
I don't own fallout

Swat groaned and suddenly felt a very familiar weight on top of him, "Nngh… Raid?" he grumbled, which he already knew it wasn't Raid… because whoever was on his crotch was much heavier. That was just feeble hope.

"No husband! It is I Galoria!" grinned Galoria happily, very naked and straddling his lap her heavy breasts looming over him… and then dropping around his face.

"I'd ask how you got in here… but I imagine you just walked in through the door." He mumbled around her breasts as she grabbed his length in her hand, stroking it gently as she rubbed it against her wet slit as she wiggled her muscled hips. "…The more impressive question is- how did you get my pants off?" he asked, lying naked on the bed. Swat tried very hard to never sleep completely naked…

"You are a heavy sleeper!" she declared almost sweetly before shoving his cock inside her, shooting upright, and straddling his lap. Her majestic, toned body was on display as she tossed her luxurious blonde hair. Before putting them on his chest…

"I don't believe you. Ugn… Ugn…" he grunted softly as she began to bounce on his lap. The rusty old bed creaked beneath them as she rolled her heavy muscled body up and down on his lap. Her body was tight in more ways than one as she wiggled her hips.

"Husband." She said sultrily. "…You should enjoy it." she declared flatly. Swat grunted as she raised her hips and slammed them down, "Ahh… ahhh…" she moaned erotically, her breasts bouncing up and down on her chest as she bounced off Swat's lap…

She was right of course… as opposed to just lying on his back and letting her have her fun like last time. He reached for her waist and pumped.

"Ahh! Ooh…" she grinned, as she pushed her breasts together with her powerful arms, her head rolling back. "Haa-ah-haa-haaa…" she panted, Swat thrusting up deep into the powerful amazon as her hands pushed down onto his chest.

"Gguugh…" groaned Swat as she pushed down on his chest as her womanhood tightened around his cock, squeezing like a vice as she sucked in air.

"Haaa-haa…" her body trembled as she shuddered, her head rolling forward and grinning down at him as he took a breath of his own. She had been crushing his chest in orgasmic bliss.

"Okay…" grunted Swat slightly, practically feeling the dents in his chest. "…Get off."

She frowned, "But you have not had your release."

"I know." he added, smacking her ass… well not quite her ass, more like some thigh with a brushing of ass. "I want to work on that."

"Oh!" she giggled as she slipped off him. He rolled off the bed, now with significantly bent legs before he pushed her back. She fell onto her hands and knees as he moved behind her, smacking her big ass (big for her size at any rate) as he spread her from behind, pushing his erection inside her immediately as she happily giggled.

"You are a big girl." Swat declared, smacking her other ass cheek before he began to thrust his hips.

"Ahh…Uh…ugh!!" she groaned eagerly, grinning as he pulled her body back against him, bouncing forward with their smacking of hips. "Ha-Ha…harder." She grinned, over her shoulder at him, he reached for her hair and yanked, "Ahh-yes…" she hissed as she tightened around him. her hands suddenly reaching for the metal headpiece of the bed. "Ugh-ugh-gghh!!" she groaned as he sped up, pumping his hips rapidly against her as the bed creaked and squeaked.

"Ah-haa…" Swat panted, smacking her ass again with his other hand as he tugged her blonde hair, her body shaking excitedly. "Big strong amazon…" he leaned forward, hissing in her ear as she moaned. "Likes it when I dominate her?"

"More…" she moaned, his hand cracking on her ass again as she gasped. "More!" SMACK! SMACK! Swat's hand slapped hard on her ass cheek "AHHHghh!!"

CRACK!! The headboard of the bed snapped off, and the upper half of the bed fell to the floor as Swat kept pounding into her from behind, the piece of bed still in her hand as he yanked her head. "Ahh-AH-AHHH… More! MOOOORE!!" she cried out, shaking in climax as Swat yanked her hair hard and pushed deep into her.

