Wedded Day 2

Evie walked with Ryan with her hands tucked into his . "How many more guests do we still have to see." "Don't be a lazy wife." Ryan said jesting as he shook hands with a man in his mid twenties. "Don't be a hardworking husband then." Evie said trying to force a smile. "Let's call it a day okay I'm sure the guests as well want to take a rest for tomorrow." 

 "Well you should have thought about that before making this decision." Ryan said giving her a glass of champagne. "Well for your knowledge my heels are killing me." She started fidgeting, she took the glass of champagne from his hand. "Anymore champagne I might get drunk." Ryan gave a smile."what, want to be awake for our wedding night." 

 "Can you stop being delusional for once in any of our conversation, there's no such thing as a wedding night in my dictionary when it comes to you and I'll make sure there's a space in between us when we sleep." She gulped the champagne down in one go. "Well if you were real for once Then I wouldn't have to be delusional. sad but your idea is thoughtful." 

 "It brings me much delight to know you agree for once." Evie said and Ryan mimicked her. Ryan took the empty glass from her hand and took a spoon form the nearby table hitting it against the glass to bring the guests attention to them. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for being today in this wonderful celebration of our wedding.we would like to call it a day. As you know tomorrow will my brother's wedding so I would like you all to get enough rest thank you." 

 He smiled at the guests as he left. "Evie is tired and she needs to rest her feet from her heels." Ryan told the family. "My legs are killing me right now." "Just take off the heels." Lana suggested. "A s walk barefooted, no thank you." " Take it off and let Ryan carry you to the car." Dylan said. Ryan gave a funny look to Evie. "Well rather than do that I would walk barefooted." Evie begin to remove her wheels and started to walk away. "See you guys tomorrow then for your wedding." She said addressing Kyle and Lana.

 Ryan shakes his head and went to Carry her in a bridal style. "What are you doing put me down." "I'm certainly going to drop you of you don't behave right now,my reputation is at stake here so be a good girl and act like a newly wedded bride." Ryan carried her into the car and did her seat belt for her. Ryan walked to the other side of the car and got in then instructed the driver to drive home straight.

 When they got to the Reign's mansion Evie immediately asked."Where is your room." Seeing the look Ryan was given her she shakes her head. "I need to sleep okay so wheres is your room." "Calm down okay I'm literally going there now." Ryan took her to his room. "I'll first freshen up then you can do the same." Evie said." Can I also borrow your clothes Ii didn't bring mine over." "Yeah sure, I have some cloths I don't wear again." "Is he bragging." Evie said to her self.

 Ryan gave her the clothes and she changed into them in the bathroom. "Your turn to wash up." She picked up two pillows and kept them in the middle to divide the space.she jumped into the bed and dozed off leaving Ryan to chuckle.

 Next Morning 

Lana's alarm beeped loudly in the house. Woke up abruptly. The maids entered Lana filled up room and opened the curtains. "I can't believe it morning already." Lana dragged her feets to the bathroom. She splashed water on her face after that she stared at her phone and started counting. "1 2 3 4 and 5." Immediately her phone started to ring. "Guess who is getting married today." Danny at the other end said happily. 

 "Its Lana, and guess who is getting married tomorrow, it's Danny exactly nothing that special." "I can't believe you are all grown up and I finally get to give you off." Danny said acting like a mother. "Please don't act like you are selling one of your worthy daughters away my mom is still going to act that part and I do t want to start cringing now."

 "Lana, that's a way of commenting on my feelings." "What the feeling of a acting a mother, let's be fair you do suck at motherly roles in some part anyways." "Not true." "Anyways I have to get ready or mom is going to start screaming my name,bye."