The Lawless Defender

"I hope you find a new line of work," Shin said, his voice casual. "Really... kidnapping kids from an orphanage? That's low, even for scum like you."

Shin squatted on the rooftop. He glanced down at the man dangling over the side of the building, tied up with a rope and swinging slowly, muffled groans escaping from beneath the tape over his mouth.

He shook his head, continuing, "Those poor critters don't even have folks to miss 'em if you did take 'em."

The man below swung helplessly, his body beaten and bruised beyond recognition. Shin stood up, brushing off his pants. "Well, I'd love to chat, but I don't got all day to give you a therapy session." With that, he turned, leaving the man to dangle, barely conscious.

As Shin began to leave, a sudden whizz cut through the air. Instinct kicked in. He held his breath, activating Dead Eye, and sidestepped just in time to avoid a blade that sliced down where he had stood.

Shin quickly moved back, putting space between him and his attacker. His eyes narrowed as he saw the figure—wrapped in linen, a red scarf draped around his neck, a mask obscuring his face. The man hunched over, blades gleaming in his hands.

"You're alert," the masked man commented, his voice smooth.

Shin rested a hand on his holstered revolver. "Try that again, and I'll make sure you're not alert, let alone conscious."

The man tilted his head, studying Shin intently. "Hey, outlaw... I can't quite get a read on you."

Shin raised an eyebrow, his hand never leaving his belt. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're not a hero," the man continued, "That much is clear. But you've got this... code. I've been watching you. You're brutal, but you only go after the rotten. Why?"

Shin smirked under his bandana. "Who said I'm not a hero? Maybe I'm the hero in my world."

The masked man's eyes narrowed, intrigued. "Explain."

Shin stood up straighter, his tone casual but biting. "Hero, villain... what's the difference? Far as I see it, it's all about who's got power and who doesn't."

The man scoffed. "A hero is someone who saves others without looking for a reward. Risking their life for the innocent."

Shin chuckled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "That's a nice fairy tale. You keep tellin' yourself that, Red Riding Hood. Truth is, we're all selfish, down to the core. Heroes? They don't exist. Not in the way you're thinkin'."

The man's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his blades. "What's more noble than risking your life to protect others?"

Shin sighed, shaking his head. "There you go again. You still don't get it, do ya?"

"Out with it," the man hissed, his patience fraying.

Shin squinted at him. "You keep making up your own moral law. Who's to say you're right...?"

The man's eyes widened, rage flickering in them. His muscles tensed as Shin cracked his knuckles, his gaze cold and steady. "If I put a bullet in your skull right now, who's to say I'm wrong?"

With a snarl, the man rushed at Shin, his blades slicing through the air. But Shin had already taken a breath. Dead Eye kicked in. Everything slowed.

He drew his revolver, firing a shot. The man dodged with inhuman agility, flipping in midair. Shin fired again, but the man's blade sliced clean through the bullet, sparks flying from the clash. As the masked man landed, his foot was yanked from under him—a lasso wrapped tight around his leg.

Before he could react, another shot rang out.

The bullet found its mark, sending the masked man crashing to the rooftop. He lay sprawled on his belly, his chest rising and falling, barely conscious. His blades slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground.

Shin calmly walked over and squatted next to him, patting him on the back. "Reckon you'll be outta commission for a while," he said, his voice calm. "Might wanna use that time to think about what you've done."

The man blinked, dazed, as Shin stood up and turned away. "Take care now," Shin added over his shoulder before walking off into the night, leaving his opponent laid out.

With just one month left before the U.A. entrance exam, Shin had spent the past nine months grinding relentlessly. Hunting down villains, chasing criminals, amassing points. By now, he'd racked up nearly 100,000 shop points and had a wide arsenal of upgrades—different bullet types, explosives, and more.

But the most important thing? His Dead Eye had grown stronger. It lasted longer and activated more frequently, giving him the edge he needed in fights.

Now, as he sat on the porch of his farm, the familiar interface of his pocket watch flickered before him. He scrolled through the shop's rifle category, his eyes catching on a sleek bolt-action rifle.

"Hmm... interesting," he muttered, eyeing the hefty price tag—300,000 shop points. A steep cost, but the power it promised was undeniable. He saved it to his favorites for later, knowing that would be a future investment.

With a smirk, Shin continued scrolling through the categories. He loaded up on dynamite, tonics, and...

[Elemental -Throwing Blades]

[55,000 Shop Points]


He pressed on yes. 

In a different location, a young green-haired boy was hard at work, muscles straining as he hauled chunks of rusted metal and broken plastic from the trash-ridden beach. Izuku Midoriya, sweat dripping down his brow, powered through the exhaustion, pushing himself to clear away the debris piece by piece.

Behind him stood the towering Symbol of Peace, arms crossed and a proud smile on his face. "Keep it up, young Midoriya! You're doing great! Only a little more to go!"

Deku gritted his teeth, ignoring the burn in his arms and legs as he lifted yet another heavy load. Each step forward felt like a monumental effort, but he refused to slow down. He couldn't—not when the entrance exam was so close, and not when All Might believed in him.

With every piece of trash removed, the once-polluted beach slowly transformed, restored by Deku's relentless determination. It wasn't just a physical battle—this was him proving he could do it, that he could become a hero worthy of One For All.