Rosemary spotted someone trying to chat her up. She glanced over and saw a fellow freshman in uniform, looking a bit nervous.
"Sorry, I can't help ya."
Upon hearing Rosemary's response, the guy's cheeks turned even redder. He muttered, "My bad," and scurried off, leaving his buddies in stitches.
A while later, another guy came up to her and asked Rosemary for her contact info. Instead of handing it over, she told him to hit the books. This had the three girls around her cracking up.
On their way back to the dorm, a steady stream of guys tried to pick them up, with Rosemary getting the most attention.
During the break time, Joyce slipped away for a bit. When she came back, her eyes were red-rimmed.
"What's up?" Mya was the first to notice her condition, draping an arm over Joyce's shoulder and asking, "Weren't you just going to the loo? Why are you crying?"
Mya's question only made Joyce's eyes redder, and she was too choked up to speak.