Ch 20: Yandere Aurora


Like every day, Dave made his way through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, heading toward Aurora's chambers for their painting lesson. Today he has ditched bringing Evelyn with him because He has seen Aurora's affection for him has reached 9 hearts and she may confess in a day and two which is perfect time because Tristan has left the castle on a job by the count and today he will be all Alone with Aurora in this part of the castle.

The castle was quiet, save for the soft echo of his footsteps. He approached her door, expecting the usual calm greeting from her, but was Greeted by silence at this time she must be Eagerly waiting for my arrival by the door sending all the maids away .

He knocked softly but heard no response. Pushing the door open, he stepped inside.

As soon as he entered, the door slammed shut behind him. Startled, Dave turned, only to find Aurora standing there, her eyes locked on him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. Before he could react, she rushed forward, grabbing his collar and pulling him into a deep, forceful kiss.

Her lips pressed against his with a desperation he hadn't felt from her before. There was something wild in her movements, something possessive. Aurora pulled back, her face inches from his, her breath quick and erratic as she gazed at him with an unsettling intensity.

"| love you, Dave," she whispered, her voice low and trembling. "And i don't care if you love Evelyn ... i don't care who else you love. You're mine. You'll always be mine."

Her words sent a chill through him, not just because of their weight, but because of the conviction behind them. She wasn't asking for his love; she was Claiming it, regardless of who else was in his life.

"| don't mind sharing you," she continued, her voice soft but filled with a dangerous edge. "As long as you come back to me. As long as, in the end, you're mine."

Her hands moved to his face, cupping his cheeks, and she looked into his eyes with a mix of affection and obsession. "You can love other women, Dave. It doesn't matter. They can have a part of you, but your soul... your heart... that belongs to me."

Aurora's grip tightened slightly as she whispered, "You're the only thing in this world that matters to me. I'll do anything for you, and nothing—no onewill ever take you away from me. Not even you."

Dave, caught off guard by her sudden possessiveness, tried to speak, but Aurora silenced him with another kiss. It was softer this time but no less intense. She leaned into him, her body pressing against his as if she couldn't bear to let go.

I'll stand by your side, even if it means sharing you. Because, in the end, it's not about them, is it? It's about us." Her voice took on a darker tone, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You're mine, Dave. And you always will be."

The room felt smaller, the air thicker with the weight of her obsession. Aurora's gaze never left him, and Dave knew at that moment that her love wasn't something he could simply brush off or ignore. It was dangerous, consuming, and it didn't matter who else was in his life—Aurora had already decided he was hers, and nothing would change that.

She kissed him again, this time with more tenderness, as if reassuring him that everything would be fine as long as he accepted her terms. "I don't care what happens with the others. | don't care who they are. You can love them all if you want. But you'll always come back to me."

Aurora's obsession had reached a point where it transcended normal affection. She didn't care about competition, jealousy, or sharing—because in her mind, she had already won. Dave was hers, and nothing, not even his own choices, would change that.

"Wait wait aurora let me talk" Dave decided to spill the beans about him approaching her as after all this it doesn't matter she will just turn a blind eye ,even if I kill her father.

Actually "I love you too, I approached you to seduce you as I am cursed to fall in love with multiple women .

AS Dave was about to continue ,Aurora just looked at him in the eyes without hearing his explanation and only asked one question

"You also love me right" as soon as Dave nodded he was again assaulted with kisses and pulled into bed by her .

Her hand roaming on his chest, as Aurora continued to press her body against Dave's, the intensity of their emotions filled the room. She held him tightly, her hands exploring his back and shoulders while their kisses deepened. Caught in a whirlwind of passion and possessiveness, Dave found himself surrendering to her fervor.

The atmosphere shifted as they fell onto the bed, their movements a mix of urgency and longing. Aurora's auburn hair cascaded around them, framing her face as she gazed at him with a blend of lust and devotion. As their bodies became entwined, it was clear that their connection went beyond mere physicality; it was a merging of desires and emotions that left them both breathless.

At this time , sounds of embarrassing moans and sounds of flesh is being heard in the room ,as Dave and aurora were at it no place was spared on bed, on floor and against the wall .

After a whole 2 hrs the room returned to calm .

Dave turned to look at the beautiful figure resting on his crotch with her head on his chest after the intense session , He began to explain her about the curse and the immortality stuff he explained to Evelyn.

After hearing all this Aurora's face visibly brightened and happily asked , "so I get to live with you for eternity but have to share you with others".

Dave said "That's pretty much it". Aurora said "that's a pretty good deal I was ready to share you even before immortality and with immortality we do not have to worry about you being a servant ."

So when do we do it the immoral ceremony "Just wait a few more days both you and Evelyn can go under the ceremony".

Then they got at it again It turns out Aurora is into the kinky stuff like choking and all .

11 days till Mikaelsons arrival.
