The Slimy Outlaw

The police unit sped off, sirens wailing as they rushed to the scene, leaving Shin and Mr. Takahashi behind.

"So, uh, Mr. Takahashi," Shin began, glancing down at the revolver in his hand. "What's so special about this thing? What'd you call it again... Steel Snake?"

Mr. Takahashi chuckled softly, correcting him. "You mean the Iron Viper? Yes, that's the one. But the real question is—what isn't special about it? The material, for starters, is made from a unique alloy—a mixture that hasn't been replicated since its creation. People seek these revolvers for more than their looks, Shin. Each barrel is chemically treated in a way that—"

Shin cut him off, raising a hand. "Hold on. Not all of us got a degree in yappin'. Let's try that again—in simpler terms."

"The metal's incredibly strong, and it produces some of the most unique firepower you'll ever see," Mr. Takahashi explained.

Shin smirked, nodding. "Now that's more like it."

He said his farewells to the appraiser and made his way outside. The American saw his motorcycle outside, light bouncing off of it. 

When he got on, his pocket watch buzzed, "What now?!" 

The moment the interface opened it told him. 

New Mission: 

[Save Bakugo From Sludge Villain]


[Kill Bakugo] 

The Choice Is Yours...


[50 Shop Points]

"I wouldn't lose sleep over his death, but... that's more trouble than it's worth," Shin muttered, before ripping the throttle and whipping his bike onto the streets. "Best to just finish what I started."

Near the scene of the chaos, bystanders were held back by police barricades, their anxious murmurs filling the air. Heroes scrambled in panic, unsure how to control the situation. At the center of it all, a massive sludge monster loomed, thrashing wildly—and trapped within, barely visible, was Bakugo, struggling to break free.

Midoriya stood frozen behind the police barriers, watching as the authorities stood helpless, paralyzed by the chaos. His eyes darted around, desperate for someone—anyone—to step in and help. But the crowd and heroes alike remained idle, uncertain of what to do.

Then his gaze locked onto Bakugo, struggling within the massive sludge. Bakugo's eyes, wide and filled with panic, screamed for help—pleading silently for someone to act.

Without thinking, Izuku darted forward, slipping past the barriers and evading the distracted heroes, too focused on the sludge villain to notice him sneaking through.

"Wait, kid! Come back here!" one of the officers shouted.

"Somebody stop him!" another hero called out, but it was too late.

Midoriya kept sprinting, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He yanked off his backpack and hurled it straight at the sludge monster. The pack was swallowed whole, disappearing without even making a dent.

But Izuku didn't stop. He dove straight into the slime, thrusting his hand through the thick sludge, desperately grabbing for Bakugo. His fingers locked onto Bakugo's hand, and he pulled with every ounce of strength he had left.

"Kacchan!" he screamed, straining against the muck.

He managed to free Bakugo's arm, but the sludge swirled angrily, expanding, preparing to engulf them both. Just as they were about to be consumed, a rope snapped tight around their arms, yanking them away from the villain's grasp.

"It's fine now!" a booming voice echoed from above. "Why? Because I am here!"

All Might crashed down from the sky, his fist already cocked back. In an instant, he assessed the situation, confirming the boys were clear.


The impact was thunderous. A colossal shockwave roared through the area, spiraling up into the sky, tearing the sludge villain to shreds. The force of the punch sent winds howling, shaking the surrounding buildings. Heroes scrambled to shield the bystanders from the blast, protecting them from the residual effects of All Might's overwhelming power.

Midoriya and Bakugo tumbled onto the sidewalk, landing hard as the rope loosened, allowing them to roll free. The rope itself whipped up and over the roof of a nearby building, vanishing from sight.

Dazed, the two boys struggled to regain their balance. Bakugo was the first to stand, his face twisting with fury as he rounded on Midoriya.

"I didn't need you to save me!" Bakugo snarled, shoving Midoriya backward. "You weak, gullible fool! I had it under control the entire time. Don't you ever touch me again, do you hear me?!"

Without waiting for a response, Bakugo stormed off, leaving Midoriya sitting there, his head hanging low.

"Wheww nearly pulled my back." Shin sat on the rooftop as he collected his lasso. "Let's see about the reward now." 

He unlocked the pocket watch. 

Mission Complete:

[Saved Bakugo From Sludge Villain]



[Saved Izuku]

Calculating Rewards: 

[100 Shop Points] 


Morality: 8 (+13)

"Huh, would you look at that," Shin muttered to himself, a smirk creeping across his face. "Who knew playing the goody-two-shoes could actually pay off."

Around the crime scene, the masses had gathered, pressing against the police barricades. Officers struggled to keep the crowd at bay as excited voices rang out.

"All Might! Is that All Might?!"

"All Might, over here! We're from Hero Daily—can we get a quick word?"

"You're my favorite, I'm gonna pass out!"

Meanwhile, Bakugo and Midoriya were each swarmed by lesser-known heroes and police officers, questioned about the earlier chaos. As for the Symbol of Peace, he had vanished as swiftly as he'd arrived, disappearing from the public eye. Behind a nearby building, All Might—now hunched over and in his gaunt, frail form—wheezed heavily, struggling to catch his breath as his muscle-bound frame had dissolved into his true, weakened self.

Shin made his way down from the rooftop, spotting his bike tucked away in the alley. He moved quickly, muttering under his breath,

"Best get outta here before anyone starts askin' questions."

But as he approached his bike, he noticed a figure sitting slumped against the alley wall. He walked past, only to double back when he got a better look—a skinny blonde man. Shin narrowed his eyes, pausing for a moment.

"Having a bad day, huh?" he asked casually.

The man broke into a coughing fit before looking up, his voice rasping. "Hello again, young man."

Shin frowned, suspicion flickering across his face. "What do you mean by that? I've never seen you in my life," he shot back.

All Might winced, realizing his slip-up. "Oh, yes... sorry. You just... you look like someone I know."

Shin smirked, clearly unimpressed by the awkward explanation. "Well, here." He flicked a coin at the blonde man, who caught it with a surprised look. "Hope you don't kill yourself."

The man blinked at the coin in his hand, coughing once more as he inspected it. "Wait... I'm not homeless."

Shin waved him off as he swung a leg over his motorcycle. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." With a rev of the engine, he sped off down the alleyway, disappearing into the evening.