Chapter 3

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"Wow, this is really unbelievable. So, all this time, we've been treating a demoted commoner with respect? Ugh."

"It's okay. You didn't know. It could happen."

I saw Crowlin and Mock having that conversation and gagging in disgust.

"…Seriously, though. If something changes, he should have mentioned it right away. Don't you think?"

Sol Crensh followed, muttering with an incredulous expression.


Momentarily at a loss for words due to the sudden situation, I quickly started thinking.

Alright, let's get this straight.

Originally, Karmon Vade was an extreme status supremacist who hated—no, despised commoners in the original story.

And these monster trio here were his lackeys.

'They must have shared his views and beliefs, so they hung out and followed him, right?'

So now that they heard I was expelled from the Vade family and became a commoner, they immediately changed their attitude?

"Wow, this is really amazing."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

"Are you laughing? Do we look funny to you?"

"Has your brain melted along with your demotion?"

Gone was the previously respectful atmosphere, replaced by the demeanor of third-rate thugs trying to pick a fight. I could only shake my head.




Sol Crensh lightly pushed my shoulder and continued speaking.

"Does this piss you off?"


"Honestly, you were only scary because you were from the Vade Marquisate, but now you're just a dirty commoner. Right?"

"Hehe, right. So what? Are you going to attack us? You know a commoner who attacks a noble for no reason is immediately sentenced to death, right?"

What, death sentence?

Is that a rule here?

What a lovely worldview, this place has…

"So what if you're a magical genius, now you're just a commoner. Haha."

Seeing Crowlin and Mock still cawing and mocking, I let out a small sigh.

"Haah, this is truly fascinating. I've never even experienced racial discrimination before…"

And now I get to experience status discrimination?

It felt very unfamiliar and strange, but I couldn't say I liked it.


"Can you guys handle this?"


"What did he just say? Handle? Did he say handle? This idiot…"

Thud, thud!

"Handle or not, what can you even do? Dirty commoner. What, are you going to hit us?"

As Sol Crensh pushed my shoulder again and asked, I smirked.

Sol, Crowlin, Mock. All three would be expelled from the academy and their families ruined. One for collusion, one for smuggling, the last for human trafficking, if I recall.

"He's laughing again? This guy must be crazy…"



I kicked his shin without warning.

At that moment.

"S-Sol! Are you crazy?"

"Did you just hit a noble? Did you really hit him?"

Crowlin and Mock pointed at me and shouted in shock.

But I ignored them and grabbed the collar of the writhing Sol.


Our faces were now inches apart.

"What, what are you doing?!"

I leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"Your father, he's been up to some interesting things, hasn't he?"


"Maybe there will be a big headline in tomorrow's paper. 'Crensh Barony, Colluding with the Kingdom of Xenon.'"


I could see his pupils dilate in shock, realizing that my knowledge and memories were hitting the mark.


"Think carefully, Sol. Think about what you should do right now."

At my words, Sol had a blank expression for a moment before slowly stepping back.

"Sol, what are you doing? Let's report this guy to the guards right now."

"Yeah, we need to report him quickly…"

Crowlin and Mock were shouting and jumping up and down, but.

"…Shut up!"

Stopping their words, Sol looked at me for a moment before speaking again.

"Let's just go."


"Sol, what do you mean…?"

"Ah, damn it. I said, let's go!"

Cursing in frustration, he turned and started walking away without hesitation.

Surprised by his sudden action, the other two monsters looked at him with bewildered expressions before quickly following him.

"Sol, wait for us!"

"Me too!"

Watching the three of them leave, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"Hah, what should I call this?"

Yeah, it's not easy.

It's really not easy.

Why did it have to be at this timing, with these guys…?

No, why did I get possessed in a novel in the first place?

"Haa, whatever."

Complaining here wouldn't make any difference.


"I should check out the dorm. My stuff should be there."

In my current situation, securing my belongings was the priority since I didn't even have a change of clothes.

Just as I was about to move.

"Wait a minute, though."

I stopped in my tracks, standing there in a daze.

'This feels like déjà vu…'

I don't even know which dorm Karmon Vade stayed in.

"Ha, can I really survive here?"

Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed by the countless problems I would face in the future.




Flaines Imperial Academy, the setting of the original novel, was practically an independent city.

