowed his seed, his cock bulged excitedly back to life between her warm embrace as Masha pounced on her, her tongue lapping up his cum as if it was ice cream, cleaning Satsuki thoroughly before she pressed her lips and bulging cheek's to Satsuki… exchanging his load between them as they moaned and drool. Licking each other thoroughly as they undressed.

…You can take the sex slave out of the vault but it won't erase their training…

His cock pulsed between Satsuki's chest, good and hard between her chest as Masha climbed onto the bed, before he could react she suddenly straddled his face, she smiled coyly over her shoulder down at him as she wiggled her waist, rubbing her wet pussy on his face as his tongue reacted.

"Mmn." She moaned, biting her lower lips as he stretched her folds on his tongue, suddenly falling forwards and engulfing his cock in her mouth again. "MMn. MMn." Sucking wildly as she bobbed her head up and down, Swat's hands wrapping onto her ass as he continued to eat her out. His cock, thoroughly enjoying Masha's mouth, suddenly felt the addition of Satsuki's tongue, licking up and down his shaft as Masha moved up and down, her huge breasts held tightly in her hands as she rubbed and pinched her nipples.

"MMN!?" Masha suddenly clenched around his tongue, twitching on top of him as he cringed, Satsuki noisily sucking on his balls as Masha moved faster, her throat gagging on his intruding length as his toes curled, he was going to cum. But just before the desired moment, she slid her lips off his shaft, gasping as the cold air made him twitch… she crawled down his body, her legs hanging off the bed now as she adjusted herself over his cock.

"Ah! Yes!!" she hissed, sliding him inside her as her ass slapped onto his waist. Her inner walls clamped tightly around his length as she lifted herself up, and bounced her ass on his lap, glancing over her shoulder as she rode him. He instinctively pumped up into her bouncing body, suddenly sitting up and wrapping his arms around her, lifting her up and pulling her down rapidly as he took control. She smiled wildly, screaming in delight as he wrapped a hand around her neck lightly, falling backward with her on top of him as he pumped rapidly up into her. turning her head to kiss her from behind and she suddenly thrashed on top of him, climaxing as he finally lost all control, slapping his hips up into her, and releasing his built-up load.

"MMMHNnn.." she moaned into his mouth as he came. Her hand absently rubbed her stomach as her pussy convulsed around him. He rolled over on the bed, slowly and carefully pulling out of her as he kissed her. She moaned as he slipped from her body, her pussy quivering…

Satsuki, watching almost in excitement lay on the bed, her rear pointing out towards the door as Swat eyed her, wrapping a hand around his length and stroking himself back to life. Walking behind her and spread her cheeks as she lay back on the bed, waiting patiently as he pushed himself instinctively against her pussy. He lay down on top of her, stroking her long silky hair out of her face as he leaned close and kissed her, slipping his hands beneath her huge tits to caress them gently before pushing deep inside her.

She flinched, moaning softly as her eyes rolled and he clutched firmly to her huge breasts, easily bigger than his hands they sunk into her flesh comfortably as he began to move in and out. He pulled her off the bed, standing her up as he embraced her from behind, still thrusting wildly inside her as his hands attempted to contain her breasts, but he failed. Just one of them was obviously a three-hands sort of job, didn't mean he wasn't going to have fun with them.

She screamed into his lips as she came, "Ughooh!" she pulled away, shaking wildly as he let her drop onto the bed, taking her arms and pulling her back as her heavy chest molded beneath her. Her hands clenched into fists as he continued to thrust, her wrists in his firm grip as he pulled her down his length, her voice carrying throughout the vault as she screamed another orgasm.

Many other women in the vault, most of them never experienced an orgasm before. Listened intently. Curious at the oddly foreign yet familiar sound. Jack on the other hand slapped his face in annoyance, groaning into his hand.

Swat's hands went from her wrists to her shoulders, leaning forward as he pushed in deeper, Masha watching expectantly as Satsuki shrieked incoherently, a look of pure pleasure on her face. "I'm cumming! Satsuki!" he hissed, pulling her tightly down on his cock, pushing deep, and leaning over her as he howled like Raid…

Satsuki released a rapid, shuddering gasp as she shook beneath him. He groaned as his cock released a thick load of seed deep into the Asian girl. He collapsed onto her, wrapping his arms around her as he rolled her onto her side, holding her close as he thrust into her faintly. He sighed into her mouth, Masha crawling behind him and kissing him as Satsuki, slightly recovered, turned her head to join her. They moaned together, Swat absently caressing Satsuki's chest as he held her close.

"…That was… fun." He mumbled, "B-But… you two still can't-"

"We're going to stay here…" Masha said suddenly as Satsuki sighed. "…They asked us to stay and teach them what you taught us… we can make this a safe place and we think we should stay."

"Oh… well…" he paused, feeling a little putout, "...that all works out then…" he mumbled, gently removing himself from a still slightly trembling Satsuki.

"…You are going to come back right?" Masha said suddenly and he froze. He never actually considered it… but he did like the idea. He had always been a wanderer ever since his Mother and Jack killed his raider father. But having a real place to come back to? And two beautiful women waiting for him?...

"…Yeah. I'll definitely be back…" he smiled at them, Masha smiled back, Satsuki gave him a knowing smirk. "It's not like I'm leaving right now or anything… in a couple of days at the most. I still need to plan out our route." He sighed, "It's not looking really inviting..."

Still, naked Masha and Satsuki approached him, both of them kissing him on the cheek. "Well… I'm sure you'll figure it out." Masha said bending over to grab her vault suit crumpled in a heap on the floor, letting him look at her messy pussy and curvy ass.

She stood up, but he yanked the vault suit from her hand and tossed it over his shoulder, she laughed as he placed his hands back on her waist and led her back to the bed. "…It can wait… Oh! Almost forgot…" he reached over and grabbed Satsuki's wrist, she rolled her eyes as he dragged her towards his bed with a naked, laughing Masha beneath him. Pulling Satsuki into a kiss as her breasts pressed tightly to his chest. His cock rubbing eagerly against her pussy. "I better enjoy you two while I can…"

Turns out he lasted for another Hour. Each…

Far in the west, beyond the Salty City and North of the NCR territory a woman glanced absently at a map, and a silver pocket watch as her team, five men in total, put a few bullets into a couple of raider skulls as they lied groaning or miserably pleading in the dirt. She glanced up from the map as a runner approached her, holding out a missive. She took it. Opened it. And Read it… and dismissed the runner. He saluted respectfully before he headed off to deliver another letter. She coughed once, spitting abruptly into the dirt before brushing dirt over it and she cleared her throat.

"…We're going east." She said suddenly in a commanding, gravelly voice to the rest of her team. The last raider was abruptly put down with a particularly brutal shotgun blast to the face and she lit the missive with an old silvery lighter. It quickly caught the light and crumpled to ash as she crushed the still burning paper in a gloved hand. The team regrouped and headed east, following her along in silence as the gun smoke disappeared into the air.

End of Chapter