Chapter Four

Lydia came back supporting two wounded men on each side of her arm while a group of women who were slightly injured supported others. She had marked their meeting spot by using Moira but she was nowhere to be seen. Lydia would have thought she had the wrong place had it not been for the huge amount of blood under the tree. She gently put the two men on the ground and told everyone to rest before they go all the way to the pack.

She was about to lose her sh*t but she stayed calm and looked around for a bit. Moira was too injured to move so someone must have moved her. Did the wolves make it to this spot and maul her to death, but where is the body. As soon as she started thinking about Moira as a body she lost her wits.

"Moira!" She screamed with her hands circling her mouth to make her sound louder. She looked to another direction and heard a stick breaking from being stepped on but then she realized it was herself.

"Moi-" her screaming came to a halt when she heard a familiar voice weakly screaming, "I'm here!"

"Say that again." She immediately hyper-focused on the direction of the voice and she sped to that location.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking freaked and Moira looked at her with a hint of surprise. Lydia seemed to notice because she asked, "what?" And Moira blinked rapidly for a moment. Then suddenly it hit Lydia that there was someone else there and her eyes widened.

"There it is." Moira chuckled when she saw the reaction that Lydia had. "This is not the time, where did you find the kid?" Lydia whisper-yelled. "Here in the woods." Moira pointed around the wooded area. Lydia looked around frantically, "where are the parents?" She asked still whispering.

"Dead." She answered casually and horror filled Lydia's face. "You killed them?!" She yelled then hushed herself before asking again, "you killed them?" In a hushed but stern tone. Moira looked at her like a crazy person, "in my condition who am I able to kill?"

"Ohh you're right." Lydia nodded along with her statement. "Okay." Moira released a sigh, "let's take the baby and head back, it is too dangerous out here for us to be holding this little angel here." Moira smiled at the baby while rocking the baby Moses basket.  "Okay." Lydia reached for the basket then she stopped mid-way. "Wait."

Moira knew this was coming and she hoped the Beta of their pack would overlook it. "What?" She asked in a high pitched voice trying to play dumb. "What's the gender?" Lydia asked looking a little curious. Moira took a breath of relief. "I don't I just recently found it." Lydia contorted her face, "don't call the baby it!" She scolded and Moira smiled.

"Well I can't carry the basket and you so we're going to have to be very strategic about this." Moira nodded in agreement and at the end they decided that Moira would carry the basket while Lydia carried her. It was a bit weird she was carried over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes while she carried the basket and as they walked it kept hitting Lydia's back which aggravated her wound a little bit. The baby though was entertained with seeing Moira's face plus the ride because it kept on giggling.

"Okay people let us go home." Lydia directed as she emerged from where she fetched Moira. The Lycans stood up while supporting one another and they slowly journeyed home.

It was a mess when they got home, a lot of people had to be sent to the pack hospital including Moira whose leg needed immediate attention. "Ill hold on to the baby while you get checked out." Moira looked at her, "i don't think that's a good id-" Lydia cut her short by asking, "because the baby is a human?" Moira said nothing. "I'm not a monster, although we're not allowed to keep humans we can't just throw the baby back where we found it. And we're still too busy to take the proper steps so we'll hold on to the baby until the war is over."

Moira looked a little pleased but deep down she was disappointed. There was no way she wanted to separate with that baby. She had found that baby and she was going to keep the baby here in the pack if it's the last thing she does. She nodded with a fake smile plastered on her face.

She went in for medical care and thirty minutes later she came out in intense pain as her the meats of her thigh were being held together by a lot of bandages. Some were cut off as they were too damaged but in order to heal they needed to hold the meats together so that the muscles and the skin can reconnect and she can start healing. The part she hated about all of this wasn't the pain but rather the herbs that she was supposed to take to help her Lycan with the healing process. Those herbs were bitter and she was not going to enjoy taking them.

"You're finally done, let us go home and you can rest." Moira joined Lydia with her limp, she could walk now but she was advised to sit at anytime she found the time to sit in order to rest her leg and to avoid putting a lot of weight on it.

"I can take care of the baby, you can go rest, you took care of injured Lycans for half a day I think you deserve the rest." Lydia looked at Moira with an amused look then said, "aren't you drowsy after the whole treatment." Moira chuckled, "I truly am."

They walked home with Lydia walking as slowly as possible to accommodate Moira. They got to Moira's home and she was a little bit surprised when Lydia passed her own home. As soon as they entered the door the baby started crying.

"I think the baby is hungry." Moira told Lydia and she immediately handed the baby to Moira. "Hold him." Somehow Lydia had decided that the baby was a boy and if she was incorrect that would come with time. Lydia sped away from that house with the speed of lightning and the shock that overcame Moira was just so funny she couldn't even be surprised.

"Mom, who's crying?" A little boy came out to the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "Were you asleep baby?" Moira asked his four year old son while trying her best to rock the baby to stop crying. "Can I have food?" He asked. Moira sighed she was overwhelmed at the moment. "Go ask your brother Luca to make you a sandwich." She was still rocking the screaming baby

"Okay." The boy said with his groggy voice before he turned to leave but then he turned right back, "Where's dad, when is he coming back?" He asked and Moira's patience was a little thin, with her drowsiness kicking in and a screaming baby on her hands which she has no idea what she's going to feed and her four year old asking for his dad. What was she supposed to say? Your dad is in the war and he might never come home ever again. The thought alone killed her, she felt a pang in her heart.

"I'm back!" Lydia exclaimed walking in with a huge can of baby formula in her hands. "What's in the bag?" Moira asked. "Bottles! For the formula." Lydia answered like Moira was automatically supposed to know that answer. "I thought you had ran away." Lydia looked at with a questioning face, "am I that horrible?"

"That's not the point, the baby is screaming, please make the formula." Lydia nodded and started her work. "In the meantime how about you check the diaper we might have a surprise there." Moira nodded and laid the baby on kitchen table, "wait we don't have any diapers." She suddenly remembered. "Check the bag." Lydia pointed towards it and went back to her station of taking care of the baby.

"Where did you get these?" Moira asked and Lydia froze for a moment. "I had them." She answered in an inaudible voice. "What?!" Moira asked again because she clearly didn't hear her. "I always had them." She answered without turning to look at Moira.

"Why?" She asked. "Because I was going to have a baby of my own!" She exclaimed hitting the counter with one hand.

Moira suddenly remembered the tragedy of Lydia. She was with her mate and she was pregnant. They were expecting their first child and she was going to take a break from being the Beta to take time to build her family. But one day tragedy struck, her mate just dropped dead. Lycans are not prone to diseases so if they die a natural death is probably from old age and that's a long way to get there. Her mate just died with no cause, nothing. That case was a mystery even to the doctors and the healers of the pack. After the incident she was so depressed that it stressed her out too much she lost the child. Talk about double the trouble she was so devastated it took everything that King Asher had as her king to keep her alive. He even had to use his Lycans authority to make that happen.

"It's s boy!" Moira exclaimed trying to make both her and Lydia move on from the topic. "Really!? I knew it!" Lydia turned around grabbing a fistful of air and raising her fist to the air and pulling it down to herself.

"The food is ready." Moira tried to take grab the bottle when Lydia swerved it from her. "Go to sleep. I got this." She whispered in a caring tone. "You know I have other kids right?" She reminded Lydia that she was a mother of four boys. "Yeah I know that." She nodded, "and when they get here Ill entertain them too."

"Moira squinted her eyes, "you were also part of the war you need to rest too." She reminded her. "I know but once this little angel goes to sleep, I'll pass out on your couch too." That wasn't supposed to be funny but it did make Moira laugh.