Chapter 9

To read the fully translated 200 chapters,

"What do you mean by that…?"

I asked, confused, at Professor Delon's sudden question.

"Do you know what your grades are like right now?"


"You've already failed the midterms, and your overall grades are at rock bottom. Now you hand in a blank paper for the quiz? How is that different from saying you want to leave the academy?"

Professor Delon's voice carried a hint of disappointment, and I hurriedly mumbled,

"No, it's not that…"

How could I solve the test questions when I didn't even understand them? But, of course, I couldn't say that out loud.

Then, Professor Delon's voice came again.

"Do you know why I'm angry? At the very least, with the ability I know you possess, you shouldn't be getting these kinds of grades. However,"

He continued, clearly stating what had triggered his anger.

"Well, if that's your decision, I'll respect it. You'll be expelled as soon as you receive another failing grade anyway."

That damned failing and expulsion.

Ugh, my head hurts.

Why did I even fail the midterms in the first place?

"Sir, I want to avoid expulsion. Is there any other way?"


At my question, Professor Delon looked at me in disbelief, prompting me to hastily add more.

"I haven't been studying, so I thought it better to submit a blank paper than to write nonsense. But next time, I will definitely…"

Before I could finish, Professor Delon interjected.

"So you're saying you'll show something in the final exam?"


No, that's not what I meant. I meant I would try my best in the next test…

"Yes, if you score the highest in the finals, you might barely avoid failing."

"The highest… score?"

The highest score in the finals?

'Wait, isn't that supposed to be Kyle's score in the original story?'

"Yes, the highest score. Considering you submitted a blank paper, you need to score that high to avoid failing, don't you think?"

At that moment.


The classroom door opened, and the girl with water-blue hair walked out.


"Oh, Chelsea. Are you done?"

What, Chelsea?

Hearing the familiar name, I looked at the girl who had been cosplaying Hermione.

"Yes, I left the test paper on the desk."

"Good, you can go now."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Chelsea bowed politely to Professor Delon and then passed by me.

'Is she Chelsea?'

Distracted momentarily by the appearance of one of the heroines from the novel, I soon realized…

'Now is not the time for this.'

"So, if I get the highest score in the finals, I can avoid failing?"

"Phew, that's right. So I hope you do well in the finals."


With those words, Professor Delon re-entered the classroom.

Left alone in the hallway, I muttered softly,

"Do I have to compete with Kyle…?"


Back in my familiar dorm room, I quickly sat at my desk to organize my current situation.

"First, I've already been cut from the magic studies class, and the rest… They're on the brink, but manageable."

Fortunately, aside from dungeon studies, I could pass the other classes as long as I didn't score zero in the finals.

But the problem was…

"To get the highest score in the dungeon studies final?"

In the original story, Kyle, or rather the group he belonged to, scored the highest in dungeon studies.

The dungeon studies final was a group project exam.

Which means…

'I have to outperform Kyle and take the highest score?'

How on earth?


The thought of having to beat the protagonist with all his cheat abilities made my head spin…

Oh, wait.

Suddenly, an idea struck me like a bolt of lightning.

"Can't I just join Kyle's group?"

It felt like a ray of light piercing through the dark situation.

"Right. Since Kyle's group will get the highest score, I can just join them quietly and ride along."

I could take the role of a supporting character who sticks close to the protagonist and reaps the benefits.

A few days later, the dungeon studies class resumed.

Tap, tap!

"Attention, everyone."

Professor Delon tapped the podium to gather the students' attention and began speaking.

"Today, I'm going to announce details about the final exam."

Resting one arm on the podium, Professor Delon stroked his white beard as he spoke.

"Some of you might already know, but this exam will be a bit special."


"…What is it?"

"Why a special exam all of a sudden?"

As the students murmured among themselves, a faint smile appeared on Professor Delon's lips.

"This exam will be done in groups."



"Wait, a group exam?"

Tap, tap!

"Quiet, focus."

After tapping the podium a few more times to quiet the students, Professor Delon continued.

"The theme of the exam is dungeon strategy and escape. It's a chance to apply everything you've learned in dungeon studies to a practical situation."

Professor Delon's actions mirrored exactly how they were described in the original story.

"Of course, the exam will be held in a magical, virtual dungeon, not a real one. The monsters and traps won't cause real harm."

Naturally. They couldn't actually put students in danger.

However, to simulate proper training, there would be a certain level of pain, and anyone deemed too injured to continue would be removed from the dungeon immediately.

"As I've repeatedly said in class, a dungeon is an unknown world where anything can happen. The only things you can trust are your own skills and your reliable companions."

With that, Professor Delon began to look around at the students one by one.

"So, don't be overconfident if you think you're exceptional, and don't belittle yourself if you think you lack abilities. Everyone is equal in the dungeon. This is why the final exam is a group project."

Contrary to Professor Delon's passionate speech, the students' expressions grew increasingly grim.


But I, with a faint smile, glanced in the direction of Kyle.

'Ah, enough talk. Let's form our groups quickly so I can catch the sweet protagonist bus.'

At that moment, the girl with the water-blue hair raised her hand.

"Professor Delon, excuse me."

"Is that a question, Miss Chelsea?"

"Yes, Professor. Regarding the group exam, will it be evaluated individually within the group, or as a whole group evaluation?"

