MAIN-CHAPTER 6: Dominique-Kurosu Part 6.

Aye Boa Where Yo Ultimate Homie At

His Jutsu Wasn't Enough So Now I'ma Look for him in Your Dying-Life-Less Eyes!!!!!!

Y'all So Weak I Forgot I Was A Ninja-Soldier,

I thought I was a Librarian

In fact I haven't Touched My Own Jutsu In Savage Eons

It don't look to good for you my friend

Because I only ever used one of them.

You better do a trick or something BOA

Are you drinking on the job that's mine now.

Do you know what's it like for yo homie to die to me??????

Says Dominique-Kurosu.

HWAT(What.) but I'm not dead yet

Says The Enemy Ninja.