05 - Jasmin

Under this trending topic, there were already hundreds of thousands of comments and shares. Don't they have anything better to do... like working?

Paul opened Y's comment section, and the first comment he saw almost made him lose his composure.

[Anilani isn't a singer; he's actually a conductor and accompanist]

Accompanying this comment was a GIF of Paul standing on stage. The audience was empty—except for Paul, who was both conducting and accompanying himself. As the song approached its climax, although Paul didn't open his mouth, his hand movements became more and more exaggerated.

Users began responding to this comment.

[Anilani knows when to step in. Just when you think he's about to show off his skills, he swings his arms and walks off the stage]

[It's like he's a retired star, stepping aside to let the audience take over]

"Retired? I'm just getting started..."

He couldn't help but smile, albeit reluctantly. What could he do? Sometimes, a song being too popular is its own headache. But that's better than being famous while the songs aren't, right?

He scrolled down further, finding more comments from fans.

[I can't stop laughing! Anilani, remember to buy a ticket for your own concert next time]

[Above! Don't copy and repost!]

['Why hasn't he started conducting?' 'Why is he still singing?' These are the audience's questions during Anilani's concerts]

[I swear at this concert, Anilani only sang the word 'you' before it ended. Oh, by the way, I'm the microphone in Anilani's hand, and I'm fully charged right now]

[I noticed that Anilani deliberately stretched out the intro this time. He tried to jump in, but his fans timed it too perfectly]

[Oh my god, Anilani even had to plead with his fans because of this? I'm crying]

Paul read through the comments, recalling something that his friends had said.

"Joy belongs to them, but I, I have nothing."

"The sorrows of humanity are not shared, why else would some find joy in them?"

In his previous life, he was an unknown folk singer. Besides performing at bars to make a living, he occasionally visited the church to pray. He'd often observe people's behaviors, noticing how they sometimes said one thing but their actions revealed different desires.

Now, in his new life as a famous singer, he understood this dynamic in a whole new way. He realized that by seemingly resisting or holding back, he actually made his fans more excited and engaged. It was as if he had become the object of devotion, and his fans were the eager worshippers, growing more enthusiastic with each of his attempts to sing.

It's funny how people work...

He felt like he had become the reluctant idol, and his fans were the ever-more-excited ones spurring him on. So, he figured, he needed to resist completely.

Especially when seeing the fans joking around and not taking him seriously.

[I'm so nervous... Anilani is coming to our city for a concert next, and I'm worried I won't perform well]

"???" Paul was speechless.

"I'm the one performing, what does your performance have to do with it?"

Worse yet, others were stirring things up: [Better start practicing then. I've been going to karaoke bars every night after work, just in case I disappoint Anilani]

[It's time to show Anilani the years of vocal training we, the audience, have been honing!]

Have they forgotten I'm the one who's supposed to be singing? Paul's confusion grew with each comment.

[Anilani: Let me in.

Security: Sorry, you don't have a ticket. I can't let you in. The concert is ongoing. Can't you hear the singing?]

One comment in particular made Paul laugh out of frustration.

[We can't let Judge Anilani slip up during his nationwide inspection tour]

"Judge?! What in the world!" Paul exclaimed. "I'm here to sing, okay!"

He couldn't help but reflect on the recent concerts over the past year. In total, he hadn't sung more than twenty lines. And each time, he'd barely start the song before the audience took over.

Sometimes, he couldn't stop a devilish voice in his head from saying, "Refund their money!"

If he kicked everyone out of the venue, he might finally be able to sing properly, right? Just then, he glanced at the security guards near the stage, itching to intervene, and quickly gave up on the idea.


"Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" Paul hesitated but sent a message to Jasmin.

"What is it? Have you finally figured things out? Are you asking me to wear that cosplay outfit you mentioned last time?"

"What? No! I never mentioned any cosplay outfit." Paul typed back.

"Oh? So you're thinking about it now, aren't you? Naughty boy!"


"Tch. I was just teasing you. So, what is it this time?"

"My next concert is in a week, right?"

"What, do you want me to sing with you? But I only know one song, Girl Next Door. Oh, I almost forgot—you don't need to sing at your concerts! ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ )"


Is she a Fire Fruit user or something? How can she keep igniting flames like this? 

