Night Raid (Part 1)

The special task force set out and won the first battle. On the battlefield, all the fatigue of the special task force soldiers was swept away, and their faces were filled with the joy of victory. In the command hall, the tense atmosphere just now had also dissipated, and all the commanding officers let out a sigh of relief. On the podium, Yuan Qinyu was holding the battle damage situation collected by each special task force combat team and reporting to Zhang Tianya."在这场战斗中,敌方步兵阵亡六千七百人,重伤一千二百人,骑兵阵亡三千一百人,重伤一千人,敌方重伤人员没有救治的可能,损失军马四千余人,我方俘虏敌军两千人, 两百人,包括五百名伤员,估计大约有一千人逃脱了..."说着,袁勤雨小心翼翼地看了张天涯一眼.张天涯面无表情地说道:"我们的损失呢?袁钦玉只好继续说道:"除了手臂被箭划伤的三个人,扭伤了脚的一个,还有两个在追逐中打断了头皮的,没有其他的损失."什么?"张天涯的表情不是生气就是笑:"这些臭小子,就是缺训练.这么大的装备优势,还有受伤的,真是不给我面子啊!嘿,指挥官,你太执着于零战斗损失了.就算对方拿着锄头,人数也是我们的三倍多!当然,袁钦瑜也不敢当面说出这些话,只是默默地在心里埋怨着张天涯.然而,张天涯却改变了语气:"但这是我们特遣队在这片陌生土地上的第一场战斗.结果是过得去的.传我的命令,所有士兵都被授予三等功勋!"是的,指挥官!"袁钦玉终于松了一口气,然后道:"那些囚犯呢?"呵呵."张天涯脸上露出莫名的笑容.熟悉他的袁沁语知道,有人会倒霉."首先,让他们养伤,派几位教官跟他们做一些思想工作,让他们了解我们人民军队的优秀历史."毕竟,善待俘虏是我们军队的优良传统."啊?就这样?这和你的风格完全不符,指挥官!袁钦宇吓了一跳."别大惊小怪.记住,我对这些人有很大的用处!特遣队一片欢乐的气氛中,只有王大海还在战场上骂骂道:"该死,张天涯这婊子,我这个拾荒者,他们怎么吃喝,却让我收拾战场!说着,王大海看了看营地,只见战斗队的厨师们正在用一个大锅煮土豆和炖牛肉,还有几队士兵从哪里抓了几只羚羊,正在火上烤.尽管军队规定禁止饮酒,但仍然可以提供可乐等冰镇饮料.就连刚才哭泣的数千名盟军俘虏,也不知道张天涯在想什么,他挥了挥手,为盟军提供了数百箱可乐.现在盟友们喝着清凉的可乐,都忍不住感叹,这些青人真是神奇,竟然有这么清凉解渴的饮料.烤肉的味道偶尔飘到血腥的战场上,夹杂着浓郁的血腥味,形成了独特的气味.这味道让王大海想吐,但更可恶的是,孟国庆此时还在傻笑,甚至还挑衅地用可乐瓶敬酒.他狠狠地朝孟国庆吐了一口唾沫,怨恨越来越重,几乎冲破了天空.当大家长着脸清理战场的时候,只有慕容雪正用闪闪发光的眼睛看着地上的尸体,她喃喃道:"太神奇了,这个世界真的太神奇了,有这么奇怪的生物,我真想解剖他,看看他的生理结构跟我们有什么不同.Wang Dahai inadvertently heard Murong Xue's murmur and shuddered. My God, is this woman a corpse maniac?Murong Xue seemed to feel Wang Dahai's gaze, smiled and said, "Come on, captain, don't complain. I found something interesting here. Do you want to come and have a look?""What's the situation?" Murong Xue's words aroused Wang Dahai's curiosity. He leaned over to Murong Xue, followed Murong Xue's fingers and looked over, and was shocked.Wang Dahai's appearance attracted the attention of other team members, and they all gathered around, looking at the things in front of them and forgetting to speak.I saw several bodies lying on the ground, and these bodies looked very strange. Some had a bull's head with two huge bull horns, the body was humanoid, but the whole body was covered with hair, and the feet were also in the shape of bull's hooves. Others, although similar to humans, had a pair of furry ears, and the other corpses were basically similar, all were a combination of human form and some kind of animal."You see, although these corpses show some animal form more or less, but" Murong Xue paused, pointing to the corpses on the ground and said, "but their overall structure is similar to ours, including the distribution of limbs, muscles, and various organs. They should be some kind of humanoid existence."Everyone gasped in unison: "This is a Warcraft, is this the land of Azeroth?"Murong Xue looked into the distance, her eyes gradually becoming sharp: "It seems that this unfamiliar world is far more interesting than I imagined."After returning to the camp, Duke Fei Li walked into the command tent with a dark face. The allied soldiers in the camp all felt his raging anger and didn't dare to breathe. His personal guards stood outside the command tent and stopped the generals of other units from entering.The news of the defeat soon spread throughout the camp, and all kinds of rumors about the special task force were flying all over the sky. Some said that the green barbarians who came from the other side of the trans-world gate were all great magicians who could cast fireball spells, flame bursts and other high-level magic, and some said that the green people on the other side were actually devils from hell, who came to punish the sinners who were disrespectful to the trans-world gate. Soon these devils would come to punish them.For a while, the camp was in a state of panic, fearing that they would be the next to be brutally killed by the green devils.From time to time, various angry curses and the sound of things being thrown came from the command tent, and all the generals waiting outside were silent, waiting for the anger of the great lion of the earth that was about to come.Fifteen thousand elite soldiers and generals, only more than a thousand people escaped back, when has Duke Fei Li suffered such humiliation, this is more unbearable than killing him. After a vent, he finally calmed down and thought carefully for a while, and he was shocked out of a cold sweat.All of this is indeed a conspiracy of Charlemagne, the old fox. Looking at the composition of the allied forces, most of them are the elite troops of various principalities. Duke Fei Li also invested almost the entire strength of the country to create the elite armored cavalry to fight, while the empire only symbolically sent 20,000 central troops. Thinking about it carefully, all of this is a conspiracy. Charlemagne promised countless benefits, let these principalities take the lead, and consumed the vitality of various principalities. At that time, he Charlemagne could more effectively control the major principalities.It's ridiculous that when Charlemagne awarded him the position of commander-in-chief of the allied forces, he still ran to the capital to be enfeoffed. Now thinking about it, he really wants to give himself a loud slap.At this moment, there is no way back. The promise Charlemagne gave him was to give the Tigris iron mine, which was originally controlled by the empire, to Bavaria as a reward. Risks are often proportional to benefits. As long as the Tigris iron mine is in hand, Bavaria can rise again. He can only break the boat and fight the green barbarians again, and maybe he can come back to life.Moreover, there are so many principalities accompanying him to die. Even if he goes to hell, he won't be lonely.Now Fei Li no longer underestimates the special task force. He called the generals outside the door and announced, "Assemble all troops, I want to flatten the Altis Highlands in one fell swoop!"The generals were shocked upon hearing this, "Your Grace, this is absolutely impossible!""Why not?" Duke Fei Li's eyes suddenly turned cold.The generals who opposed shuddered, and after a while, a general mustered up the courage to say, "Your Grace, our side has just been defeated, and the morale