Chapter 127: Gary Vs Giovanni

"I want to see if you can defeat that Pokémon."

Seeing Gary and Sabrina go in, Ash also rushed up, but was stopped by two guards dressed in Roman soldiers at the gym entrance. "No entry, only one person can challenge at a time."The guard reminded.

"They came together, they are traveling partners." "We are also partners with Gary."Ash said unconvinced.

"Do you think we didn't hear your conversation just now? You do know each other, but you are all Trainers who want to collect badges, want to peek at the battle, and know in advance what Pokémon the gym owner will use.

Don't think we don't know, get out of here!"

The guard roared.

Ash and the other two were scared away. "How stingy, it's just to watch the battle, Blaine doesn't do this."

After walking away, Ash complained. "Okay Ash, I'll come back later. "Brock said.

"Yeah, and what Gary said makes sense, he might be able to defeat the powerful Pokémon of the Varidian Gym Leader." Misty said.

"Misty, what do you mean, do you think I can't beat it?" Ash said dissatisfiedly.

"You forgot that Gary's strength is 2 times higher than yours, and he didn't have as much trouble fighting Blaine as you did." Misty said.

"The situation of the battle changes rapidly, I just don't have a Pokémon suitable for dealing with fire Pokémon, let me fight with Gary, the outcome is still unknown." Ash said unconvinced.

"Okay, okay! You are awesome, okay. " Misty was too lazy to say anything. When Ash was stubborn, he was just like an unreasonable child.


[Ding! Issued task: Obtained Viridian Gym Badge/Reward: Intermediate Rare CandyX10, Dig Permanent Skill Learning Device, Top-quality Soft Sand (Ground Skill Power Increased by +50%)X1!]

Inside viridianGym.

Gary and Sabrina entered the battle field inside.

Giovanni built Viridian Gym quite luxuriously. The surrounding walls were made of fine marble. He was sitting on a sofa on a stand behind the command area, with a Persian beside him.

[LV40 Persian/Gym]

Gary saw the Persian and thought that the Persian was also Normal in strength. It seemed that it was just a pet that Giovanni kept.

"I am the viridian Gym leader ." Giovanni introduced himself coldly.

"I am Gary from Pallet Town. " Gary also responded and introduced himself.

Giovanni was shocked when he heard the name. He had heard this name a lot recently. Cassidy and Butch, Jessie and James all mentioned Gary's name in their reports, and even heard about it in the game hall of Cealdon city.

Giovanni didn't expect Gary to come to the Varidian Gym to challenge him, so he settled the previous accounts and taught Gary a lesson.

"You are quite energetic. Okay, I will accept your challenge." Giovanni smiled.

The two guards at the door were standing in the command area at this moment. One of them announced: "The number of Pokémon used is limited to three, and there is no time limit. The game officially begins.

"Go, Rhyperior!" Gary threw the Poké Ball.

At the same time, Giovanni also took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it: "Go, Golem."


[LV40 Golem/quasi-Elite]

Seeing the level of Golem, Gary felt that Giovanni was still quite disciplined and did not send out Pokémon above the gym level.

"Golem, use Rollout." Giovanni Solaceon gave the order.


The Golem rolled out directly to the Rhyperior.

Gary didn't understand what Giovanni meant. He felt that this Giovanni was not a qualified Trainer at all. Compared with the Giovanni in the special comic, he was far worse.

"Since you came to me yourself, don't blame me, Rhyperior, use Horn Drill. " Gary ordered.


The Rhyperior also ran forward, and the drill on its head spun rapidly, forming a series of white cyclonic streams.


The two Pokémon collided with each other, and Golem was unable to wrestle with the Rhyperior. Horn Drill broke Golem's skills, directly broke its defense, and knocked it out.


Golem flew back several meters and fell to the ground, losing its combat ability directly, and was killed by Horn Drill in one hit.

It can be seen that this Golem is not a strong ability and cannot resist the one-hit-kill skill.

"Golem loses its combat ability." The guard announced.

"It's quite a trick, use it next." While Giovanni was speaking, he took back the Golem, and then opened a Poké Ball. A ball of white light entered the field, and the light dissipated, and a Kingler appeared.

[LV40 Kingler /quasi-Elite]

"The Rhyperior is back. "Seeing Kingler, Gary took back the Rhyperior without hesitation.

" Alakazam, it's up to you!" Gary sent Alakazam to fight. Although there was Zapdos, it was definitely not suitable to be sent out at this time.


Alakazam is on the stage.

" Kingler, use Crabhammer." Giovanni ordered.

Kingler rushed towards Alakazam sideways, and his huge right pincer was wrapped in a layer of water curtain.

" Psychic. "

Alakazam's eyes flashed blue, and Kingler's body suddenly floated up, and then Alakazam threw him out with Confusion.

Kingler relied on his crab shell to resist the attack, and immediately fired Bubble Beam to counterattack.

"After teleporting, use Dynamic Punch! " Gary ordered.

Alakazam disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Kingler, and fired a Dynamic Punch, hitting Kingler's crab shell.

The fighting energy entered Kingler's body, shaking Kingler's body violently.

Kingler suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't tell where Alakazam was, and his body began to shake around.

"Very good, use Psychic. "

Alakazam finally defeated Kingler with a Psychic.

Giovanni's Trainer level was too low, he had no tactics at all, and he didn't even know the nature of these Pokémon and what kind of battles they were suitable for.

Gary felt that these Pokémon were completely raised by others for Giovanni to deal with gym battles. Compared with other gym leaders, Giovanni was little bit worse.

However, Giovanni. in front of him had no interest in ordinary Pokémon at all. He only believed in powerful strength, because any conspiracy, Nasty Plot and tactics were useless in the face of absolute power.

Giovanni took back the defeated Kingler and said: "You are quite strong, and you are qualified to let me use the strongest Pokémon."

Here it comes!

Gary knew that Giovanni was going to use Mewtwo, and responded: "You are talking too much, the strongest Pokémon is Arceus. "


Giovanni was speechless. How could he not know it? However, Arceus only existed in legends. After all, no one had ever seen him.