Escape Death

"Kaiza, make sure you protect this briefcase with you life"

"Don't stop running until you think you are safe"

As Kaiza's eyes shut, all he could hear was the voice of his father and that of Keaton warning him how vital this briefcase was. He couldn't lose the bag yet without fighting a little bit more.

His attempt was vulnerable, he could barely open his eyes to see his opponent and fight back. Besides, he was almost completely paralyzed. This was because of the long sprint through the forest when he should be resting to recover his strength.

Then in his mind as his father's voice kept ringing in his head, he began to think.

"Why did you give me so much burden to bear when I am powerless against this man?"

After that, Kaiza remained in his head and was completely out of reality. Doing these his body was immune towards M. Boss beating, though injuries were inflicted. While this happened, he was slowly regaining little strength.

"This can't be my end" Kaiza thought, feeling a little surge of energy in him again.

Then Kaiza's eyes flicked up at once. His eye met with that of M. Boss staring deep into his eye. Tension built between the two as they stared continuously for a couple of seconds.

Meanwhile deep down M. Boss, he was filled with disgust. How could this boy stare into his eyes with so much sternness like he wanted to whip his ass.

Though Kaiza wasn't aware of the look he had on, he was simply staring into his attacker's eyes. Even to him he was gazing with pity, asking for mercy, to spare his life and let him go. But... He had a stern look that pissed the man off even more.

"How dare you look me in the eye like that" Another punch landed on Kaizas already bruised face. Even though M. Boss said this, he was scared because he had assumed Kaiza knew his state of powerlessness at the moment. To prove him wrong, that's why he rushed to attack him. And also that he won't regain more strength to confront him.

Kaiza fell to the ground, but the man didn't stop just yet. He landed another hard kick on Kaiza's stomach, making him roll away in pain. Trying to escape M. Boss.

Unknown to Kaiza, he was at the edge of a hill and a shallow depth beneath. As he continued to crawl away in fear, he rolled off the hill.

He stopped in an open space laying on his face, exhausted and in pain. He had obtained more injury.

Over his eyebrows was a little deep scratch, leaking out red blood. The blood flowed freely down to his eyebrows and down to eye lashes. Then stopped for a split second before finally making contact with the ground.

As the droplet made a tiny splat on the ground, time paused except for Kaiza's blood leaking out of his wound.

The blood continued to drop on the same spot, widening its horizon. Then something strange happened.

The blood changed color from red to blue then to purple. After the blood splitted into two. Red on one side and blue on the other side, and then mixed again to form a purple blood again. All this happened on the floor. As the blood finally settled to the ground, then the ground absorbed it.

With two seconds difference after the purple blood sunk into the ground surface. A purple light began to emanate from the same spot.

Now, time continued and just then Kaiza raised his face but immediately rolled over, moving away as the light showed into his eye at a blind amount.

M. Boss was just about to launch another attack on Kaiza for refusing to let go of the bag, it was then the light shown. He froze, watching in amazement as the part of the forest lit up in purple light. The darkness in the forest cleared away as the light illuminated the forest.

"What is this?" M. Boss exclaimed, asking no one in particular. He was asking himself as he had never seen something like this ever.

While Kaiza was still lying on the floor rubbing his eyes, the light almost destroyed.

However, after a few seconds the light vanished. But before then, the light that was shining in a spot straight up above the forest leaves, spread out throughout the forest, still it disappeared. Then the moon light took over.

Everything happened fast, leaving M.boss in a state of reverie. He was amazed by the light and attempted to fathom what brought about the sudden glow.

After a little ponder, the man then resumed his mission, putting his worries about the light aside for a while. As he had thought this wouldn't take long since the boy laying down on the floor was going to be defeated in a few seconds.

The man then walked towards the half dead boy giving his fingers a little massage. He got out of his moment of daze and dashed towards Kaiza. But only to meet with a blockage.

M. Boss was less than two meters close to Kaiza, when all of a sudden, a strange force resembling a barrier formed around the boy. As M. Boss made contact with the barrier, the force it emitted threw him aback, hitting him against a tree.

As he collided with the tree, he fell into a moment of unconsciousness. However, soon his eyes opened up. And in a blurry sight he watched as Kaiza stood, and in a weak manner, he descended down stairs into what resembled an underground hideout. The next minute, Kaiza was out of sight.

