Chapter 25: The Celestial Encounter

The golden sun of Egypt was slowly setting behind the horizon, casting long shadows over the expansive desert. Apocalypse stood at the edge of the city, his eyes scanning the skies. His empire was growing stronger, more secure with each passing day, but something gnawed at the edge of his consciousness. There was an unsettling feeling, one he could not quite place, like the shift of unseen forces. His connection to the cosmos, alerted him to a presence approaching—a presence that was not of this world.

As the wind picked up, whipping sand across the landscape, a great shadow fell over the desert. Apocalypse looked up to see the massive, celestial form descending from the heavens. Towering above him, its form wreathed in cosmic energy, stood Eson the Searcher, one of the ancient and mighty Celestials. His shimmering armor radiated power, and his eyes glowed with the light of countless stars.

Apocalypse was no stranger to power. He had faced gods and men, bending them to his will. But the Celestial before him was something else—a force of nature, a being who had existed since the beginning of this universe, perhaps even before. Still, Apocalypse stood tall, his chin lifted in defiance. He had come too far to be cowed by anyone, not even a god from the stars.

"You are En Sabah Nur, known as Apocalypse," Eson's voice reverberated through the air, resonating in both Apocalypse's ears and mind, the weight of his presence almost overwhelming. "I am Eson the Searcher, Celestial Gardener of worlds. I come with a message."

Apocalypse narrowed his eyes, stepping forward without fear. "Speak, then, Celestial. What message do you bring from the cosmos?"

Eson's massive form remained motionless, yet his presence seemed to grow. "The Celestials are the shepherds of evolution. We have guided life across the universe since time began, nurturing worlds, planting the seeds of future greatness. Earth is one such world, but it is not yet ready for what is to come. Your kind—humans and mutants alike—must be prepared."

Apocalypse crossed his arms over his chest, his voice cold. "I have already set that course in motion. I have brought strength and power to the weak. I will ensure that the strong survive and the future of my people is secure."

Eson's eyes glowed brighter, casting a beam of light that enveloped Apocalypse. "Your actions have not gone unnoticed, but the time has come for you to take a greater role. You are to become the evolutionary caretaker of this world. This is no mere task, but a noble duty that has been passed down across generations of Earthlings chosen for this purpose."

Apocalypse could feel the power coursing through Eson, a cosmic energy that dwarfed even his own. But instead of awe, he felt ambition stir within him. "You wish for me to prepare mankind for the coming age of mutants," Apocalypse said, his voice now filled with interest. "To protect them and foster their evolution? Or to eradicate the weak who stand in the way?"

Eson's voice boomed with authority. "Both. You must ready mankind for the coming of the mutants, protect them from extinction at the hands of their own, and, when necessary, cull the weak to allow the strong to thrive. This is your role, Apocalypse. You will guide them through the trials that will determine their survival. And you will do this until the time comes for the Celestials to return, in three thousand years, as the Third Celestial Host. By then, the Earth must be ready."

Apocalypse's mind raced. He had always believed in survival of the fittest, but now, with the power of the Celestials backing him, his purpose had grown far larger. He saw the potential for not just ruling Egypt or even the Earth, but for guiding evolution on a cosmic scale.

"What is it that you offer me in return for this… duty?" Apocalypse asked, his voice unwavering.

Eson raised a massive hand, and from the void, several glowing objects appeared. "We offer you gifts to fulfill your role. Three Life Seeds, capable of turning barren worlds into verdant planets of life, or enhancing the power of those who are strong enough to wield them. They can create or amplify potential, granting those with latent abilities new strengths beyond their current limitations."

Apocalypse's eyes gleamed at the sight of the Life Seeds. He could see their vast potential already, imagining how he could use them to further the strength of his own people.

"Then, there are the Death Seeds," Eson continued, his voice darker. "These are not to be used lightly. They grant the power of the evolutionary caretaker"

Apocalypse's lip curled in a cold smile. "And what of these?" he asked, motioning toward the seeds.

"They are tools for your mission. You will receive three of each—three Life Seeds and three Death Seeds. With them, you can shape the world in preparation for the future of mutants."

Finally, Eson extended his hand once more, and from the void came a suit of gleaming Celestial armor. Its surface shimmered with cosmic energy, and Apocalypse could feel the power radiating from it. "This armor is your final gift, created from the energies of the universe itself. It will protect you from the mightiest of attacks, and allow you to channel Celestial energy. It is a gift granted only to those chosen to guide the evolutionary course of a planet."

Apocalypse could hardly contain his satisfaction. With this power, he would be unstoppable. The Celestials had given him the tools not only to rule Earth but to mold it into something far greater. "I accept your gifts, Celestial," Apocalypse said, his voice filled with a sense of purpose. "I will become the caretaker of Earth's evolution, and I will ensure that the strong survive to shape the future."

Eson nodded, his form beginning to shimmer as he prepared to return to the stars. "Then your mission begins. The Celestials will return in three millennia. Until then, guide this world toward its destiny."

As Eson the Searcher ascended back into the cosmos, Apocalypse stood alone in the desert, the weight of his new role settling on his shoulders. The seeds, the armor, and the knowledge granted by the Celestials had elevated him beyond even his wildest dreams. Now, with the power of the universe behind him, he would shape mankind's future.

But as he gazed up at the stars, Apocalypse knew this was only the beginning. With the tools of the Celestials and the power of the Ka Stone, he would not only guide Earth's evolution—he would dominate it.