{Dave pov }

Its been 3 days since Evelyn and Aurora have taken The serum and have almost gotten their power's under control, so I think it's time I take the Essence of Ascendant to transform too .

I called and met Aurora And Evelyn and gave them a task of protecting me when I drink the thing as I don't know what will happen, and an additional task that as I am transforming is to compel Everyone in the castle that I and Evelyn are Guests that are here to attend the party and like the mikaelsons will be staying for a long while including the count and Tristan as my plan to infiltrate the friend group to participate in the activities with them to get closer to Mikaelsons and mostly Rebekah.

"System are you sure this will work "

[Yes, host this will work but things might get bloody but don't worry everything will be fine Afterwards]

Dave turned to his Girls and said " I am gonna drink it it's a different type of serum from yours and this will turn bloody if you see blood and all don't be scared ok"

After confirming with them he Closed his eyes and Drank it all , as he waited nothing happened he opened his eyes, Girl's were also confused .

System nothing happened

[It starts slow it will take a day for the effect to be visible]

I nodded and began to spend the rest of my mortal life with my two lovely Girlfriends they were happy as we roamed together in the castle and gardens without fear of being seen as they were going to be under compulsion tomorrow anyway.

As the sun set I began to feel heavy and feel heightened as my soul was leaving the body we quickly went to the hideout as the process Truly began.

{Third person POV}

As Dave drank the Essence of Ascendant, the magical fluid coursed through his being, initiating a transformative process that started deep within his soul. For the first day, Dave experienced no visible changes; however, he felt a profound shift within him, like echoes reverberating through the depths of his essence. His spirit stirred restlessly as the Essence began its work, enhancing his soul's power and pushing it toward immortality.

**Initial Changes in the Soul**

During this mysterious day, Dave became increasingly aware of a growing energy welling within him—a Soulforce that expanded his consciousness but also tugged at the threads of his mortality. His thoughts became sharper, and his emotional landscape expanded, filled with an overwhelming sense of purpose and awakening. As evening descended, he felt an irresistible pull from deep within, urging him to embrace the transformation.

### The Painful Awakening

**Phase One: The Crisis**

On the second day, the effects of the Essence ignited a drastic reaction. As the transformation progressed, the enormity of his newly ascended soul began to outstrip his mortal frame. Dave suddenly felt a wave of sickness wash over him; nausea gripped his stomach, and a sense of dread coursed through his veins. Rotting flesh was not just a metaphor—it became a grim reality as his body struggled to accommodate the surge of soul energy.

His skin felt clammy and cold, and he doubled over in agony, coughing up dark flecks of blood. With each cough, he felt fragments of himself dissipate, his internal organs protesting violently against the unnatural demands placed upon them. He instinctively clutched at his abdomen, gasping as blood began to flow not only from his mouth but also trickled through his pores and orifices, marking the chaotic struggle occurring within him.

**Phase Two: The Cocoon**

As the pain intensified, Dave felt a desperate urge to protect the remnants of his essence. In a primal instinct, he curled into a ball, his body shuddering uncontrollably, and a thick, ethereal cocoon began to form around him, forged from both his golden blood and the magical power unleashed from the Essence. The cocoon encapsulated him, growing translucent as it pulsed rhythmically, as if embracing the war raging inside him.

Inside the cocoon, the destruction and construction began in earnest. The rotting flesh was not merely disintegrating; it was being meticulously restructured. Tendons healed, muscles knitted back together, and bones splintered and reformed, creating a framework that could bear the weight of his ascended soul. Time lost its meaning as it was only pain left.

### The Rebirth

After 3 days:

After what felt like an eternity, the symphony of destruction and Reconstruction gave way to a serene stillness. The cocoon glowed softly, pulsating with an otherworldly light, reflecting the monumental changes occurring within Dave.

**Phase Three: The Awakening**

At last, the cocoon began to dissipate, fading into luminescent particles that sparkled like stars against the darkness. As the last vestiges of the cocoon melted away, Dave felt an overwhelming sense of calm wash over him. He blinked against the light, the world coming into focus.

As the light began to fade, Aurora and Evelyn approached the secluded area where Dave had consumed the Essence of Ascendant. The anticipation that had initially sparked in their hearts now transformed into a sense of trepidation. They had heard Dave speak of the transformation process, had braced themselves for the unknown, yet nothing could prepare them for the sight that greeted them.

{Aurora's pov}

Aurora stopped short, her breath caught in her throat. The sight before her was like something ripped straight from a nightmare. The ground was mottled with dark stains, glistening in the fading light—further reminding her of the horror that lay beneath. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her, her mind racing as she recalled Dave's earlier words: "This will get bloody." Yet, understanding the reality was far more alarming than just hearing about it.

Her hand flew instinctively to her mouth, stifling a gasp. She could see traces of blood pooling amid the remnants of what seemed like a shimmering cocoon. "Oh no... oh no," she whispered, her voice laced with panic. Her heart hammered in her chest, and a surge of worry enveloped her. Had Dave truly gone too far? Was this going to be the end for him?

She felt Evelyn's hand clutch at her arm, and the connection grounded her momentarily. Together, they shared a glance filled with unspoken fear—the kind that only arises when you see a loved one standing at the precipice of something immensely dangerous. "We have to help him!" Aurora said, determination punctuating her fear, but her legs felt anchored to the earth, her mind warring with the grotesque tableau before her.

{Evelyn's pov}

Evelyn stood beside Aurora, her expression shadowed by concern. The gruesome scene sent chills up her spine. While she had steeled herself for the brutal nature of Dave's transformation, nothing could have prepared her for the reality of it—a massacre not of flesh and blood but of the very essence of life. Draped in shadow, the remnants of the transformation looked like the aftermath of a battle lost.

"Stay calm, Aurora," she breathed, her voice steady despite the frantic chaos swirling in her mind. "We don't know what's really happened yet." But even as she said those words, she felt a deep unease settle in her gut. The glimmering cocoon that seemed to once hold promise could just as easily be the grave of their friend.

Evelyn bit her lip, instincts urging her to rush forward, but caution held her back. She needed to assess the situation first—was Dave truly alive? The sensation of dread clung to her, a weight that she couldn't shake off. "We should—" she began, but her words caught in her throat as she noticed a flicker of movement within the remnants of the cocoon.

"Dave?" she called out softly, fear lacing her voice as she stepped closer, her heart racing with each cautious movement. "Please, just... come back to us."