"Ughh! Haaa…" he sighed, shaking as he kept his cock deep inside her. His seed burst into the beautiful amazon as she fell forward onto her face, her ass in the air and her hair yanked back in Swat's hand. "MMMMNGH!!" she moaned face first into the bed, toes curling behind her ass the bed gave a groan…

BOOM… it hit the floor, the back legs giving out as the two bounced on the mattress. Both breathing heavily as Raid raised his head, snorted, then went back to sleep.

"Ooooh husband…" groaned Galoria, shaking as she wagged her ass behind her, more on instinct than intentional. "That felt so good…" she purred as he pulled out of her with a wet pop. Smacking her rear lightly as she giggled. "You mated me like an ANIMAL…" she growled as he stroked himself, before spreading her ass. "Wha-NNNGH!!!" she bit the bed as Swat's cock was stuffed right into her ass. "NNNGH-MMMNGH!!"

She jumped forward but there was nowhere to go, her legs numb from constant orgasm as Swat railed into her ass, smacking her bouncing ass cheeks before grabbing her hair again, "MMGPh! mMMNGH!! MMMN!!"

After the brief surprise of anal breaching… she was now thoroughly into it. Galoria's tribe was big on Matriarchy… but the women still looked for strong, dominating men… so this was a huge turn-on for the huge woman. "MMGh! MMMNGh!!" She fell forward, lying prone as her 'husband' pounded into her ass, her legs twisting and coiling with his as he pounded away, bouncing off her firm rear as he growled primally in her ear. No real words, more like a wolf taming his bitch…

"HAa-AHH!!" she climaxed, hard, her ass tightening around Swat's cock as he grabbed her hair again, lied on top of her, and pumped his hips deep into her, flooding her ass with seed as he snarled near her ear. "Haa-haaaa…" she panted, licking her lips as he pulled from her ass with a loud squelchy pop.

She hardly registered his exit before she was rolled onto her back, "Haa?!" her right leg was lifted, her knee on her big breast as he fell onto her and pushed deep. "Haa-auugh!!" she cried out happily, the bed springs creaking their death knell as he pounded into the blonde bombshell. "Harder! Harder husband! Deeper!" she pleaded, shaking beneath him as her toes curled in the air and on the sheets, her hands clawing the mattress before clinging to him. "HAa-Ahh-AHHHH!!!"

"Cumming!!" he growled railing into her pussy as her whole body reacted, shaking and thrashing he barely held her down.

"HAAAGH!!!" they collapsed in a sweaty him, her raised leg dropped onto his back, her foot rubbing him absently as he fell onto her breasts. She heaved for breath, her grin wide and obvious.

"…Wooo…" he sighed into her tits as she rubbed his black hair fondly. "…Good?"

"Great, Husband!" she declared greedily. "Did you have your fun?"

"I did… wait… what do you? OOF!!" he was tossed onto his back, and she had claimed the dominant position above him again rubbing his chest.

"Grandmother told me that it was necessary to let the male have his fun." She smiled, "…Now it's my turn."

"…Oh…" he mumbled nervously

The counter girl frowned, and looked up the stairs as the roof rattled, was it an earthquake? She shrugged, the rattling seemed to soften as the ghoul at the poker table cheered a victory hand, the Dandy Man clapping politely before another game started up.

An hour later.

Swat redressed and somewhat dried out and exhausted, wobbled down the stairs approaching the counter as the counter girl eyed him, one eyebrow rising curiously as Swat put a handful of caps on the counter. "…Sorry about the bed." He grunted, leaning against the counter for support.

"…Do you… need a doctor?"

"Just the feeling to come back into my legs." He groaned, nodding to her politely before walking towards Jack.

He was still at the table, his hand full of cards and still playing with the dandy man and two dustier-looking men, they had folded and stared at the ghoul and the other man. As Swat stood over Jack's shoulder. "Brat. Just in time." Grinned the old Ghoul. He subtly showed off his cards to Swat, he had a good hand. "I'm just about finished."

