Memory Fragment (2)


A flaming, red-haired young man stood, his eyes burning with fire, the tips of his fingers lit with flames. He was Fire itself.

A blue-haired young man stood, his eyes reflecting seas and oceans. He was Water itself.

A green-haired young woman stood, her eyes exuding the essence of wood, full of life. She was Wood itself.

A golden-haired young man stood, his sharp, golden eyes seeming as though they were forged from metal. He was Metal itself.

A white-haired young man stood, his eyes sharp like swords, cutting and destroying everything in his path. He was Sword itself.

A black-haired young woman stood, her eyes unrelenting like an unstoppable arrow piercing through worlds. She was Bow and Arrow itself.

A brown-haired young man stood, his eyes emanating gravity, representing the shield and foundation of worlds. He was Earth itself.