Chapter 7: The Ka Stone

Apocalypse's intellect had expanded in ways he had never imagined. No longer was he driven by mere strength and survival; his mind now reached toward the cosmos, toward the very fabric of reality. It was through his Marvel knowledge that he had come to know of the Ka Stone, an artifact of vast magical and psionic potential that could enhance his powers beyond even his wildest ambitions.

The desert stretched out before En Sabah Nur like a vast, timeless ocean, the sands shifting in waves beneath the harsh Egyptian sun. The wind howled around him, carrying with it whispers of forgotten eras and buried secrets. But En Sabah Nur, now known as Apocalypse, paid no heed to the elements. His mind was fixed on a single goal—the Ka Stone, an artifact of unimaginable magical and psionic potential. The Ka Stone represented something far greater: pure, unfiltered power, the kind that could transcend the limitations of even the most powerful mutants.

Apocalypse had always been driven by a singular belief of survival of the fittest. He had cultivated his strength over the years and learned his new mutant abilities. But now, with his expanded intellect, augmented by the knowledge of modern science and cosmology, his ambitions had grown beyond mere survival. He sought to shape reality itself. And the Ka Stone was the key.

Legends spoke of the Ka Stone as an artifact tied to energy reality, alteration and thought. The ancient Egyptian sorcerers who had first discovered it had hidden it away in the Ka Temple, deep within the sands, fearing its overwhelming power. But Apocalypse did not fear power. He craved it.

For most, the idea of locating such a treasure was a fool's errand, but En Sabah Nur was no fool. He new from Steven Haking's knowledge of Marvel comics that the treasure was real and in Egypt so studied the ancient texts, deciphered the cryptic writings left behind by priests who had lived and died millennia before his birth. His mind, now sharper than ever, processed every clue, every fragment of history that pointed him toward the Ka Stone. He was determined to claim it for himself.

For weeks, he had traversed the desert, following the cryptic maps and clues left behind in hieroglyphs and ancient texts. His newfound intellect had made it easier to piece together the puzzle, to decipher the language of a people long gone. And now, he was close. He could feel the resonance of the Ka Stone as he approached its resting place, the energies within the earth vibrating in response to his presence.

Ahead, the entrance to the Ka Temple came into view. It was nothing more than a jagged stone outcrop jutting out from the sands, half-buried by centuries of erosion. But Apocalypse knew that beneath this unassuming exterior lay one of the most powerful artifacts on earth. The entrance was sealed by a massive stone door, inscribed with ancient symbols of protection and warning. No mortal would have been able to move it.

But Apocalypse was no mortal.

With a mere gesture, he commanded his mutant abilities. The earth beneath him rumbled as he exerted his telekinetic force upon the door. Slowly, the massive stone slab shifted, grinding against the sand-covered floor, before sliding open with a heavy thud. Darkness loomed beyond, but Apocalypse was not deterred. He stepped into the shadowy passage without hesitation, the temperature dropping as the sun's heat disappeared behind the ancient walls.

The temple was vast, its halls lined with columns carved in intricate detail, telling the stories of forgotten kings and gods. The air inside was thick with the smell of dust and decay, undisturbed for centuries. Apocalypse moved with purpose, his mind focused on the energies he could feel pulsing beneath the stone, guiding him deeper into the heart of the temple.

As he made his way through the labyrinthine passages, he encountered the remnants of the ancient guardians—traps designed to keep intruders from reaching the Ka Stone. In one chamber, massive stone blocks fell from the ceiling in a pattern meant to crush any who dared to enter. Apocalypse, with his enhanced reflexes and strength, moved effortlessly between the falling stones, his body a blur of motion as he passed through unscathed. In another room, energy beams, powered by long-forgotten sorcery, shot out from the walls in a crisscrossing web. Apocalypse after hardening his body simply allowed energy beams to hit him, enabling him to pass unencumbered.

These defenses, though formidable for any mortal, were nothing more than minor obstacles to one of his powers. He continued onward, deeper into the temple, his every step echoing through the darkened halls. At last, he arrived at the central chamber.

