''I know and I feel the same way, but apart from that, it's good that you're coming with us,'' Leo said with a chuckle. ''I can show you the view from above.''
When the blonde elf heard this, she nodded with a smile before answering, ''That sounds delightful, but I have to go prepare. So I will see you at the Valley Fortress when we arrive.''
Leo quickly stood up and hugged the shocked woman, who happily accepted the gesture with a big smile. Afterward, Lirael left the room and the girls' chatting became louder as they left the bathroom.
The trio bid their farewells, reminding him to meet them in the Monster Realm whenever he was free, as they would head there after completing their training until they started the journey to the Elven Empire.
Leo agreed with a bright smile, embracing each of them warmly and sharing a heartfelt kiss before he left. When stepping out of his bedroom, Helena and the princesses, which made him smile, met him.