Chapter 6: A Return to the Mountains

Rhea sat by her window, watching the city lights flicker like a thousand little beacons of distraction. Everything was the same—the same buzz of traffic, the endless stream of notifications lighting up her phone, and her perfectly curated life on social media. Yet, everything felt different. After returning from Himachal Pradesh, she couldn't shake the weight of Karan's words or the simplicity of the life she had left behind.

The city had always been her stage, but lately, she felt like an actor in a play she no longer wanted to perform. She scrolled through her phone, the endless stream of likes and comments bringing her no joy. Each post felt hollow, each perfectly posed picture a mask she had worn for too long. She thought of Karan, the way he dismissed social media as superficial. At the time, it had stung, but now, sitting in her high-rise apartment, his words echoed in her mind.

Could he be right? Was her life really so shallow?

The thought unsettled her, but more than that, the memory of Karan haunted her. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about him—the calm confidence in his voice, the deep connection he had to the land, and the way he had looked at her, not as an influencer, but as a person. She had left Himachal with the resolve to move on, to dive back into her life, but something kept pulling her back.

Maybe it was the mountains. Maybe it was Karan. Maybe it was both.

The Decision

It was a quiet morning when Rhea made the decision to return. She hadn't planned it. She was sitting at her desk, staring blankly at her planner, filled with meetings, collaborations, and brand deals, when something inside her snapped. The weight of it all—the constant pressure to be "on," to be perfect—it was too much.

Without giving it much thought, she booked a flight to Himachal Pradesh. She didn't tell anyone. She didn't post about it. This trip wasn't for her followers or her brand. This trip was for her.

As she packed her bag, a wave of nerves washed over her. What if Karan didn't want to see her? What if her return only complicated things? But deep down, Rhea knew she needed to go back, even if just to find some clarity.

Arrival in Himachal Pradesh

The mountains greeted her like an old friend, their towering peaks casting shadows over the valleys below. The air was crisp, filled with the scent of pine and earth, so different from the polluted city air she had grown used to. As the car wound its way through the familiar roads, Rhea felt a sense of calm settle over her, though a nervous flutter remained in her chest.

She hadn't told Karan she was coming. She didn't want to risk him telling her not to come. But now, as the town came into view, she felt a twinge of anxiety. What would he think when he saw her? Would he be happy? Surprised? Annoyed?

After checking into the same homestay she had stayed in during the wedding, Rhea spent the afternoon wandering through the town. The place hadn't changed much, though now she saw it with different eyes. She noticed the little details—the vibrant colors of the flowers lining the streets, the way the sun set behind the mountains, casting the entire town in a golden hue.

But no matter how much she tried to distract herself, her thoughts always returned to Karan. She had to see him. She couldn't put it off any longer.

The Reunion

Rhea found Karan exactly where she had first seen him—at the conservation site, bent over a patch of earth, carefully tending to the plants. She stood there for a moment, watching him. His movements were slow, deliberate, and there was a quiet grace about him that made her heart ache. This was the life he had chosen, and it was so far removed from everything she knew.

"Karan," she called softly.

He looked up, his dark eyes widening slightly in surprise before they settled into their usual calm expression. He wiped his hands on his jeans and straightened up, walking toward her with measured steps.

"Rhea," he said, his voice steady but with a hint of curiosity. "I didn't expect to see you back here."

"I know," she replied, feeling suddenly self-conscious. "I didn't expect to come back, but...I needed to."

Karan raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

"I just—" she paused, struggling to find the right words. "I couldn't stop thinking about this place...about you."

Karan's gaze softened, but his face remained impassive. "So, you're here for another escape?"

Rhea shook her head. "No. I mean, yes, in a way. But it's more than that. I needed to get away from everything, but I also wanted to see you."

Karan's expression was unreadable. "Why?"

Rhea hesitated, feeling the weight of the moment. She hadn't been prepared for this conversation, but now that she was here, she couldn't avoid it.

"Because you make me feel...different," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "When I'm with you, I don't feel like I have to be anyone but myself."

Karan looked at her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers. Then, without a word, he turned and began walking down the trail.

Rhea stood frozen, unsure of what to do, until he glanced back over his shoulder. "Well, are you coming?"

She smiled, her heart racing, and quickly followed.

Exploring Karan's World

Over the next few days, Rhea and Karan spent their time exploring the mountains together. Each morning, they set out early, hiking through dense forests and over rocky terrain. Karan showed her places untouched by tourism—hidden waterfalls, quiet groves, and meadows filled with wildflowers. It was a side of the mountains she hadn't seen before, and with each new discovery, she felt herself falling deeper under their spell.

Karan, though still reserved, had begun to open up to her in small ways. He spoke more about his work, explaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem and the importance of preserving it. His passion for conservation was palpable, and Rhea found herself captivated not just by his knowledge, but by the way he saw the world.

"Most people come here, take pictures, and leave," Karan said one afternoon as they sat by a stream, watching the water rush over the rocks. "They don't realize the impact they have. It's all about capturing the moment, but no one stays to understand it."

Rhea felt a pang of guilt. She had been one of those people, coming to the mountains only to capture their beauty for her followers. But now, sitting next to Karan, she realized how shallow that had been.

"I never thought about it that way," she admitted. "I always saw it as sharing something beautiful, but maybe I was just...taking."

Karan glanced at her, his expression softening. "You're not the only one. It's just how the world works now. People are more focused on what they can show others than what they can experience for themselves."

His words struck a chord in her, and Rhea found herself questioning everything—her career, her lifestyle, the very foundation of her identity. Could she really continue living in a world that felt so disconnected from the one she was beginning to love?

Unspoken Tension

Despite the growing bond between them, there was still an unspoken tension lingering beneath the surface. Karan was a man of few words, but Rhea could sense his hesitation. He was wary of her, of her life in the city, of the world she came from. And Rhea, despite her growing feelings for him, couldn't shake the fear that he wouldn't accept her if he knew the full truth about her influencer life.

One evening, as they sat by the fire, watching the stars twinkle above the mountains, Rhea finally gathered the courage to broach the subject.

"Karan," she began, her voice tentative, "there's something I haven't told you."

He looked at her, his eyes dark and unreadable in the firelight. "What is it?"

Rhea took a deep breath. "I'm not just...someone from the city. I'm—well, I'm an influencer."

Karan's brow furrowed. "An influencer?"

"I have millions of followers," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I post about my life, my travels, fashion, beauty...everything. It's my job."

Karan didn't respond immediately. He simply stared into the fire, his expression inscrutable.

"I didn't tell you because...well, I didn't want you to think less of me."

Finally, Karan spoke, his voice quiet but firm. "I don't think less of you, Rhea. But

 I do wonder if you can really live in both worlds."

Rhea felt a lump form in her throat. "I don't know," she admitted. "I'm starting to wonder that myself."

The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts. And though nothing more was said, Rhea knew that the first wall between them had been built.

To Be Continued...