As they lay in silence, the soft glow of the dimly lit room enveloped Evelyn and Dave in a cocoon of warmth. The tranquility wrapped around them like a blanket, and Evelyn finally broke the stillness. "I wish we could stay like this forever," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper, but the longing in her tone was unmistakable.

Dave turned to her, a smile slowly creeping across his face as he trailed his gaze over her cheek. His tone shifted, becoming playful yet laden with significance. "Maybe we can," he said softly.

"Evelyn," he continued, "do you really want us to stay like this forever?"

She met his gaze, and without hesitation, answered, "Yes, more than anything." Dave's smile deepened as he took in her sincerity.

"The curse has another side," he explained, his voice steady. "It makes me stronger—and it brings immortality to all my lovers. We would have all the time in the world. So, would you like to be with me, walk beside me, love me, and stand by my side for thousands of winters to come?"

Evelyn's eyes widened, a mix of excitement and apprehension visible on her face. "Immortality? I never thought about it like that. It feels… magical."

"Think about it," he urged her, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "We could live forever, free from the constraints of mortality. No more worries about aging or losing each other. Imagine all the adventures we could share, all the things we could accomplish together. And you wouldn't have to worry about other girls trying to take your time away from me. We'd have all the time in the world."

"But would it still be… me?" she asked, uncertainty tightening her voice.

"More than you are now," Dave assured her. "Everything would be enhanced—your strength, speed, hearing, and healing."

Evelyn raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Is that all? Because anything that sounds too good to be true usually has its drawbacks."

Dave hesitated but decided to be honest. "As I mentioned, it enhances everything. But with that enhancement comes a darkness. Anger could become rage, sadness could deepen into despair, guilt could morph into loathing. Our love could blossom into obsession. And yes, there would be a desire for blood and some weaknesses, but I have solutions for most of them."

Evelyn's brow furrowed as she processed his words. "Will the other women also be immortal?"

"Yes, and I need to tell you that the curse is drawing me to the next girl," he admitted, a pang of guilt lacing his voice. He wished he didn't have to share this part with her.

Evelyn's expression shifted, caution seeping into her gaze. "And who is this next target?"

Taking a deep breath, Dave revealed, "My next target is Aurora de Martel. But please believe that my love for you won't lessen because of her. I promise you that."

As he looked into her eyes, searching for understanding, Dave instinctively pulled her into a hug. "That's why I want you to accept this immortality, Evelyn. Please," he pleaded.

Evelyn pulled back, studying his face for sincerity. "You promise it will still be me?"

"Yes," he insisted. "As long as I live, you will stay by my side."

Taking a deep breath, nervously weighing her choices, Evelyn finally said, "Alright, let's do it."

"Not right now," Dave replied, his tone shifting to serious. "I need to prepare for the transformation. I need your permission and your help to go after Aurora. Will you stand beside me?"

"Yes," she affirmed, knowing that their eternity together would be worth any trial they faced.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion pull her under, Evelyn fell asleep on Dave's chest. He listened to her gentle breaths, his mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. As he held her close, he began to think of the items necessary for her transformation.

He made a mental list:

Daylight Ring – to protect her during the day.

Blood Apple – an item he had seen in the system shop that would help her control her bloodlust. It would prevent her from going on a killing spree in the castle, allowing her a year to learn and adapt to their new lives.

With the list swirling in his thoughts and Evelyn nestled peacefully against him, Dave surrendered to sleep in the dead of the night.