The Last of the Lost Legion

I don't own Fallout.

"Captain." Elroy's second in command, Violet entered the doctor's office she was a dusky-skinned woman with wide hips and modest breasts, she was attractive no mistake. But she could also shoot a bloatfly at a hundred paces with the sun in her eyes. She was also one of three Red Dawn Guards not seriously injured from the attack of the Lost Legion. Her usual position as a sniper solidified her safety as well as the safety of others.

Elroy, shirtless in a relatively clean armchair sat patiently and stoically as the town doctor sewed the bullet gash on his arm shut. "Violet." He mumbled as the doctor stitched the wound shut after pouring pure alcohol on it. "Dah! Fuck…" he hissed as it burned, "Son of a bitch…" he sighed, "Yeah?" he asked a little more foul-tempered than he wanted, he was being poked without numbing the pain..

"…Visitors." She noted as Elroy sighed again.

"Bad ones?"

"Weird ones." She said, "They're staying outside the town right now… said they brought you a present…"

"What do they look-Son of a!-" he flinched as the doctor tied up the stitching. Elroy glared at him, getting up and tugging on his shirt. "Nnngh… what do they look like?" he asked, following her out as they left.

"Swat." She said as he frowned.

He arrived on the parapet, the only other uninjured Red Dawn Guard was one they called 'Tank'. On account of the fact that he wore the only power armor in town. Obviously painted with the Red Dawn brand. Ironically he wasn't on the front line, the last defense for the women and children in case the wall defenses fell.

He glanced out at the seven standing patiently outside, six in brown coats and body armor. An older woman with greying black hair stood in front. A towering black man with a combat shotgun on his back yanked the only one not in a coat forward… he was naked and in small clothes… and had clearly seen better days… he was missing several fingers, his legs were clearly tortured, and he was missing an ear…

The black man shoved him forward onto his knees, then stood at attention behind the woman. Who smiled… placatingly? "Hello." She said pleasantly, coughing lightly, as Elroy glared down at her. "I'm Virginia… and these Rangers are my team." She then gestured to the ones behind her who stood at attention. A blonde man, an Asian man, a woman with pink punk hair, and one that looked to be raised as a tribal. "Not that one… he's a Legion…" she gestured dismissively to the kneeling man, "…but I'm afraid he can't confirm it anymore…" the man sobbed brokenly as she shrugged. "Anyhoo…" she smiled up at them. "I'm looking for supplies and to offer you any aid in removing the REST of these… Legion." She added as the wounded man flinched.

Elroy glared at him, stepping silently away from the parapet. "…Tank, open the gate." He said as the power-armored man nodded, leaping down from the parapet and putting his hand on the armored car, and pushing the gate open as Elroy followed suit.

"Captain?" Violet mumbled concerned but he gestured to her rifle.

"If they kill me. Kill them…" he said, as she scowled angrily but brandished her rifle at the ready.

He stepped out as Virginia smiled at him. Waving for the rest of her people to back off. Elroy sniffed as he towered over the older woman… she was old enough to be his grandmother. Still looked good for her age, though. "What do you want?"

"Supplies. Food mainly… maybe bullets, and we help you clear the remainder of this one's camp. He told me you suffered heavy losses."

"…A lot of my people are down… yes." He confirmed. "But I still got the best of the best ready to shoot troublemakers."

"Excellent." She replied, pleasantly. "I also offer you my medic and…" she gave the asian man a rather curious smile before returning her attention to Elroy. "Well, he's not much of a medic but he is EXCELLENT with anatomy. Karlson. Wuu." The former legion commander flinched in terror as the blonde and the Asian man approached, saluting. "Both work wonders when it comes to wounds."

Elroy glanced at them. "…Doctors?"

She nodded, "…Essentially. Karlson has had extensive medical training and… again, Wuu is very good with his knowledge of anatomy.

Elroy sighed… the town doctor was overworked… "Leave their weapons at the gate," he said as she nodded.

"Certainly." She said politely as the two nodded.

"Tank! Take them to the doc… see if they can help with the wounded." The power armored Guardsman approached, gesturing them inside, however, once they stepped past the gate they promptly deposited their weapons… a sequoia each, and Chinese officer sword, a bowie knife, and a 10mm. before following Tank into the village.

"…Why are you helping us?" he asked, glaring at Virginia

"I have no love for the legion, and we are far from home." Virginia replied simply. "Think of this as a diplomatic mission for the NCR."

Elroy scowled, "…Fine. Violet!" he shouted up to the sniper. "…You're in charge. keep an eye on the guests." He turned his attention back to Virginia. "…Their camp is a few hours from here…" he said as she nodded. "We'll go scout it out and see if we need reinforcements…"

"Agreed." she noted placatingly, gesturing to the former Legion commander. "I also offer you our prisoner, we got what we wanted from him and I imagine you'd find more of a use for him."

Elroy's eyes narrowed at the legion as he rubbed his scruffy red beard. And nodded slowly…

He promptly pulled Wrath from its holster and sent the former Legion to 'join the rest' of his compatriots…

He reloaded the sawed-off shotgun as the corpse fell flat to the ground. Virginia smiled politely at him, with a newfound fondness. "I'm going to like you… what is your name?"