The room was unlike any other in the temple. It was circular, with a domed ceiling that stretched high above, carved with constellations and celestial patterns that seemed to shift and move as he watched. In the center of the room stood an altar, and upon it rested the Ka Stone.

It was small, no larger than a man's fist, and yet it radiated with a power that seemed to warp the very air around it. The stone was a deep, ruby red, swirling with currents of energy that pulsed in rhythm with the universe itself. It was something primal—an embodiment of thought and energy. The Ka Stone was a relic of a time before humans had even begun to comprehend the forces that governed reality.

Apocalypse stepped toward it, his eyes fixed on the artifact. He could feel its pull, like gravity, drawing him closer. This was what he had been searching for, the key to unlocking the next phase of his evolution. The Ka Stone was not bound by the rules of gods or men; it was power in its purest form, and he would claim it.

As he approached the altar, however, the chamber began to hum with energy. The carvings on the walls glowed faintly, and from the darkness, a figure emerged—an apparition, clad in the ceremonial garb of an ancient Egyptian priest. The figure's eyes burned with a bright, ethereal light as it raised its hand toward Apocalypse.

"You seek the Ka Stone," the apparition spoke, its voice a low, resonant echo that reverberated through the chamber. "But you do not understand its true nature. It is not for the weak of will, nor the tyrant who seeks to bend it to his desires."

Apocalypse's eyes narrowed. He could feel the power of the Ka Stone growing stronger as the apparition spoke, as though testing him. He had no patience for riddles.

"I am no weakling, nor am I a tyrant who bows to the whims of lesser beings," he growled. "I am Apocalypse—the first, the eternal. I do not seek power. I am power."

The apparition studied him for a moment, its expression unreadable. Then it spoke again, its tone cold and unyielding. "You misunderstand. The Ka Stone does not serve. It does not obey. It is a force of will, a nexus of thought, and it requires one who understands its nature to wield it. Fail, and it will consume you."

Apocalypse's lips curled into a smile. "Then it will learn that I am more than capable of mastering its power."

With a surge of confidence, he stepped forward, his hand outstretched. His fingers closed around the Ka Stone and he pressed it to his forehead. Instantly, a flood of energy coursed through his body, more intense than anything he had ever felt before. His mind was assaulted by waves of psionic force, thoughts and concepts beyond human understanding crashing against his consciousness.

But Apocalypse did not falter. He had prepared for this, fortified his mind with knowledge and discipline. He welcomed the power, bending it to his will, letting it flow through him like a river. His body glowed with the same energy as the Ka Stone, his eyes flaring with new intensity.

The apparition watched silently as the Ka Stone fused with Apocalypse's essence. The energy storm swirling around him began to settle, and Apocalypse stood taller, stronger, his mind expanded beyond the physical realm. He could feel the limitless possibilities that the Ka Stone offered.

"It is done," the apparition whispered, before fading into nothingness.

Apocalypse looked up at the Ka Stone, now pulsing with a steady, rhythmic glow on his head. The power he had gained was beyond anything he had ever known. This was the power of thought, of will.

And now, it was his to command.

With a single thought, Apocalypse willed the temple to tremble, the walls vibrating as the energies within it responded to his newfound power. The ancient defenses crumbled, unable to contain the force he now wielded.

He would reshape the world, not through brute strength, but with the mastery of thought itself. The Ka Stone had granted him the power to do more than conquer—he could now create, destroy, and manipulate the very essence of existence.

The Ka Stone, a mystical relic of untold power, augmented Apocalypse far beyond the limits of any mortal or mutant. This ancient artifact granted him abilities that transformed him into something more than just a conqueror—he became a living force of nature. The stone's powers intertwined with his mutant physiology, amplifying his already formidable abilities. With it, Apocalypse became an unstoppable figure, capable of bending the world and reality itself to his will. Its vast capabilities were both his weapon and his shield, solidifying his dominance.