"What is that?" M. Boss muttered wondering what just happened.

However, he couldn't do anything. He was weak and still felt his blood bumping out of his injury before his eye shut into unconsciousness.

* * * *

Meanwhile after Kaiza's eye was slightly injured by the light, the ground suddenly began to move until it split into two. A door opened and all he saw there was a series of stairs leading into an underground cave.

Curiosity driven and a means to escape M. Boss, Kaiza hurriedly walked down the stairs.

As Kaiza walked in, touches began to lit up. Grabbing his attention, and he turned to it in fear, still in a moment of daze. Wondering where the cave came from.

He was afraid at first but to escape his nemesis he had no choice. He was pushed by his insecurities to find abode and shelter in this cave. Unknown to him his enemy was finally shot unconscious by the unseen seal around him throwing him several feet back.

Kaiza didn't wait much time staring at the lit touches, he walked in heading towards the dark far end of the cave. The cave had the smell of old and the setting looks like a historical cave. Much as the one he had seen in movies and documentaries.

Despite this he didn't stop, he kept walking in with the feeling he was being followed by his nemesis. As he walked past the lit touches, like about two meters or less they switched off. So it made it impossible for him to see what was walking in the dark after him.

This was actually his mind running wild, there was no one after him, M. Boss was laying half dead outside the cave. Kaiza was simply scared of the dark and had imagined danger lurking from within it. M. Boss was laying half dead.

After a few more strides, Kaiza got to the end of the cave. In front of him was a wall which seemed to be more like a door to Kaiza. He concluded in his thoughts after seeing the almost invisible writing on this wall.

It says...

[To open this door solve the puzzle]

Kaiza was a little puzzled reading this and things got intriguing when he tried looking furthermore on the wall to find the puzzle. However his search was in vain because all on the wall were markings, not writing, besides that there was nothing more.

Then there was a sign of moving at the far end, there were echoes coming from his back. "I think He is near" Kaiza muttered to himself in worry, scared written in his eye as he stared at the darkness hiding his chaser, keeping him hidden.

This only hastes Kaiza up to solve this puzzle and move on. Perhaps after opening this door he would be able to shut the door and lock his chaser out.

After a few minutes wondering and scanning the wall over and over. Kaiza found a little pointy stone on the wall and he decided to press it. Which he did. When nothing happened Kaiza's mind began to become unstable. This was because the silence that emerged and sealed out the place at that moment was palpable.

"What? I hope I haven't done anything wrong?" Kaiza wondered.

He had seen a lot of horror movies where players had to solve puzzles and just by doing the wrong thing something terrifying would happen. And that was always preceded by silence.

Then Kaiza heard a rusty hinge of metal in a split second. The hinge was a loud clunk of metal that sounded just once that left him in a terrifying state, he wouldn't recover from in the next minute. After, silence followed.

The next few minutes Kaiza noticed nothing happened and thought to himself to try to read all the marks on the wall before he proceeded doing anything. Then his gaze fell on the wall. Actually there was an inscription on the wall just above the stone like button. It was covered with dust earlier which was slightly cleared away as the door moved slightly a few minutes ago. Kaiza wiped off the dust then the writing came to life. It says "Hard press"

He did again and this time the door opened. But what was after the door wasn't what he expected.

There was another door. But before he could proceed. He heard a loud noise echoing from behind him. Just as the door moved. Then he assumed it was the cave door he walked through earlier.

Surprisingly this new door in front of Kaiza wasn't the old historical door he had met with. This door was a modern door and how on earth would this door be underground?

As Kaiza neared the door. Something strange happened. The door brimmed a blue light and a screen projected on its upper part. It was proportional to Kaiza's face. His mouth curved into an 'O' and his eyes widened. This was new, this wasn't even often found in the open world. Perhaps the places he had been and not in his city. But it was in an underground cave? This actually made no sense to Kaiza. Why would this ever be here?

Then before he could answer his questions, writing appeared on the screen. They were instructions to unlock the door and move further. It was the puzzle the first door was talking about.

The writing says;

[Three footsteps, three spots. Hand placed on print.]

"what does this mean?" Kaiza wondered. Just then a series of another message came under that.

[Time limit - one minute]

[Trials - 2]

[Solve puzzles to escape death]

Then after this, the time countdown began.