"Elroy." He said firmly.

"Virginia." She said casually introducing herself again, nodding her head in a more polite introduction. "Now shall you lead the way?"

Elroy sniffed, "Follow me."

Virginia nodded following after him. Her people not moving until she called out to them. "Jefferson, Maxine, Raven." Before they too followed behind, their weapons at the ready.

They journeyed southeast for a few minutes before he paused, glancing at them just behind him. "…Maybe you should lead?"

Her eyebrows rose at that, but she nodded. "Indeed. I would not show my back to strangers. Raven. Take point."

The tribal rushed forward, glancing down at the ground before waving them to follow him. Heading in the direction of the Lost Legion camp while Jefferson and Maxine followed quickly behind armed with shotgun and assault rifle. Virginia stood beside him, gesturing him to walk along with her as he did, side by side behind her rangers.

"…Where did you say you were from again?" Elroy asked suspiciously as Virginia shaded her eyes to the harsh wasteland light.

"The NCR. Far to the west… have you never heard of it?"

"…The twin-headed bear?" Elroy noted. The talking power armor may have mentioned the NCR once or twice somewhere in his never-ending ramblings.

"That's it." she said casually. He frowned thoughtfully. Usually, when a group or cult or 'faction' comes out this far they try to convert. She wasn't really selling it to him. "We're on a bit of a retrieval mission." She noted, "But we can afford to spread the good word of the NCR-blah-blah-blah you're not really interested right?" she asked with a certain amount of humorous youthfulness.

"…Not really no." he replied as she chuckled good-naturedly.

"I knew I was going to like you…" she frowned, "Truth is the NCR is having trouble keeping our own borders intact, even with the legion gone the idiots in charge think we can just spread out like a popular two-cap whore and an STD." she shrugged at him. "I'm sure one day the NCR will come this far, but not anytime soon." She sighed, "Now. I gave you the run down, let's move on. I don't LIKE the legion…" she said firmly. "With you, without you. We probably would've come this way to make sure they STAYED lost… but at least this way the survivors and non-combatants will have somewhere to go."

Elroy nodded, grunting thoughtfully. They could always use more people in Riverside, it was a big place and not everything was up and running all at once…"

"Ma'am." Jefferson approached them quietly. "Raven's found the camp…"

"And?" Virginia replied, all seriousness, drawing her sequoia.

"A skeleton crew, it looks like they took every fighter to the assault. Maxine thinks it's only a matter of time before the angrier serfs realize they got the guards outnumbered." Jefferson said as Virginia nodded.

"Elroy." She said, turning to the Red Dawn guard. "This is your territory. It's your call." She said diplomatically, Elroy sniffed.

…Most considered him a big bruising idiot. But he was smarter than he seemed. He knew immediately that she was trying to be diplomatic, trying to curry favor… but he wouldn't lie, the idea of a ragtag squad like this did cater to his 'heroic' instincts.

"…How good is your scout?"

"Impeccable." She said confidently as Raven soon returned, hearing her compliment, and smiling with some pride.

"Can you give me a lay of the camp?"

Raven nodded, immediately getting low and running ahead. He expected to wait long but Raven quickly returned, with much less caution in his step. He sniffed indignantly. "They're all over the place. 20 guards… nearly 80 some-odd serfs. Women and children. They don't even have proper patrols…"

"That sounds better and better…" Virginia noted, drawing her sequoia and checking the full chamber. "Shall we Elroy?"

Elroy pulled his sawed-off shotguns. "But hesitated. "…Maybe we should just ask for their surrender?"

She chuckled, "If you wish." she said, "…But in my experience Legion don't surrender." Raven pulled out a sniper rifle, checked its magazine, then nodded a silent confirmation to Virginia, "But let's go say hi."

They approached the outskirts of the campground, Jefferson held an arm out, stopping Elroy as Virginia kept walking. "Hey!" he began but Jefferson shook his head.

"She's going to offer them terms." He said, "And she's far more likely to survive it than you are." Virginia strolled straight into the camp, stood at attention, glanced around for somebody to notice her, then shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Who would like to surrender?"

"NCR!!" Roared a Legionary, raising his rifle only to drop like a sack of potatoes as the sound of a sequoia rang out over the air. Her gun barrel smoking as she shot him expertly between the eyes in half a heartbeat.

"Not him apparently." she replied calmly.

Then all hell broke loose. Serfs scrambled for cover as what few legion troops remained ran for better positions or started firing at an unconcerned Virginia who easily dodged their scattershot weaponry or sidestepped a hurled javelin as Raven's sniper rifle felled several of their long-range weapon users.

Maxine and Jefferson were charging in, firing wildly as Elroy soon joined them, furious at how Virginia pretty much up and started the brawl, but content in the fact that the remaining Legion would go down fighting… especially after he sent a shot from Wrath straight into a charging soldier.

Jefferson took several hits in the chest, stumbling back as a Legionary got closer to finish him off. However, it was either a bluff or Jefferson had much better armor on than it looked. He was back on his feet, sending several rounds of shot into the Legionary before sending him to the ground with a haymaker, and keeping him there with another shot to the back.