The Dandy man nodded politely to Swat, but kept his smarmy smile as he stared Jack down. "So confident Mr. Jack… so then, why don't we make this interesting?" he placed his hand down behind a rather impressive pile of caps, bullets, and a small handful of NCR dollars and even a legion coin… then shoved the whole thing into the pile.

"…Oh no." mumbled Swat. Jack had a good hand, and a lot of confidence. When he was like this he could NEVER resist going all in. The pot was too big, the winnings were to tempting. "Jack." Swat warned but it was already too late, Jack pushed all of his winnings into the gigantic pile in the middle of the table… the two men who folded eyed it greedily, another was glancing at the table with a little interest before going back to his glass. "Shit." Swat mumbled sadly as Jack stared the Dandy man down.

"Boom." Jack praised, four kings, shiny and handsome. Swat sighed, he knew that was a good hand… but if he knew anything about Jack and Poker, that meant SHIT.

Jack reached for the pile. Only for the Dandy man to turn his hand around…

Four aces. "So sorry good man." He said politely as Jack froze. "But I'm afraid I am the winner…" he put the cards down as Jack stared at the pile… he wrapped his arms around and began to pull back when Jack grabbed his wrist and twisted, his arm yanking down his sleeve as a card fell out.

It wasn't even a good card, a two of hearts. But that meant SHIT, he had a card up his sleeve and that pushed Jack from disbelief to murderous frenzy, it would take one declaration of 'Cheatin-sum-BITCH' before bullets started flying... and while Swat didn't approve of his sore (albeit slightly justified) loser nature. He would without question help Jack... Especially since the man who had been drinking nearby suddenly drew a 10mm and aimed it at Jack's head but was met with a placid Swat, already holding his sequoia on him.

The man to the Dandy man's immediate right reached for his sidearm but was met with Jack quick-drawing one of his revolvers and immediately holding it on him, he had to let go of the dandy man's arm and get him dead to rights with his revolver's twin…

The last man shuffled his chair away from the standoff as Jack sneered at the Dandy man who at least had the audacity to look sheepish at being caught cheating.

"Ha-ha…" he laughed nervously, staring down the barrel of Jack's revolver as Swat kept his eye and sequoia on his bodyguard/accomplice. "Now… surely… Mr. Jack? We can… come to an arrangement?"

"You cheatin-sum-bitch…" snarled Jack, his thumb resting on the hammer of his revolver.

"Jaaaaaaaack." Warned Swat firmly, his eyes still on the bodyguard "…We REALLY shouldn't shoot up people in this nice town.

"Forget the town! Do NOT shoot people in my inn!" the girl at the counter shouted nervously but had taken cover behind the counter.

"Nobody cheats us, Brat." Jack said coolly. Swat reluctantly had to agree but there were more important things right now... not to mention he was EXHAUSTED and Galoria was thoroughly satisfied and passed out on his broken bed, the last thing they needed was to be run out of town half-assed... or full assed.

"Now… Jack." Swat said, slowly, putting his free hand on the old ghoul's shoulder. "He wants to come to an arrangement?"

"Haha…" laughed the Dandy man nervously, "Indeed I do." He removed his hands from the pot, "Perhaps… we… split… the pot?"

"Split!?" Sneered Jack with a hiss, "I WON that pot you cheatin-sum-BITCH!!" Swat attempted to subtly restrain him with a hand on his shoulder despite the declaration.

"Now now! You don't know if I was cheating during this particular hand…" the Dandy man added diplomatically but only made Swat groan uncomfortably, he might have just said the WRONG thing to an angry gambling Jack.

"You are NOT helping." Hissed Swat through his teeth. As Jack pulled back the hammer of his revolver. "Jaaack…"

But the Dandy Man quickly 'recovered' "I!... of COURSE mean to say that… Mr. Jack, receives a significantly bigger SHARE of the pot… when I say split it." grinned the Dandy Man, inches from death. "I would never dream of a 50-50 split… 60-40?"

"Son of a bitch, do you WANT him to shoot you?" Swat groaned taking his eyes off the Bodyguard to look at the Dandy Man indignantly. The secret bodyguard thinking Swat was distracted was about to act, but as if sensing the stupid decision Swat pulled back the hammer of his sequoia and made him stop acting...

