The six faces of the Ego.

[Again, still Randall's POV]

As I lay down on my bed, I gazed at the wooden ceiling. The moon shed some light on the furniture of the room. Mainly, the multitude of chests, used to store clothes, because somehow wardrobes haven't been created yet…

"Maybe I can take care of that?" I muttered, before nodding my head, as a pleased smile formed on my face. 

Anyway, moving on, there's also a frozen fruit basket fully encased on ice, casually resting on a small wooden table. Gotta give them that, it looks like an efficient way to refrigerate food… Assuming it doesn't melt. And if it does… eh. 

At least they tried.

As for the room itself, it's quite cold. Maybe because there's no insulation materials to keep the heat around, but the sheets can make up for the lack of it. 

The warmth provided by these things is surprisingly useful when there are no other alternatives. They might be even better than any of the sheets I had throughout my life. 

And that's saying a lot.

'I wonder, how do these people handle winters and summers? Do they have winters and summers?... In fact, do they have seasons, at all?'

So many questions, and not enough time to get answers. 

I lifted my hand, alongside the dark sleeve of my jacket covering most of the pale skin that always remained by my side, and created a relatively long katana.

The blade's deep purple glow blended in perfectly with the rest of the room. Swinging it once, it sliced the wind with ease.

… The purple energy emanated a strange darkness. It wasn't evil, but… rather, should I say off-putting?

'I should ask Jean about it. Maybe she knows something.'

Using the method I saw in a book, I exhaled, and the dark katana disappeared. 

Then, I created a few more weapons.

For the second one, I chose a relatively big yet inconspicuous sledgehammer, which wouldn't even be able to fit through the room's door. The brown glow had a strangely grounded smell to it, almost as if it had been dug straight up from a fertile land.

A lime scythe. In spite of its impractical shape, the speed at which it moved definitely made up for that downside, being able to tear down light and wind alike.

A radiant, yellow shield. The light emanating from it is rather annoying.

A large, two handed crimson crossbow. It didn't have an arrow, since I had no reason to create one alongside the weapon, but it'd probably be a flame projectile. 

Finally, a long, pointy rapier. If I threw it in the actually clean, blue sea, no one would be able to tell the difference between them.

'... I'd have to learn how to actually use all of these. The crossbow and the katana should be easy, since the former is just a single-bullet sniper rifle with modified steps while the latter is a slashing rapier.'

I can definitely handle it.

Rising from the bed, I walked towards the table and opened the frozen basket, only to take out a juicy, apple-like fruit… Y'know, the resemblance is almost uncanny.

Anyway, with the fruit in hand, I walked towards the window and gazed at the stars, as I filled up my belly.

"It has been almost fifteen days already… And I'm doing fairly well, somehow."

Sure, I may have been born somewhat crippled when it comes to magic… Since my body seems to be unable to use it. 

'It is unfortunate, but it is what it is. Plus, I have six Ego variations anyway.'

… Moving on, the culture of this world isn't as complicated as I expected it to be. Rather, sometimes it's… puzzling? 

A great example of this is, according to the conversations I overheard, demons slapping their buttcheeks when greeting someone else.

… Which is the reason why the war between the Demon Queen's side and the humans even started, to begin with. Apparently, the demoness couldn't hold herself from "greeting" the wives of the kings.

And thanks to that, there's always blood to constantly keep the soil of both territories wet… Hah, just like on Earth. In a way.

Without noticing it, I had taken a bite out of the fruit's core. "Hm? Oh, it's almost over… A pity," I mumbled, as I plucked the seeds out of the core, and stored them in the basket.

'Might as well bury these in the garden. Who knows what will happen.'

Two bites later, the apple had been fully consumed. I left the room, seeking some water to cleanse my dirty hands, but found someone instead.

A maid dressed in a similar attire to Mary's, the woman who should have taken care of Ren's wounds, but with less decorations. Thus, making it far more simple and easier to produce.

For obvious reasons, I called out to her. "Ahem, Miss! Do you happen to know where I can get some water?"


She jumped in fright, her hands stretched unnaturally. Looking at her widely opened amber eyes, that could pop out at any minute, a laugh escaped from my lips.

She bowed down, and apologized for her reaction. 

"No need to apologize. Fear and shock are only natural reactions to an unexpected event of this nature, especially at this hour."

The maid, a human woman in her early 30's, had her long black hair made into a mess, and the monochrome uniform only helped to accentuate her rather thin body shape. 

She had a confused expression that I grew accustomed to seeing whenever I spoke. 

'I still can't believe only Jean is capable of understanding me… And even she somehow manages to fail often.'

"A-alright…" replied the maid, while keeping one of her hands placed on her chest, as it heaved up and down along with her slightly frantic breathing. 

'Did I really scare her that badly?'

"Go to the second floor, and find the kitchen. There's usually some water there."

"Thank you, Miss!" 

"No problem…" mumbled the maid, before turning around and running into the night… Or, "racing" into it.


I headed there, and washed my hands with just water, and no soap. It's still the strange experience I remember it to be.

And went back to my room. Sadly, I didn't meet anyone else on the way back.

Lying down on the bed again, my body covered itself in the warm, dark sheets before my eyes started to drift away, and gave in to exhaustion.

And thus, the first 15 days came to a conclusion. Just like that.