Reality Alteration: The Ka Stone allows Apocalypse to reshape reality within a several-mile radius. Through its power, he can manipulate the fabric of the physical world, turning barren deserts into lush forests or creating entire cities from nothing. He can rewrite the laws of physics within this range, warping time, space, and even life itself, ensuring that nothing around him remains untouched by his will. The stone gives him the ability to redefine reality as he sees fit, making him as much a creator as a destroyer. Energy Manipulation and Control: The Ka Stone grants Apocalypse complete control over vast reserves of mystical energy. He can project these energies in various forms: Concussive blasts capable of leveling entire armies. Blinding light that can illuminate vast expanses or disorient foes. Intense heat capable of melting metal and vaporizing enemies. His manipulation of energy is nearly limitless, allowing him to shield himself from attacks, launch powerful strikes, and harness pure energy to fuel his many abilities. Illusions: Through the Ka Stone, Apocalypse can craft elaborate and realistic illusions that deceive the senses of those around him. These illusions can trick sight, sound, touch, and even smell, creating entire false realities for his enemies. Whether masking his presence, creating phantom armies, or warping landscapes, the illusions are so lifelike that they can lead his opponents into traps or madness. Telepathy and Total Recall: The Ka Stone endowed Apocalypse with telepathic abilities, though the full extent of his powers is unknown. He can: Read the minds of most sentient beings, peering into their deepest thoughts. Extract information effortlessly, making him a master of secrets and manipulation. With his total recall, Apocalypse never forgets anything he has learned, retaining vast amounts of knowledge and using it to craft intricate strategies. This allows him to always remain several steps ahead of his enemies. Flight: By channeling the energy of the Ka Stone, Apocalypse can fly at incredible speeds, faster than any conventional aircraft. His flight is not limited by gravity or the atmosphere—he can soar through space itself, unbound by the need for air. This ability grants him mobility unmatched by any living being, allowing him to traverse the galaxy with ease. Teleportation: The Ka Stone grants Apocalypse the power of instantaneous teleportation. He can move vast distances in the blink of an eye, whether to avoid danger, pursue enemies, or appear in key locations without warning. His teleportation ability makes him nearly impossible to pin down, as he can vanish from sight and reappear miles away with no trace. Superhuman Strength: The energies of the Ka Stone have amplified Apocalypse's physical strength to a superhuman level, far exceeding 100 tons. His strength allows him to crush, lift, and hurl objects of immense size and weight with ease. He can shatter mountains, rip through steel, and overpower nearly any opponent in direct combat. The Ka Stone has made him one of the physically strongest beings in existence. Superhuman Stamina: Apocalypse's stamina is seemingly limitless due to the Ka Stone's energies. His body produces almost no fatigue toxins, allowing him to engage in continuous physical activity for extended periods without tiring. This gives him a significant edge in prolonged battles or when exerting himself through strenuous tasks. Superhuman Durability: One of the greatest gifts of the Ka Stone is its ability to render Apocalypse's body highly resistant to injury. His flesh is nearly impervious to conventional weapons. He can withstand massive physical impacts, such as falls from great heights, as well as extreme environmental conditions like intense heat, cold, and pressure. Even powerful energy attacks that could disintegrate most beings leave him unharmed. Additionally, Apocalypse can survive in the vacuum of space without oxygen, unaffected by the lack of air or the void's freezing temperatures. Immortality: Perhaps the most insignificant effect of the Ka Stone is the gift of functional immortality since he is already immortal. Apocalypse no longer ages, his body immune to the ravages of time. He is also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. His regenerative abilities ensure that, should he be injured, he heals rapidly. Though not invincible, the combination of these traits makes him nearly impossible to kill by ordinary means. 

Apocalypse smiled, his gaze turning toward the future. The world would bow to his will, and with the Ka Stone, there would be no limits to what he could achieve.

For he was no longer just a god among men.

He was something far more.

Notes for the reader: Apocalypse takes a different approach than the original comics in dealing with Rama-Tut (which will happen in a later chapter) and the Ka stone since he fused with Steven Hakings knowledge of Marvel Comics so I apologize to all readers expecting the book to mirror the comics. The problem is Apocalypse in the comics simps over a normal girl named Nephri which I cannot allow to happen to my version of Apocalypse. She is all for Apocalypse until he uncovers his face causing her to recoil in horror. Apocalypse's love interests here will look beyond skin deep shallowness and fall in love with the existential terror known as Apocalypse.