Chapter 13: The Final Piece

The City of Kings lay quiet under the dark sky, a vast contrast to the turmoil that had shaken it just days ago. Apocalypse, now the undisputed ruler, stood atop a high balcony in the royal palace, gazing across the desert. The air was still, but the silence was heavy with expectation. His conquest of Egypt had only just begun, and already his ambitions stretched far beyond this kingdom. But before he could advance his plans, there was one last piece he needed—the missing Eye of Ages.

The journey to the cave loomed in his mind, calling him back to a place he had once visited with Baal, his adoptive father. Back then, the cave had been a refuge from the harsh desert, a place of survival. But now, Apocalypse knew it held something far more valuable. The Eye of Ages, hidden away to prevent Rama-Tut from fully harnessing the power of time travel, was the last obstacle standing between him and complete mastery over time.

His mind, enhanced by Steven Haking's intellect and the boundless energy of the Ka Stone, moved rapidly through possibilities and calculations. The Eye of Ages was essential to unlocking the full potential of the time-ship buried beneath the palace. 

Satisfied with the order he had brought to Egypt, Apocalypse decided it was time to retrieve the final piece of the puzzle. The city was secure under the command of his loyal generals and ministers, who now acted swiftly to enforce his decrees. The people, fearful yet obedient, had accepted their new ruler, and the remnants of resistance had been crushed.

With a thought, Apocalypse summoned his chariot. The finest horses in Egypt, adorned in ornate armor, awaited him at the base of the palace steps. The journey ahead was one of necessity, not grandeur. The cave, far removed from civilization, stood as a forgotten relic in the vast expanse of the desert. Yet its contents would shape the future.

Apocalypse mounted the chariot and, with a crack of the reins, urged the horses forward. The wind picked up as they sped across the desert, the rhythmic pounding of hooves blending with the howl of the night wind. The vast dunes of Egypt stretched out endlessly before him, but his mind was focused only on the destination.

The journey was swift, his chariot moving like a force of nature through the sands. Hours passed, and the familiar landmarks of the distant past began to emerge—the ruins of ancient structures, the jagged cliffs that once served as guiding markers for nomads. As the sun began to rise, casting a golden light over the horizon, Apocalypse saw the cave ahead, its entrance a dark gash in the rock face.

He dismounted from the chariot and approached the cave on foot. The memories of his time here with Baal briefly flickered in his mind, but they were quickly dismissed. His thoughts were now consumed by the power that lay within.

The cave was as he remembered—cool, dark, and foreboding. But this time, Apocalypse was not the same person who had once sought shelter here. His mind, fortified with Haking's knowledge, allowed him to sense the faint energy of the Eye of Ages deep within the cave's hidden chambers. It pulsed with an ancient power, a remnant of a time long forgotten but essential to controlling the future.

With determined steps, Apocalypse ventured deeper into the cave, his heightened senses guiding him. The walls, carved with forgotten symbols and runes, seemed to whisper ancient secrets, but Apocalypse paid them no mind. His only focus was the core.

After navigating the labyrinthine passages, he reached a chamber hidden at the heart of the cave. In the center of the room, resting upon an intricately carved pedestal, was the Eye of Ages. It was small, no larger than a man's fist, but it radiated with immense energy. The core shimmered with a faint, ethereal glow, its power palpable even from a distance.

Apocalypse stepped forward, his eyes locked on the core. His mind, sharp and calculating, absorbed every detail of the artifact. This was the key to the time-ship, the missing piece that would allow him to travel through time without limitation.

With deliberate care, Apocalypse reached out and grasped the eye. The moment his hand made contact, a surge of energy coursed through him. The eye was alive with temporal power, vibrating in his palm with the potential to reshape the flow of time itself. Apocalypse felt the energy merging with his own, his body and mind expanding to accommodate the vast knowledge of the time-stream.

For a moment, Apocalypse stood still, allowing the power to settle within him. The Eye of Ages was now his, its potential fully unlocked. The knowledge of the future, already bolstered by Haking's intellect, now surged within him like a river breaking through a dam.

With the eye in hand, Apocalypse turned and made his way back through the cave. The journey back to the entrance felt shorter, the weight of his task lifting with the knowledge that he had now secured the final piece. As he emerged from the cave, the sun was high in the sky, its rays illuminating the vast desert before him.

Apocalypse mounted his chariot once more and set off toward his burgeoning empire. The Eye of Ages, now safely in his possession, pulsed with power. The time-ship, once dormant, would soon be complete

The journey back to the City of Kings was filled with a sense of anticipation. Apocalypse's mind raced with possibilities, his thoughts leaping ahead to the future he would create. With the Eye of Ages and the time-ship under his command, he would be unstoppable.

As the city's towering structures came into view, Apocalypse felt the full weight of his destiny settle upon him. His rule had begun, but it was only the beginning. The time-ship awaited, and with the Eye of Ages in hand, he would soon have the power to reshape the timeline to his will.

The future was his to command.