Yes, it's kidnapping!

Aelorin's eyes fluttered open, fighting off the haze of lingering drowsiness and a throbbing headache. It took him a moment to shake off the disorientation, his surroundings slowly coming into focus. "Damn," he muttered under his breath, voice barely above a whisper. "I can't remember the last time I slept that well." He sat up, rubbing his wrists and scanning the darkness around him.

He was sitting on a wooden platform that rocked with every lurch and creak of movement beneath it. The muted whirring sound told him he was likely in some kind of carriage, rattling along a rough road. His keen eyes adjusted, picking out the rough grain of the wooden walls surrounding him, sealing him inside like a caged animal.

Wood. That would normally be no problem—if it weren't for the shackles digging into his wrists, humming faintly with a familiar energy. "Magic-sealing cuffs," he murmured, his voice heavy with realization. He gave them a tug, testing their hold. Not just amateurs, then. Whoever had taken him knew what they were doing, and he had greatly underestimated them.

The stakes were high; if he couldn't break free, he doubted he'd make it out alive. His throat went dry at the thought.

But before he could make a move, a voice drifted out from the darkness, calm and chillingly detached. "Hello."

Aelorin tensed, his senses snapping to high alert. He hadn't realized he wasn't alone. Squinting, he could barely make out the silhouettes of two others across from him, both bound by similar shackles. It appeared he wasn't the only target of these kidnappers.

"Hi," he finally replied, cautious. "Were you... also kidnapped?"

The shadowed figure closest to him shifted, and a low growl reached his ears. "Would we be here if we weren't, shovel ears?"

Aelorin felt a sharp surge of irritation. Who was this insolent prick talking to? He took a slow, deep breath, willing himself not to snap. The man's tone and demeanor reminded him too quickly of a certain… species. Humans. He narrowed his eyes, the familiar disdain rising within him.

'Ah, that explains the attitude,' Aelorin thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. 'Humans—always so ignorant and self-assured. I'll overlook it… for now.'

"Sorry," Aelorin replied with barely restrained sarcasm. "I was just wondering why they'd waste time snatching up someone like you. Though I guess the girl's here too, so…" He nodded toward the second figure, letting his words trail off. Even in the dim light, he could tell she was different.

Her voice was soft but firm. "Half-giant. And do you have any idea why we were taken?" Her tone betrayed a hint of hope, but Aelorin saw right through it.

He looked away, grimacing. "No idea. Maybe they're trafficking rare races for some gold." It was a lie, and he knew it. His instincts told him this was bigger. His royal heritage, his lineage—if they were after him specifically, it wasn't some petty gold trade. But he had no intention of sharing that detail.

The human sneered, crossing his arms as best as the shackles allowed. "Of course, the elf doesn't know. Probably too wrapped up in his own world to notice what's happening."

Aelorin clenched his fists, ignoring the taunt. Humans and their perpetual envy of the higher races—he could almost predict every word out of this one's mouth. Instead, he let the silence settle between them, each person left to their own anxious thoughts, contemplating their lives and what they had or hadn't achieved.

However, Aelorin was far from idle. His gaze flicked back to his shackles, mind whirring. He could feel his magic, dulled but present, like a heartbeat just out of reach. And if his old training taught him anything, it was that he didn't always need magic to bend the world to his will.

With a grin, he focused, invoking the ancient skill he'd honed in secret.

**{Cell Domination has been activated.}**

Aelorin smirked. He'd paid dearly to learn that skill, but it seemed worth it now.

**{Warning: Object is highly resistant to domination.}**

**{One minute until domination is complete. Note: This will weaken you.}**

'Ha! As if a little drain would stop me,' he thought, relishing the challenge. Outwardly, he let out a soft chuckle, almost giddy with anticipation. The sound echoed in the cramped space, drawing the wary eyes of his companions.

"He's gone mad!" the human muttered, shifting away as if Aelorin had suddenly sprouted horns.

The half-giant girl, however, merely stared, expression neutral but observant.

Seconds stretched on. Aelorin held his focus, feeling the shackles begin to resonate, the metal faintly vibrating against his skin. Small sparks of dark energy flickered along the cuffs, nearly hidden by the jerking motion of the carriage. He kept his gaze steady, making sure not to alert the kidnappers outside.

Finally, he felt the cuffs submit.

**{You have dominated the magic dampening shackles. You now have command over them.}**

With a slow exhale, Aelorin braced himself, shifting his position. He tried standing, but the chains pulled tight, locking him to the floor. That human's voice rose again, full of mockery.

"Idiot, what are you doing? You can't just break chains without magic! Aren't elves supposed to be smart? Or did you lose your last few brain cells in the—"

"Break." The word left Aelorin's lips, calm and absolute.

In a heartbeat, the shackles shattered into fragments, clinking softly as they scattered across the wooden floor. He stood, unbound and free, stretching with a nonchalant smirk as he looked down at the human's astonished face.

"Impossible," the boy breathed, his expression a mix of shock and raw envy. Aelorin savored the look, the disbelief in those wide eyes. He'd watch a little longer if he had time, but he didn't.

"Shut up; you're making a ruckus," he hissed, moving closer to the others. He scanned for traps, subtle spells, anything the kidnappers might have left to alert them if a prisoner tried to break free. Finding nothing, he relaxed slightly. 'They must be overconfident,' he thought. 'Fools.'

"What are you going to do when we're out?" the half-giant girl asked, her voice level but sharp. She watched him with a calculating gaze, clearly measuring his intentions.

Aelorin smiled, cold and calculating. "We're going to kill them, of course," he said matter-of-factly. "But I'll need you both. Don't get stupid on me."

The human scoffed, muttering something under his breath. "Figures an elf would want to turn this into a bloodbath."

Aelorin's gaze snapped to him, cold and piercing. "If you think they'll spare us out of some misplaced mercy, you're welcome to wait here like a good little prisoner." He gestured dismissively at the door. "But I don't intend to be a victim today. Or any day."

The man's face hardened, but he didn't argue. The half-giant nodded slowly, her eyes flicking between them both before resting on Aelorin. "Fine. If we're doing this, we're doing it together. But I swear, if you turn on us, elf…"

Aelorin held up a hand, the smirk returning. "Trust me, darling, I don't plan to die here. You keep your end of the deal, and we'll all get out of this."

"Let's give them a warm surprise, shall we?"