这位年轻的法师似乎并没有被王大海和他的团队吓倒;她好奇地绕着他们转圈,问了一个又一个问题,尤其是关于他们的军车,这让她着迷.然而,她的一些问题让团队既好笑又生气."为什么这些大车在没有马的情况下自行移动?是某种特殊的魔法吗?王大海详细解释了机制后,终于惊呼道:"所以根本不是魔法?太神奇了!团队对她的天真咯咯笑,心想:"我们发现你的魔法也很神奇.通过他们的交谈,团队了解到这个女孩名叫 Raina,她是一名魔法学徒,和她的老师住在雪松镇这个村庄.在得知王大海的团队和平地来交流知识后,Raina 很高兴地同意帮忙把他们介绍给村民.她的认可让一些村民放心了,尽管他们仍然保持距离,好奇地看着.许多孩子忍不住,悄悄地靠近,指向王大海等人."所以,这些绿衣人真的长成这个样子吧?我以为它们会和房子一样高,有三个头,喷着火.为什么他们看起来和我们差不多?一个孩子低声说."是啊,我听说他们长得像怪物,甚至吃人——尤其是头!但他们只有黑头发和黑眼睛,就像我们一样,"另一位补充道.王大海叹了口气,"嗯,这有点受欢迎..."就在这时,慕容雪端着一堆五颜六色的糖果走了过来,向孩子们挥手:"孩子们,想尝尝点零食吗?孩子们忍不住吃了包装鲜艳的糖果,跑向慕容雪.在她的帮助下,他们打开包装并吞噬了这些糖果,品尝了他们以前从未知道的味道.有些人甚至跑回去要求更多.好奇的成年人很快就加入了进来,品尝了这些糖果后,他们忍不住惊叹不已."我从来没有吃过这么好吃的东西!它是如此甜美芬芳;与这个相比,我们镇上的零食尝起来像泥土!Raina站在附近,渴望地看着,但又害羞得自己不敢要求任何东西.注意到了,王大海咯咯笑了起来,掏出了一个包装精美的巧克力蛋糕."来,试试看!"Raina 接过蛋糕,小心翼翼地打开,轻轻闻了一下,然后开始品尝小口小食,脸上露出幸福的表情,仿佛这是她吃过的最好的东西.读到一半时,她小心翼翼地重新包装并放入包中.看到王大海不解的神情,她害羞地笑道:"一口气吃完也太好了.我想留一些给我的老师试试.她的体贴打动了王大海.他心动了,又拿出几个各种口味的蛋糕递给她.看到Raina灿烂的笑容,王大海感到一阵幸福.突然,一声巨响从天空中回荡,吓了所有人一跳,地面开始剧烈震动.屋顶瓦片开始砸向地面——这是一场地震!特遣队成员立即意识到了危险,但村民们在困惑中僵住了,不知道该怎么办.震动越来越强烈,乌云密布,天空变得暗淡,大地开始出现深深的裂缝.村民们终于意识到了危险,他们尖叫着四散而去,一片混乱爆发,有些人拼命地跑回了自己的家."别进去!到开阔的地方去!贺长隆喊道.他曾在 2008 年汶川地震期间参与救援工作,知道地震时待在室内的危险.但大多数村民都被恐惧所笼罩,无视他,冲进屋里,结果周围的房子倒塌了.许多人不幸被困在废墟下."大家,出去!待在外面!王大海一边指挥着团队,一边大喊道:"赵阳和李沫沫,带领村民们到安全的地方去!慕容雪和何长龙,跟我来帮扶伤员吧! The villagers, having learned their lesson, finally ran outside. Under Li Momo and Zhao Yang's guidance, they headed for a clearing outside the village, while Wang Dahai led Murong Xue and He Changlong to the ruined houses. Though they knew survival chances were slim under the rubble, they had to try. Just then, Raina, who should have been escaping with the others, stopped and turned back, running deeper into the village. Wang Dahai shouted, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Get out of here!" "My teacher's still inside! I have to save him!"she shouted back, not stopping. "I'll go with you!"Wang Dahai ran after her, and together they reached a small red-brick house that, miraculously, was still standing. Raina started calling out, "Teacher! Where are you?" After searching without success, Wang Dahai asked, "Could he have gotten out already?" "No, he doesn't like being around others. He'd probably be in the attic...yes, the attic!"Raina rushed over, pulled a rope, and a ladder descended from the ceiling. They climbed up and found an elderly man with a long white beard sound asleep in a rocking chair, a thick book in his hands. Wang Dahai was incredulous. This old man was calmly napping while chaos reigned outside! Raina shook him urgently, "Teacher! Teacher, wake up! You need to wake up!" After a moment, the old man finally opened his eyes and, squinting, asked, "Oh, it's you, Raina. Is it lunchtime already?" Wang Dahai was at a loss. "Sir, the world outside is falling apart! It's time to get to safety!" The old man looked at Wang Dahai, curious. "Who might you be? Ah, you must be one of those Green-Clad People. Wait, aren't you supposed to have a bull's head and a terrifying mask? Why do you look like us?" "Please, sir, the earthquake!"Wang Dahai slapped his knee in frustration. "We can talk later. Right now, we have to leave!" "Earthquake?"the old man mumbled, then turned to Raina, who explained, "Teacher, he means a 'dragon shake.'We need to leave the house!" The old man frowned. "A dragon shake here? That's unheard of…could it be a celestial phenomenon?" "Oh, forget it!"Wang Dahai practically shouted. "We need to go now!" "What's with the 'old man'talk? I am none other than Gandalf, the greatest mage in the land. I remember when…"The man began, only for Wang Dahai to cut him off. "Save the stories for later, sir!"Grabbing his arm, he and Raina helped him down the ladder. The old mage protested, "Wait a minute! Let me carry my books too." By the time Wang Dahai drove over, Raina had already used magic to transport a pile of books outside. Together, they loaded everything into the vehicle. Gandalf, in awe, circled the military truck, muttering, "Young man, why does this cart move on its own?" Wang Dahai shook his head with a laugh, "You'll have to wait until next time to find out!"He bundled Gandalf into the vehicle, Raina hopped in after, and they gathered Murong Xue and He Changlong, driving toward safety. Inside the vehicle, Gandalf and Raina touched everything with wide eyes, their curiosity overcoming any fear of the quake. They kept asking the team all sorts of comical questions, lighting up the tense journey with a touch of humor.