Ch 15:Perfect plan

"System give description of Legendary item card and use the Sub-skill card."

[Congratulation on getting sub skill ->

Skill Share: You can share upto 1 skill with your beloved

Requirements-> 9 hearts favorability ]

This could be very very useful he thought.

[Legendary item card: you can use this card to get a guaranteed legendary item in advanced gacha, In 10x spin]

Wonderful how much gacha cost

[Beginner gacha x1: 100lp

Intermediate gacha x1: 1000 lp

Advanced gacha x1: 10,000 lp]

Hey that's expensive I currently have around 15000lp .

[Don't worry host when he gets intimate with evelyn you will continue to earn points, if you do it daily and get your target if you save enough.]

After reviewing his status, Dave realized he had the means to evolve. His skills in painting and horse riding had already reached impressive levels, but he knew they could climb even higher. The integration of his new abilities would be crucial as Aurora's painting lessons commenced.

It will also help when Mikaelsons arrive he could use paintings to befriend Klaus as ,he is a fellow artist and horse riding skills to approach Tristan as Aurora and Tristan has deep bond I couldn't ignore him if I could befriend him in any way it will help me with Aurora.

"System, I want to upgrade my Painting and Horse Riding skills to Level 6," he stated, the anticipation fueling his voice.

[System Response]

Cost for Painting Upgrade: 5,000 LP.

Cost for Horse Riding Upgrade: 3,000 LP.

Total Cost: 8,000 LP.

Proceed with Upgrade? Y/N

"Yes!" he replied enthusiastically, mentally preparing himself for the financial implications.

The points were deducted, and a rush of warmth surged through him as he felt his skills merging with newfound understanding and mastery.

[Painting Skill: Level 6 - You possess an exceptional ability to capture emotion and atmosphere on canvas. Your paintings can invoke vivid feelings in viewers, making them feel as if they are a part of the scene depicted.]

[Horse Riding Skill: Level 6 - Your control over horses is unparalleled. You can perform advanced techniques and commands, making you excelling in races and shows. You are also capable of handling wild horses and calming them easily.]

[LP :7950]

Dave let out a deep breath as he absorbed the advantages of his enhancements. Mastering these skills would not only elevate his status in the household but also serve as the perfect guise to win over Aurora's heart.

Formulating the Approach

With his skills bolstered, he needed a strategy to approach Aurora , with unique desires and personalities. Every interaction must be crafted with care and intent.

Dave's plan was simple: to use his talents to position himself near Aurora. But this couldn't be done directly. Count de Martel was a man of pride, notorious for his ruthlessness, and Tristan was known for his intense protectiveness over his sister. Approaching them with any visible agenda would only make them suspicious. So, Dave chose a more subtle path.

He needed to showcase his talents in such a way that it would seem coincidental—an unintended display of skill that would make both the Count and Tristan see him as a valuable asset to their household, and more importantly, as a suitable companion for Aurora's education.

The Unplanned Painting


It started one warm afternoon. Dave was working in the estate gardens, performing routine tasks assigned to the servants. From the terrace, Count de Martel was entertaining guests, his voice carrying over the grounds as he boasted about the strength and discipline of his hunting hawks. Tristan stood nearby, his gaze sharp as always, quietly observing the conversations but contributing little.

Dave knew this was his moment. He had planned it perfectly.

While tending to the gardens, Dave had brought along his sketchbook, something the original Dave carried which can be perceived by his painting skills at lv 3 at start .when time allowed. As he worked, he made a point of glancing occasionally at the picturesque estate grounds. It was an undeniably beautiful scene—one that begged to be captured.

After finishing his task, Dave sat down on the edge of the garden, positioned within the line of sight of the terrace, though not too close. He began to sketch. His movements were slow and deliberate, every stroke carefully capturing the elegance of the estate's architecture and the vitality of the garden. The sketch came to life, the estate's stone walls glowing under the afternoon light, the flora vivid against the backdrop of the castle.

Dave didn't realize, or rather pretended not to realize, that his work had begun to attract attention.

A servant passed by, peeking over Dave's shoulder. "You're quite skilled, aren't you?" the man muttered under his breath.

Dave gave a modest smile, saying nothing. It was all part of the plan.

Soon, more servants wandered past, whispering about the intricate drawing that seemed to capture the soul of the estate. It wasn't long before the murmurings reached Count de Martel. Ever the man to appreciate displays of control and mastery, the Count looked down from the terrace.

"What's this about?" he demanded.

One of the servants stepped forward. "It's one of the stable boys, my lord. He's drawing the estate. You should see it."

De Martel's curiosity was piqued. He stood and walked to the edge of the terrace, Tristan following closely behind. The Count's sharp eyes scanned the scene before landing on Dave, who was still engrossed in his sketching, as if unaware of the audience he had gathered.

"Boy!" the Count called.

Dave looked up, feigning surprise. He quickly stood, bowing respectfully. "My lord?"

The Count gestured him over. "Bring your work."

Dave obediently carried the sketch to the terrace, presenting it with both hands. The Count took the drawing, his eyes scanning the details. His lips curled into a small smile of approval, a rare expression on his face.

"You have an eye for detail," de Martel said, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Did you study painting?"

"No, my lord," Dave replied humbly. "It's just a hobby of mine. Something I do in my free time."

De Martel handed the sketch to Tristan, who examined it just as carefully. The younger de Martel was more restrained, but Dave could sense the tension in his posture. He had earned the interest of both men, though for Tristan, that interest was tinged with suspicion.

"You say it's just a hobby," de Martel continued, "but this is no ordinary sketch. There's talent here."

Dave bowed his head. "Thank you, my lord. I'm honored by your words."

Dave smiled on his success of plans.