Maxine dove behind some low cover, humming to herself and ducking quickly as small arms fire shot a piece of the large tire she was using. Before she unhooked a grenade from her belt and tossed it casually over her shoulder to the sound of screaming and flying bodies…

But even though they were all spraying and praying… Virginia stood out… she strolled through the campground… seemingly untouchable… occasionally aiming her sequoia and ending the life of a legionary. Bang....Bang....Bang...

She finally stopped shooting… as did everyone else. She sniffed disdainfully, opening her sequoia and emptying the five empty bullets, they clattered loudly on the ground, each doing their service and taking the life of a Legion soldier as she casually reloaded, stepping over a wounded, one-armed Legionary, Maxine's explosives work… he tried clawing towards a fallen assault rifle as she put her foot on it, and kicked it towards him…

She watched him coldly for a moment. As if daring him to shoot her… however, as he aimed at her dead on.


Elroy's sawed-off, ruin smoked over the dead legion soldier as he glared at her. "…Do you have a deathwish?"

She just smiled, "…I've always been really lucky…" she said cryptically, "Now then…" she turned to the women, the serfs and the young watching them nervously, awaiting their judgment. "I think you should address them…"

Elroy glanced at the serfs, emaciated and abused… Women were little more than breeding stock for the men, they tended to the camp and the children. Some watched him defiantly, those were the loyal ones who were indoctrinated to the Legion, others were more hopeful. Recent recruits….

He took a breath, gazing out at them and gave a confining argument. Elroy's had a lot of practice at his speechcraft being the Captain of the Red Dawn and defacto mayor of Riverside. "…Anyone who wants warm food, a roof over their heads, and a few more personal rights than a collared slave. Can come with me…" he waved a hand south and east. "…The rest of you… I suggest you gather what you can and leave. Because you're not welcome here…" he said with some finality. "And if you're still here in a week, I'll be back with a lot more guns…"

A beautiful dark-skinned woman, dressed in little more than rags glanced around at the others… and slowly approached him, he nodded to her and gestured to a surprisingly welcoming Jefferson as another, and another and another parted from the diminishing crowd. Some brought kids, others just grabbed a few things from their ramshackle tents… but soon more than half of them were being led by Elroy and the Rangers back towards Riverside…

It was little more than a day later but much of the damage done to Riverside had been improved greatly with the arrival of the team of NCR rangers. Maxine and Jefferson had the wall fixed in mere hours of their work, Virginia had made an efficient system to help organize everything, and with Karlson and Wuu's help many people were now efficiently on the mend, even a few of the more warlike former serfs of the Legion had donned the Red Dawn jackets and joined with the guard…

It was all too good to be true… which was what Made Elroy so nervous about them… even as they made arrangements to leave, barely staying in Riverside two days, he was still suspicious.

With Tank and Violet at his side, he shook a departing Virginia's hand. "…Thank you." he said polite.

"My pleasure." Virginia smiled, patting the sack of food they had been given and handing it to Jefferson, he was still a little sore from his encounter with several bullets to the chest, but he shrugged the provisions over his shoulder regardless and made no complaints.

Elroy said nothing, she nodded, tapped her head in a polite salute, and walked away with her Rangers heading, back west. "…I don't like it." he said when they were long out of hearing range, Violet glanced at him curiously, rubbing a hand gently on his wounded arm as he sighed. "…You didn't see them Violet they tore the shit out of that camp… and that Jefferson fella took assault rifle bullets to the chest and kept going. They're made of something else…"


"…So…" he frowned unhappily at the group of Rangers, their coats brushing up dust. "Why is such a hard group of 'rangers' this far from home?" he glanced at his home, his responsibility. "…And what does it mean for Riverside?"

...Riverside was long out of sight as Virginia finally stopped walking and coughed, the others stopped as well, each facing her, standing at attention. "Did anyone find anything?" she asked casually

"I did." Maxine said raising her hand with a bit of a manic grin, brushing her short, punk pink hair with her hand. "In an OUTHOUSE if you can believe it…"

"And?" Virginia asked pleasantly.

"North." Maxine said simply as Virginia nodded.

"Raven. Lead on." Raven saluted and turning out of sight of Riverside, they headed north as Viginia hesitated with Jefferson, glancing back at Riverside. "Nice Place…" she noted as Jefferson nodded. "…Maybe they would consider an embassy?" Jefferson shrugged.

"That's for the higher-ups to argue over…" he noted as Virginia chuckled.

"…I won't tell them if you don't" she noted practically as Jefferson smirked, following his commanding officer Northward…

To the Land of Corn


Step by step. Inch by Inch. We're getting closer to the end of this arc. This chapter was more about introducing our Ranger squad and giving them a bit of character than anything.

Virginia is the leader of course, and her luck stat is off the charts.

Jefferson is the Second in command and the Heavy

Raven is the Scout and Sniper

Maxine is the explosive's expert

Karlson is the ever-important Medic

And Wuu is a close-ranged specialist and a Jack of all trades... and a bit more if you caught the hints.