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I returned to my room after my date with Lyra. My heart was still pounding. I couldn't shake off the lingering sensation of that kiss—an accident, but a kiss nonetheless. Damn, this is what happens when you've been single for too long!

As I stepped inside, I saw Marius and Kael waiting for me. Neither of them had gone to bed yet.

"Oh, I thought you guys were asleep."

"Not yet, HAHAHA! I'm too excited to hear about your date before I sleep!" Marius said, his enthusiasm almost contagious.

"Yeah, I just want to know if the plan we came up with worked," Kael added, his tone as deadpan as ever.

"Well… you could say it was a success. Your plan was amazing. Thanks a lot!" I said with a bow, genuinely grateful. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to come up with such a solid plan. If I'd followed Envi's advice, it would've been an unmitigated disaster.

I could hear Envi grumbling in my head.