But remembering that he needed her help, he suppressed his frustration.

"No singing. I just need your help with something administrative."

"Administrative, huh? Sounds boring. Unless... are we playing office romance now? Should I wear my strictest business suit?"

Paul took a deep breath, trying to stay focused. "I've written twenty new songs-"

"Oh my! Twenty new songs? Did my teasing inspire you? Are they love ballads dedicated to your favorite boss?"

"I want to get them approved tomorrow."

Paul said this because every concert required advance approval from local authorities. That meant he had to submit the setlist beforehand.

No showing up and singing whatever you want.

On Earth, they were already strict about this. And in this world, where the entertainment industry was booming, the regulations were even stricter.

He recalled that not long ago, a singer had been fined over 25,000 euros for singing two unapproved lines during a concert because he got too carried away on stage. Paul didn't mind losing that kind of money, but he had written more than twenty songs. At 25,000 euros per song, that would be half a million.

If that really happened, wouldn't he go viral again for being the first singer to be charged per song? Fans would definitely mock him for it.

Maybe I could even apply for a Guinness World Record. 'Most fined singer in a single concert.'

"Have you been... holding it in for too long? "

"Holding what—it's just songwriting!" Paul's face flushed as he read Jasmin's reply.

Jasmin, can you just say what you mean properly? You're making people misunderstand!

It's just about writing songs. Could you finish the sentence without making it weird?

You're making it seem like I'm some kind of monster! Why did I think asking her would be a good idea? She's impossible!


"'Songwriting'. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Jasmin typed.

She snuggled deeper into her plush pillows. The only source of light was the soft glow of her phone. Oh, he's probably turning that adorable shade of red right now, she chuckled to herself.

Her bedroom was the only sanctuary from the pressures of being a CEO. But since Paul had joined her company, teasing him had become a stress reliever too. He's so adorable when embarrassed.

Paul's reply came quickly: "Can we please be professional for a moment?"

Jasmin laughed. She should have been asleep hours ago, but teasing Paul was far too enjoyable to pass up.

She played with her hair as she contemplated her next move. Their back-and-forth made her feel more energized. It wasn't just the teasing she enjoyed; it was the way Paul tried to stay composed even though he was clearly embarrassed.

"Oh, now he wants to be professional. After all those nights of 'songwriting'..."

She hit send, then bit her lip, wondering if she'd pushed too far. But the thought of Paul's exasperated expression made her giggle again, muffling the sound with her soft pillow.

As she waited for his response, her mind wandered to the real issue at hand.

New songs.

She'd always known Paul was talented, but this was something else entirely. A part of her wondered if her constant teasing had somehow spurred this creative outburst.

He really is serious about this. For all her teasing, she had immense respect for Paul's dedication to his craft. What had started as a professional partnership had evolved into... well, she wasn't quite sure what.

But she knew she looked forward to their interactions more than anything else in her day, though she'd never admit it out loud.

"I really need these songs approved." Paul replied.

Jasmin paused. She could sense his desperation in his words, even through text. It made her curious and, if she was honest with herself, a little excited.

"Hold on, superstar," she typed. "You can't just drop a bomb like that and expect immediate approval. Tell me more about these songs. What inspired you?"

Paul's response came after a moment. "It's... hard to explain. Some are different from anything I've done before. More personal, I guess.

"Personal, huh? Should I be worried about any scandalous revelations?" she teased.

"Haha, very funny," Paul replied. "No scandals, I promise."

"I'll see what I can do. But Paul?"


"Promise me one thing."

"What's that?" Paul asked.

Should I...? Why not.

"Next time you're 'songwriting', think of me, won't you?" She hit send and waited for his response.


Embarrassment? Annoyance? Or maybe something else? She couldn't help but hope it was the latter.

Trying to lighten the mood, she quickly followed up: "I'm just being supportive of your creative process!"

"You're impossible."

"And yet, you still like it. Admit it." Jasmin grinned.

"... I plead the fifth."

"Ha! I knew it. Now, about those songs..."

"I just want to sing these new songs at the next concert," Paul clarified.

"What? What are you saying? All of them?"

She sat up again, suddenly all business. The CEO in her took over. It was clear that she was quite shocked.