"What the hell are you all doing?" Casey walked in from the front door carrying a leather-wrapped stack of jerky. Supplies bought from the town general store.

"Mexican stand-off…" Jack snarled angrily.

"Well knock it off!" she added indignantly, "You can't go around shooting people in towns!"

"But he's a cheatin-sum-bitch!" Jack declared, a bit childishly. The only thing that would've made it more authentic was if he added 'but mom!' to the front of it first.

"He did catch him cheating." Swat added absently, his attention returning warningly to the bodyguard.

"70-30?" The dandy man supplied sheepishly as Jack sneered.

"How about you let him keep what he bet Jack?" Casey noted diplomatically, "It'll be like he gave up, and the last hand didn't happen."

Jack glared at Casey then slowly and carefully put the hammer back to his revolver as everyone else took a breath. "…Fine."

"Good." The Dandy man noted, although he seemed a little disappointed that he wasn't able to wrangle out more… but he was cutting his losses at this point.

A great portion of the pile of loot was pushed back towards Jack, and slowly, everyone put away their guns. Jack glared at the Dandy man who pocketed the winnings and with his two accomplices, left in a hurried manner. "Men." Grunted Casey indignantly.

Jack passed a few sequoia bullets from the pile to Swat as he glanced at an annoyed Casey. "Should've let me shoot him."

"No shooting people in my inn." The girl behind the counter got up, glaring angrily now that the guns were put away. "…Please tell me you aren't staying longer?"

"Just the night at least." Swat added, grabbing Swat under the arm and pulling him up. "Speaking off. Get to bed."

"Yeah yeah…" grunted the old cowboy, sliding their winnings into a side pouch that always seemed to have room for caps. "I'm going…" Swat eyed Casey and the jerky, as she shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep. Figured I could get some supplies while I walked around town."

"We'll save on shopping I guess…" he sighed as he made his way back upstairs with her. "Do me a favor though, try tying down Galoria before you leave your room?…"

"Yeah… no, I'm not going to risk injury."

Swat sighed, "Worth a shot…" he stopped outside her room. "…Can I bunk with you?" he asked hesitantly as she frowned, but smiled sultrily.

"…Galoria might wake up…"

Swat groaned, "…Not after the hour we gave each other." He frowned, "But her bed is empty. Mine's broken… and occupied"

Casey opened her room and waved him in, "Come on…" she smiled, "But I'm not in the mood for any nightly visits…"

"I can honestly say that's not on my mind…" he groaned, "KInda got that all out of me…" he added as she giggled sweetly…

...…. "Evening…" the guard looked up as the Asian man approached with a polite smile and a sword across his trench coat covered back... the younger town guard did not notice him before, he seemed to appear out of nowhere. "…Might I ask you two for directions?" he said politely as the older guard held his gun at the ready. The Asian man, raised his hands, showing he was not reaching for any weapons.

"…Depends are what you're looking for."

The Asian man nodded, "True… might I ask how far until the northern border?"

"…Bout a day if you walk all night." He added as the Asian man looked distinctly north. "Don't know why you'd go up there though…"

"…Morbid curiosity." Ranger Wuu smiled glancing at the walls, then northward before returning his attention to the guards, "Thank you." He added politely, before promptly turning around and heading in the opposite direction. The older guard sniffed indignantly before sitting back down, hand still on his gun.

"…Lot of weirdos nowadays…" he said stiffly, looking at the younger guard, "…Why didn't you say he was coming?"

The younger guard looked away from Ranger Wuu's back and gestured, "He popped out of nowhere! I'm telling you we should try getting those old road lampposts workin!"

"Just keep your eyes…" the older guard hissed softly. "…On him…" but Ranger Wuu, despite the massive amount of dark, open wasteland… had vanished… not even leaving a silhouette

…But SOMEONE… had slipped silently over the wall without the guards noticing.

ENd of chapter