The Training Begins

Among the twelve noble families, each guilds were headed by six members of the noble families with the most ruthless being the leader of the Shadow Veil guild, Thaddeus Valmorin.

What made him so ruthless? His reputation with the common folks of the kingdom. He was someone who felt that he couldn't breathe the same air the common folks did.

To Sir Odin, it became the perfect guild for them to be placed in, if these two different sets of people could coexist together, the objectives of the training would be achieved which in turn provides more ground for the war ahead.

However, due to the toxicity in the guild and the sheer strength they possess, Sir Odin was smart enough to know the perfect people to choose specifically for the Shadow Veil guild.

"I've heard rumors of your strength, Rentaro Mizuno. I hope the power you displayed in the Soul-Hunter's exam isn't the best of your abilities, if so, you won't be able to survive in the Shadow Veil guild."