The first headmistress, Elizabeth Trantail, was a close friend of the Emperor and a hero who had sealed the Demon King in the past as a member of the Hero's Party.

The Empire spared no expense in supporting her, resulting in an academy that surpassed the size of most noble estates, built with the best imperial technology over a long period.

The novel described the academy's scenery like this:


[…Countless arched bridges, towering spires and columns, and other splendid and magnificent buildings were all perfect and beautiful works of art.]


"Certainly, the original description wasn't wrong."

However, as I looked around and muttered to myself, I couldn't help but question the surroundings of the academy.

"But could they build such tall buildings with medieval construction techniques?"

Well, they built the pyramids in ancient times, so it's possible.

'But those were tombs for pharaohs with state power, and this is just a school.'

…I guess the first headmistress must have been incredibly extraordinary.

Let's just move on.

Shaking my head to convince myself, I continued walking.

Asking people and students along the way, I finally arrived at the building, which exceeded my expectations.

"This is Karmon Vade's dormitory?"


[Elia Hall]


Seeing the name carved in emerald on the golden plaque, I looked around again.

A massive gate guarded by security, a grand garden beyond, and several luxurious buildings each standing at a respectable distance from one another…

"This isn't a dormitory; it's practically a palace."

Given that only chosen high-ranking noble families' children could stay here, the security was extremely tight.


Similar to the experience at the main gate, the guards blocked the path with their spears, their eyes silently asking who I was. I cautiously opened my mouth.

"…I'm a student who lives here."

At that, the guards slightly nodded and withdrew their spears.

At that moment,


The iron gate, which had been closed, suddenly opened, and a maid emerged from within.

"We've been expecting you, Master Karmon."

"What? Me?"

"Yes, Master Karmon. This way, please."

Following the maid who guided me with a very businesslike tone, I entered the dormitory. Soon, I found a nameplate with my name on the building at the center of Elia Hall.


[Karmon Vade]


'Wait, I get an entire building to myself?'

Not just a room, not just a floor, but an entire building.

My jaw dropped at the sheer scale and splendor, surpassing all expectations.

"You may enter."


As the door to the building opened,


I could only utter that single word as I took in the scene before me.

Everything sparkled, and the floor made of white marble exuded luxury.

Even the walls were painted in colors that protected the eyes…

Thud, thud!

"The soundproofing here must be perfect. Ah, ah!"

I knocked on the wall and shouted as loud as I could, but there was no echo.



"What is this, a refrigerator?"

In a medieval setting, the presence of high technology was unimaginable, yet there it was.

Of course, it wasn't a scientific electronic appliance using refrigerants…

"Is that a mana stone?"

A blue orb emitting constant cold air was attached to both the top and bottom.

'This must be magitech or something similar.'


"Wow, this bed is super soft."

There were also plush, cozy beds and antique furniture.


"Wait, this is a bathroom?"

The bathroom was much larger than the studio apartment I used to live in, and I couldn't help but be amazed.


The water flowed perfectly.

Whoa, is that a showerhead?

"Is this place heaven?"

I muttered in awe and threw myself onto the bed.


The massive bed, capable of accommodating a dozen people, welcomed my weary body with unmatched comfort.

"Ah, this feels great."

What? Beds are scientific?

Nonsense. Beds are magitech.

'If I sleep here, I'll get the best sleep ever, and all my fatigue will vanish, I'd bet my entire fortune on it.'

A space that combined comfort, luxury, and opulence.

Everything was perfect.


"…Can I really live here though?"

I was now expelled from my family, a student of commoner status.

Could such a person continue to stay in this lavish place?

'Well, dormitory contracts are usually annual, so maybe I can stay here for the rest of the year?'

There's a chance, even if it's one in a million, right?

Tap! Tap!

Hm? What was that sound?

…It's the sound of my happiness circuits overloading and burning out completely.

Just then,

Knock, knock!

"Master Karmon."

I quickly turned my head to respond to the maid's voice calling me.

"Oh, yes. What is it?"

"Do you have any personal belongings you need to pack?"

"Huh? Belongings? What belongings?"

In response to my question, the maid answered in a low voice.

"As of today, Master Karmon, you need to vacate Elia Hall."

As expected, my hunch was spot on.

To read the fully translated 200 chapters,