Exchanging Rings

Evie, Lana and Danny walked out of the bedroom scratching their hair. "Was there alcohol in the drink." Lana said yawning. "Yeah I think so." Evie walked out into Infront of them. "Let's take our bathes in different room." "I choose the one across Evie's room." Lana beat Danny to it. "Aww that's the one I wanted to use." "Just take another room and don't complain about it.". 

 "It's okay, take the room next door from Lana's own." "We'll drink some hangover soup when we're done first let's clear our head." "Okay." They went to the rooms.


 "I'm busy dad, can't you let Kyle or Izabelle go, I have lots of things to catch up on." Ryan reclined on his chair. Listening to his dad on his phone. "You are being lazy,I don't know what has gotten into you,if you won't go to Evie then I'll tell her to meet you." "Why must I be the first one to choose a ring, Izabelle would be happy to do it first." On the other line he could hear his dad snickering. "Don't pretend to care you know." 

 "I'm still busy." "Then I'll tell Evie to meet you." "Don't it's not like I don't want to go I'm don't have the time." "Then make one Ryan stop delaying things." Saying that his dad hung up. He sighed and pressed a button on the telephone. "Tiffany,come to my office." Tiffany knocked on the door. "Come in." Tiffany was wearing short skirts with the top of her shirt, two bottoms were opened. She was wearing a six inches heels. 

 "You sent for me sir." "Yes how many meetings have I got today." "You have a meeting in three and another in two. You also have a meeting with the company shareholders at four." Ryan tapped his pen on the board of the table contemplating. "Clear everything and reschedule it another time." "Ok sir." "Get someone to prepare the car,I'm going out." Tiffany nodded and left.

 Puting away the files of his table he stood up to wear his blazer and coat. "Let's go." He entered the car and his driver nodded. 

 "Evie Ryan is here." Evie looked up from her phone to Danny. Beside Danny was Ryan standing right there. "What are you doing here." She asked quickly. "And good hello to you too." She only glared at him as she ignored his comment. He sat across her. "I'll sit myself down since I was kindly not told to." "I'll check up on Lana." Danny nodded at Ryan and left. 

 "Answer my question first what are you doing here." "It seems like my father hasn't told you yet but we need to be engaged first so we are going to ...." "Wait what! Engaged?" "Yeah you know how marriage works get proposed to any then wear the engagement ring then marry." "But this a formally arranged wedding do we actually have to?" "Well my dad insists so yes and you should go get dressed we are going to get our engagement rings."

 "Well I don't want to get yours I would get mine it doesn't have to necessarily be real we can fake it, go our separate ways to get it." "Are you in your right sense or you just don't know how engagement works how can you suggest exchanging rings in different places." He asked with a shocked expression. "Okay i see how you want to do this, we would get the rings separately then give it to each other through a parcel right." He was being sarcastic with her and Evie didn't like it.

 "I don't want to go with you." she said standing up. "Listen here young lady I don't leave my work to drive all the way here and listen to your whinnies." She looked at him as she tucked her chair in. "Okay let's just do this and get this over with gimme a second to change my clothes."

 A few minutes later then where In a ring mall. "Carefully pick the one you like." Ryan warned her. "Just a careful reminder it is me you are giving me the rings okay so choose carefully." Exasperated she turned to look at him. "You don't have to keep screaming that to me every time I go for a ring I bet your choice is worse than mine."

 "Baby girl I literally pick my own jewelleries to wear just be because I'm a male doesn't mean that that my choice won't be perfect ." "I wasn't being sexist." "Yes you were even though I didn't spell it out like that." "Ma'am you could pick the colour of his eyes or his favourite colour for any choice of ring for him." Evie looked at his eyes. His deep green hazel stared back at her.

 "Then a emerald would be best,I want a gold band for it with little diamonds around it with a cross heart on the side of the emerald." "Okay what would like sir." "A emerald bejewel forever ring in sterling silver." "That's a perfect choice it will take a few minutes to sort out for you two." "How many minutes." "Roughly thirty to forty five minutes." 

 "Okay." Leaving to sit on one the chairs but Ryan beat her to it. "Can't you be a perfect gentle man for once." "Coming from you I find that shockingly amusing." Evie was about to retort when someone called out Ryan's name. Fury filled her chest slowly as she realised who that voice belonged to.