[would host like to open the starter gift pack]


[congratulations! You have received the following rewards:

-5 stat points

-lover's charm perk (LV-1)

-10 spins of Beginner's gacha ]

Dave was curious about the rewards he got .

"System explain Lover's charm "

[Lover's charm (Lv-1):This is a passive ability enhances your natural charm, subtly influencing women around you to feel attracted to you.

<> ]

Dave felt a rush of excitement. "Alright, that sounds helpful."

and are stat points are what I am thinking they are

"system are the stat point about enhancing stats like in games "

[Yes, host]

And Gacha huh, let's see the gacha function .


[System Alert:

Would you like to use your free spins in Beginner's gacha?]

Dave raised an eyebrow,intrigued. " Free spins, but what is there in gatcha and how it works"

[does the host want an explanation of gacha function and system store]

YES, Dave thought.

[Gatcha Explanation:

The gacha is divided into three categories

- Beginner gacha: 0.1% chance of getting rare item or skills

- Intermediate gacha: 1% chance of getting a rare item or skill and 0.01% chance of getting a legendary item or skill

- Advanced gacha: 10% chance of getting a rare item and 0.1% chance of getting legendary item or skill.]

[Host currently only has access to Beginner's gacha.

Would you like to spin the free gacha first 10 spins have a guaranteed rare item or skill]

YES, "can't say no to that"

Dave was watching as 10 heart shaped light group with one being purple appeared before him and system announced

[contratulation! For getting

horse riding lv 1, a diamond ear ring set , painting skill lv 1,

A common health potion, 2 stat points, a enchanted kitchen knife ,

1 stat point, a bronze sword, A delicious cookie , Sub skill card]

Dave stared at the results, half disappointed, half intrigued. "Well,no crazy powers… but a diamond ear ring and cookies but others are good not bad at all." He saved them in inventory but there are no supernatural thing .

[Alert! : These items may seem common, but they hold value in this world , and you can develop skills that will make you stand out even among nobility.]

Hey system what does gacha and shop has beyond all this

[The shop has everything any one can ever need it contains from cookies to dough to pizza and to rockets and missiles and from common magic to spells like immortal spells ,to potions , to magical bloodlines ranging from werewolves to witches with alpha and others and and beast serum ,hybrid serum and heretic serum etc these gifts can also be given away ]

[Gacha draws prizes from system store in gatcha you spin with a chance of getting an item and in store you get that item by spending points .]

Explain the Affection meter

[This shows you the level of affection women have for you ranging from 1 to 10 heart ]

[Affection Meter - Heart Levels]

[1. 1 Heart – Neutral:

The character feels indifferent or has just met Dave. There's no emotional attachment yet, only basic interaction.

2. 2 Hearts – Mild Interest:

The character is slightly curious about Dave. They may acknowledge his presence more often and be willing to engage in basic conversation.

3. 3 Hearts – Friendly Curiosity:

The character finds Dave interesting and starts to seek more interaction with him. They're still on a friendly basis but are intrigued by his personality.

4. 4 Hearts – crush/Friendship:

The character now considers Dave a friend. / a secret crush if they are not friends .They trust him enough to share personal thoughts or feelings and might confide in him for help.

5. 5 Hearts – Close Friend:

The character feels a strong connection to Dave. They enjoy spending time with him and are comfortable in his presence. Their relationship may start to turn romantic.

6. 6 Hearts – More Than Friends:

The character is starting to feel romantic attraction. They may experience jealousy if Dave shows interest in someone else and will go out of their way to be close to him.

7. 7 Hearts – Romantic Attraction:

The character is openly attracted to Dave. They are emotionally invested and may start expressing their feelings in more direct ways, from flirting to physical affection.

8. 8 Hearts – Deep Romantic Bond:

The character is in love with Dave. Their relationship is emotionally intimate, and they would sacrifice a lot to be with him. Trust and emotional dependence are high.

9. 9 Hearts – True Love:

The character is deeply, unconditionally in love with Dave. They trust him completely and would follow him anywhere. This is a powerful bond, and they would do anything to protect him.

10. 10 Hearts – 'Till Death Do Us Part':

The character is willing to die for Dave. Their love is eternal, and they can't imagine life without him. Even betrayal or extreme hardship wouldn't break their devotion. This is the ultimate form of loyalty and emotional connection.]


This system would give a clear indication of how Dave's relationships evolve, from neutral feelings to absolute devotion. Each step increases the character's emotional investment, and 10 hearts represent the most intense form of love possible



Give your suggestions for the story to progress in the comments.