The Loop of Deaths

Nao's POV:

I swung my katana relentlessly at Vaelgorath, but every strike was rendered meaningless as he rewound time with [Time Reverse]. My attacks left no wounds, while his relentless assault continued to wear me down.

My HP had dropped to 1500, my armor was in tatters, and my supply of potions was completely depleted. Even though my attack power had surged thanks to [Abyssal Dark Mode], I couldn't fully utilize it. His ability to manipulate time made everything I did feel utterly futile.

"This is bad, Nao! Your condition is worsening. We need to figure out a way to defeat him!" Envi's voice rang with urgency.

"I know, Envi! That damn time-reversing ability is so frustrating!" I gritted my teeth.

But then, a thought crossed my mind. In anime or fantasy manga, how do protagonists fight enemies who control time?