Romeo took Rosemary to the master bathroom on the second floor and gently put her down, saying, "Hang on a sec."
He turned around and went to the dressing room to get clean clothes and the necessary supplies for her period. After opening the package, he had no clue how to use the sanitary pads properly, so he looked it up online and then helped Rosemary put it on. Rosemary blushed when she saw it. She didn't expect him to be that thorough, but the thing was, he put it on backwards.
"Did I put it on wrong?" Romeo noticed her reaction.
"Um," Rosemary murmured, "you put it on backward."
Romeo looked down at the thing in his hand.
"The smaller end goes in the front."
Got it.
Romeo ripped off the pad and tossed it into the trash bin, then put a new one on, his movements much smoother than before.
"Do you need me to help you change?"