Chapter 9: One Man Army

The City of Kings rose in the distance, its towering pyramids gleaming under the relentless Egyptian sun. En Sabah Nur, now known as Apocalypse, stood at the edge of the vast desert, his eyes fixed on the pyramid palace where Rama-Tut, the time-traveling Pharaoh, waited. With the Ka Stone pulsing in his forehead and the intellect of Steven Haking guiding his thoughts, Apocalypse was more determined than ever to make Rama-Tut pay for the slaughter of his people. His fury burned like the sun above, but beneath that rage was an unshakable focus, sharpened by the vast powers he had unlocked.

Rama-Tut had taken everything from him—his tribe, his mentor Baal, and his peace. But the Pharaoh had made one fatal mistake: leaving Apocalypse alive. And now, with the powers of psionic manipulation, atomic control, and telekinesis at his disposal, Apocalypse would unleash his wrath upon the city and take his vengeance.

The city gates loomed closer, guarded by legions of Rama-Tut's soldiers, each armed with weapons that gleamed with advanced technology from a distant future. They had been waiting, clearly expecting him. Apocalypse strode forward, his presence alone causing the air to shift, the sands to tremble in response to his power.

The first wave of soldiers moved to block his path, their energy weapons aimed at him. They had been instructed to defend the City of Kings, and it was clear they would not allow anyone to reach their ruler. Apocalypse did not break his stride.

"Fools," he muttered under his breath, his voice carrying across the open desert like a thunderclap.

With a thought, his telekinesis surged outward. The sands beneath the soldiers erupted, forming a massive tidal wave of stone and dust, crashing down upon the advancing troops. Their advanced energy staves fired in desperation, beams of light tearing through the air, but Apocalypse deflected them effortlessly, sending the energy scattering harmlessly into the desert.

One by one, the soldiers fell, their bodies crushed beneath the weight of Apocalypse's will. His power was absolute, and they were little more than insects in his path. He moved through them with ease, their numbers no match for his strength and control over the elements.

As he neared the gates, the commander of Rama-Tut's army appeared—Ozymandias, a towering figure clad in ornate armor and wielding a blade crackling with futuristic energy. Ozymandias had once been a great general, but now he served as the Pharaoh's enforcer, his body enhanced by Rama-Tut's technology. His expression was one of grim determination as he stepped forward, blocking Apocalypse's path.

"You will go no further, En Sabah Nur," Ozymandias declared, his voice booming with authority. "Rama-Tut has foreseen this moment. He knows you will come—and he knows you will fail."

Apocalypse's eyes narrowed,. "Then he will die knowing he was wrong."

Without warning, Ozymandias charged, his energy blade slicing through the air with lethal precision. Apocalypse stood his ground, his mind calculating every move. In a blur of motion, he dodged the strike, his reflexes heightened by his mastery over his own atomic structure. He countered with a blast of telekinetic force, sending Ozymandias crashing into the nearby stone walls.

But Ozymandias was not easily defeated. He rose quickly, his enhanced body shrugging off the impact, and launched another assault. His energy blade clashed with Apocalypse's telekinetic shield, sparks flying as the two forces met. For a moment, it seemed as though Ozymandias might gain the upper hand, his strength amplified by Rama-Tut's futuristic technology.

But Apocalypse was far more than just strength. He was intellect and power combined.

With an energy blast, he destroyed Ozymandias's blade, causing it to disintegrate in his hands. Ozymandias stared in shock as his weapon fell apart before him, and in that moment of hesitation, Apocalypse struck. He sent a surge of psionic energy crashing into Ozymandias's mind, overwhelming him with sheer force. The general's eyes rolled back as he collapsed to the ground, defeated.

Apocalypse stepped over his fallen foe without a second glance. Ozymandias had been a distraction, nothing more. His true enemy still waited.

The gates of the palace stood before him now, guarded by the royal guard of Rama-Tut, each armed with advanced energy staves that crackled with lethal power. These were no ordinary soldiers—they had been specially trained to protect the Pharaoh, their weapons designed to pierce even the strongest defenses. But Apocalypse was not deterred.

The guards raised their staves, firing in unison, beams of energy lancing toward Apocalypse. For a moment, the air was filled with light and heat as the staves unleashed their full power. But Apocalypse stood unmoved, his telekinetic shield absorbing the blasts. The energy dissipated harmlessly against his defenses, and with a wave of his hand, Apocalypse sent the guards flying in all directions.

Their bodies crashed into the walls of the palace, their weapons shattered. Apocalypse continued forward, the doors to the pyramid now within reach. His heart pounded with anticipation as he approached the inner sanctum. Inside, Rama-Tut was waiting. The time-traveling Pharaoh, known in other futures as Nathaniel Richards, had seen this confrontation coming—but nothing could prepare him for the force that now approached.

Apocalypse pushed open the doors with a single thought, the great stone slabs parting before him. Inside, the grand throne room stretched before him, illuminated by the flickering glow of torches and the advanced technology that Rama-Tut had brought from the future. And there, seated upon his throne, was Rama-Tut himself.

The Pharaoh of the future stood as Apocalypse entered, his expression one of calculated calm. Dressed in his regal robes, his face adorned with the mask of his title, Rama-Tut exuded an air of confidence. But behind those eyes was a flicker of something else—something Apocalypse could see clearly now.


"En Sabah Nur," Rama-Tut said, his voice cold and measured. "You have done well to make it this far. But your journey ends here."

Apocalypse's lips curled into a smile, his eyes blazing with power. "You have made a grave mistake, Nathaniel Richards. I am not the one whose journey ends today."

Rama-Tut raised his scepter, its tip glowing with a radiant light as it tapped into the vast energy sources hidden within the pyramid. The battle between the two titans was about to begin, and only one would leave the City of Kings alive.