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Why These Two?

Leo held his breath as the second knight lifted her helmet, and when it came off, his jaw dropped. A cascade of bubblegum-pink hair tumbled free, framing a face with wide, matching pink eyes that sparkled with life.

Two small horns peeked through her locks, and a lively tail swished behind her, betraying her excitement. ''You're a succubus?'' he asked with a smile.

''Yes, my lord,'' she answered. ''My name is Amber Fireheart. I'm the daughter of one of the queen's loyal retainers.''

Leo nodded before his fangs grew wider, causing the beautiful woman to tilt her head and expose her slender neck. He bit into Amber, which earned him an adorable moan as she held onto him. ''Mmmmhhh~~.''

Just like Lamia, he loved the demoness' blood and continued drinking until he was full, but he found he could take more. 'A never-ending source?' he thought.