"Naturally, it's a group evaluation. Even if a member drops out midway, they will receive a score based on the group's final result. Conversely, no matter how outstanding one individual is, they won't get a score higher than the group's result."


"No more questions for now. Let's focus on forming the groups. You can organize the groups as you wish, but each group must have at least five members and no more than six."

Professor Delon finished his explanation about the group formation, clearly indicating no more questions would be entertained.

"Now, go ahead and form your groups!"

'Here we go.'

I dashed towards where Kyle was before Professor Delon had even finished speaking.

"Kyle, let's be in the same group."

"Huh…? Oh, Kamon."

Kyle looked a bit surprised by my sudden approach but soon called my name with a bright smile.

See? That smile already shows how friendly he is.

It's settled then. I'll join his group, and I'll just ride the bus comfortably…

"I'm sorry, but our group is already full."


"Yes, it's full. We finished forming our group well in advance since we knew the exam would be a group project, Kamon. Unfortunately, you're too late."

Princess Francia appeared, cutting between Kyle and me, and delivered this news.

They knew in advance?

Oh, this is really bad.

"I see. Understood, Princess."

Despite the unexpected situation, I stepped back slowly, pretending it didn't bother me.


I heard a snicker from behind me.

Turning my head, I saw the Monster Trio.

"What are you looking at?"

They quickly averted their gaze when our eyes met.


Frustrated, I scratched my head and started thinking.

Damn it!

'This is a strategic miss, no, it's a crisis.'

The plan to join Kyle's group was dashed so easily.


No, stay calm.

Times like this require a slower approach.

I had already considered the possibility of being rejected.

'If Plan A is impossible, I'll go with Plan B.'

It's much more difficult, but there was still a way.

'After all, I already know everything about the dungeon test content.'

I just need to find a group that has a chance of getting the highest score, aside from Kyle's.

'There are other supporting characters in this class with significant potential.'

There's still plenty of time.

…A bit later.

Tap, tap.

"Alright, let's wrap up the group formation. Is everyone done forming groups?"

Professor Delon adjusted his monocle and asked the students.

"If anyone hasn't joined a group yet, raise your hand."

After a brief silence, I saw only one hand go up.

"…Kamon, you're the only one left?"


Following that, I heard someone trying hard not to laugh.

That's right.

I failed to join a group.

"Is there any group with just five members?"


"Hmm? There shouldn't be only six-member groups."

Muttering, Professor Delon pointed at someone.


"Yes, Professor."

"How many members are in your group? No, have all your group members raise their hands."

Kyle and his friends around him started raising their hands one by one.

"One, two, three… and six. Hmm."



"…Yes, Professor."

"Have all your group members raise their hands."

"We have five members."

Chelsea replied with a genuinely reluctant expression.

"Then Kamon will join Chelsea's group. Is that okay?"

"…Yes, it's okay."

Chelsea responded in a voice and with an expression that clearly indicated it wasn't okay at all.

"Alright then. Since the group formation is done, let's end for today."

With that, Professor Delon tucked the book under his arm and concluded.

"The class is over for today, but there's still some time left. Use it to get to know your new group members and plan ahead. Good job, everyone. See you next time."


Professor Delon left the classroom, and at the same time,


The students started gathering in their respective groups to talk.

"So, we need to buy more items…"

"Efficiently distributing roles is important."

Seeing the students eagerly discussing as soon as the professor left, I glanced towards Chelsea's group.

'So I should…'

No, I felt like I shouldn't go near them right now.

The group that accepted 'me' was showing a very different atmosphere compared to the others.


Of course, I understood.

'I would hate it too if I were them.'

Being in the same group as Kamon Vade, anyone would feel awful unless they enjoyed suffering.

But I can't just stand around doing nothing.

Step by step, I approached Chelsea's group, trying to be as nonchalant as Kamon Vade but much gentler than usual.




Yeah, that's a great reaction.

Sometimes, this kind of ignoring is better.

I saw the five group members sitting in a circle.

And among them was Chelsea Artin, the top student of the year.

'Top student, model student, bookworm, and grade-obsessed.'

These words might mean different things to different people, but to me, they were very favorable.


Isn't it obvious?

'Chelsea Artin is one of the few characters who doesn't care about Kamon Vade's infamy.'

A character who would stop at nothing for the sake of grades.

Moreover, she possessed talent comparable to the protagonist, Kyle.

'Thank you, Professor.'

Look at that. Chelsea Artin's cold and indifferent…


…fiery gaze.

'Huh? Fiery gaze?'


It felt like flames were blazing behind her, metaphorically speaking.

Of course, I didn't dislike receiving a passionate gaze from a beauty.

Unless that passion was 'contempt,' 'scorn,' or 'anger.'


I lowered my gaze.

It was an action Kamon Vade would never do, but I had no choice.

'What is this?'

Something's wrong.

Something is seriously wrong!

Otherwise, she wouldn't be glaring at me as if I were her mortal enemy.

Then, someone spoke with a trembling voice.

"Um, Chelsea."


"Well, we're in the same group now. We have to work together…"

Then, I heard something that caught my attention.

"If it's because of what happened in magic class…"


Something that happened in magic clas

To read the fully translated 200 chapters,