Chapter 22: The Establishment of Coven Akkaba

Apocalypse sat on his throne, the Ka Stone glowing softly in his forehead, his mind consumed with the next step of his ever-expanding empire. Egypt was now firmly under his control, but he knew that to truly ascend beyond his current power, he would need to draw upon forces beyond mere physical might. Magic had always intrigued him—an ancient, primal energy capable of reshaping the very fabric of reality. With this in mind, he envisioned the formation of the Coven Akkaba, a coven that would unite the greatest magic wielders from across Egypt and beyond.

Serqet, the sorceress who had proven herself during the harem competition, would lead this coven. Her knowledge of the arcane arts and the respect she commanded among other magic users made her the ideal candidate to oversee the creation of what would become the greatest magical order the world had ever seen. Apocalypse had summoned her and other prominent sorcerers, witches, and wizards to the grand hall of his palace, each drawn by the promise of power and the allure of what Apocalypse could offer them.

As they arrived, they marveled at the sight of the palace's newly enchanted architecture, a blend of ancient Egyptian design and the futuristic technology Apocalypse had acquired from Rama-Tut. The walls shimmered with protective wards, and the very air crackled with untapped potential. Serqet stood at the front, her eyes filled with anticipation as Apocalypse rose from his throne.

"Welcome, practitioners of the mystic arts," Apocalypse began, his voice booming throughout the hall. "You have been called here not merely as subjects of my empire, but as architects of the future. Together, we will create the Coven Akkaba, a gathering of the most powerful magic wielders in existence. Our mission is simple: to expand our knowledge, our power, and our dominion over all things mystical."

The assembled magic users exchanged glances, their excitement palpable. This was not a mere call to service—it was an invitation towards a better future. Apocalypse continued, his eyes scanning the room as he spoke.

"Under Serqet's leadership, the Coven Akkaba will establish a grand library of magic, open to all who join us. This library will house knowledge from every corner of the earth—spells, rituals, and secrets long forgotten. But I will not allow this knowledge to be lost again. You will create a second, hidden library—a sanctuary where this knowledge will be preserved in case of catastrophe."

Serqet stepped forward, her confidence radiating. "I will oversee this task personally, Lord Apocalypse. The greatest minds in magic will gather here, and together we will compile the most comprehensive repository of mystical knowledge ever created."

Apocalypse nodded approvingly. "Good. But there is more to be done."

His voice lowered, becoming more ominous. "You will not only gather knowledge, but you will also submit to me. The Ka Stone not only gives me insight into realms beyond mortal understanding, but to expand my own mastery of magic, I require your knowledge. Each of you will offer your memories of the spells, incantations, and rituals you have learned over your lifetime. In return, I will grant you access to power you could never dream of."

The magic wielders murmured among themselves, some nervous, others excited. Using his vast telepathic abilities, amplified by the Ka Stone, Apocalypse intended to siphon the magical knowledge from their minds, leaving no secrets hidden from him.

As the sorcerers, witches, and wizards stood before him, Apocalypse raised his hand, the Ka Stone flaring with light. "Now, let us begin."

One by one, the magic users stepped forward, offering their memories to Apocalypse. Serqet went first, her mind filled with ancient spells and arcane knowledge that had been passed down through generations of her bloodline. Apocalypse placed his hand on her forehead, his eyes glowing with energy as he delved into her mind. He saw visions of rituals performed under the moonlight, of forgotten gods being summoned from other realms, and of forbidden magic that could warp reality itself.

Serqet staggered slightly as Apocalypse withdrew his hand, but she smiled, exhilarated by the power she had gained in exchange. "I feel stronger, my lord," she said, her voice trembling with excitement. "You have opened new pathways within me."

Apocalypse simply nodded, his attention already shifting to the next magic user in line. As each one stepped forward, he repeated the process, pulling memories and magical knowledge from their minds. The energy swirling around the room grew more intense with each transfer, the air heavy with power.

As their memories flowed into him, his own mystical abilities expanded, his understanding of magic growing more profound with each mind he touched. He learned new spells, new forms of magic, and new ways to bend reality to his will.

By the time the last sorcerer had stepped forward, Apocalypse's mind was a vast repository of magical knowledge, far surpassing what any single magic user could possess. He had mastered the art of spellcraft, alchemy, and even the darkest forms of necromancy. And none of the magic wielders had any idea that their most closely guarded secrets now belonged to him.

Once the process was complete, Apocalypse turned to face the assembled magic users. "You have served me well," he said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Through your knowledge, the Coven Akkaba will become the most powerful magical order the world has ever seen. You are now bound to me and to each other. Together, we will reshape this world and all who inhabit it."

The magic wielders bowed deeply. They believed they had gained immeasurable power by aligning with him, but in truth, it was Apocalypse who had gained the most.

As the meeting concluded, Serqet approached Apocalypse. "The Coven Akkaba will flourish under your rule, my lord. I will see to it personally."

Apocalypse regarded her with an approving gaze. "Ensure that it does. And remember, Serqet—loyalty is rewarded. Betrayal is punished."

Serqet nodded, her loyalty unwavering. "I will not fail you."

With the Coven Akkaba now established and his own mystical capabilities greatly enhanced, Apocalypse knew that his reign was only beginning. The future would bend to his will, and with the power of magic now at his fingertips, there would be no limits to what he could achieve.

For Apocalypse, there was only one truth: the strong must rule, and he had now become stronger than ever before.