Passing by Yumiler

The sun remained asleep, as the moon slowly but surely approached the horizon, indicating that the night would be over soon.

Three humans stood in front of an active, yellow-ish portal. 

"So, we're going to Yumiler, and walk all the way to St. Looned, our destination," declared Jean, wearing a breathable white robe. On her hand rested a large bag, made mostly with reinforced leather.

"Why are we walking? Can't we just go there directly with a teleportation array?" inquired Randall, who wore some casual clothes.

"We can't. The number of locations that have a teleportation array is very limited. Plus, the Demon Queen's army has been targeting those that do have them," replied the crimson eyed woman.

Randall let out a sigh, and the half-beast, Ren, stared at the departing figures of those two.

"Even if they're odd… it feels nice to sleep in a bed," she muttered, as a smile grew on her face.

"Ren! Are you coming?" asked Randall.

She hurriedly nodded, and steeled her resolve.

And stepped through the portal.

The trio, now in the middle of a plaza, waited for a few guards to finish their search, while the other seventeen observed them. Either carefully, or with admiration.

"Ma'am, they're clean," declared the guard close to Ren.

"Understood. You two are free to leave, but the beast stays," stated the captain.

Jean was the first to protest, questioning why.

"I'm sorry, Miss Verderift, but investigating members of the beastkin race is a part of our protocol," informed the captain, without meeting her gaze.

"This is why outsiders are a headache," muttered one of the guards, who looked at Ren with disdain.

Randall approached the captain, and uttered a message, in a rather quiet tone. "Ma'am, we don't mean to inconvenience you or anything, but we are currently on a mission given to us by the Royal Ensemble…"

Her eyes widened as soon as Randall muttered such words, but he kept on, without a care in the world. "So, can you please let us all go…?"

"F-forgive me, but the protocol is the protocol. I can allow you two to stay with the beastkin, at best…" answered the captain, regretfully.

The lady, along with eight of the guards, brought them to a nearby building.

Then, she led the trio into a certain room, and dismissed the guards.

"Stay here for 30 minutes. Then, you may leave," requested the captain, before leaving the room.

Jean wanted to question her, but all she did was let out a tired sigh. 

"Jean, why are they having us stay here?" Inquired Randall, calmly. 

Jean didn't answer. Instead, she pointed at the unresponsive Ren, whose head stared at the floor.

"Hm, so she's a part of the reason?"

"Yes… You see, we're currently in the city of Yumiler, which is located rather close to the borders with the Weildener Kingdom."

Randall nodded. And after a few seconds of silence, he almost asked how much influence that Kingdom had over the city. However, he stopped himself before doing so.

Because he had a rough idea of the answer he'd get.

Instead, he decided to ask something else.

"Why does that kingdom hate the beastkin so much?"

Jean remained deep in thought. Waving her dark hair, she stared at Randall dead in the eyes. "I… Honestly? It depends. As far as I know, it might be because of the hatred towards the pure monsters. You know, the ones we fought back then. In… the village."

He nodded, and neither of them spoke much.

Eventually, the captain returned. "You're free to go," she told them, while throwing a robe in Ren's way.

"Put that on. You may be a beast, but if you're working for the Royal Ensemble then I am obligated to support you and your group."

Then, she left, and so did the trio.

The humans gave Ren the cloak, and went on their way. 


[Randall's POV]

Passing by a few decently built wooden houses, I couldn't help but be mildly amazed. 

For a city somewhat near the border, the architects and builders really managed to create something decent. 

'… Considering what happened when we first met the panda-woman, I guess the beastkin race has their own fair share of controversies…'

Come to think of it, if they're humanoid beings with some animalistic body parts, how did they end up attaining such features?

… I couldn't help but briefly glance at the panda.

'Her body is quite fine, actually. Even her che-... Haaa.'

… Hah, did I actually just think that?

What the hell is wrong with me? It wasn't even a full month in this wretched place, and I'm already looking at a fucking panda in such a way?

I silently laughed at myself, but one such laugh managed to escape my mouth.

Both girls looked at me, and Jean asked something.

"Nah, I'm good."

She left it at that.

'... Haaaa, I've really fallen from grace, haven't I?'

Recalling all of my parents' "friends", I remembered one certain phrase I heard often.

"He has the potential to fly high."

'Yeah, fly high and deep into a beast's ass, maybe?'

… I sure do wonder the faces they'd make if they were to see me now. 

Inevitably, I ended up going through other memories. And the deeper I went, the more my expression became… distorted.

Someone shook my arm, and I turned, only to spot Jean. "Are you alright?"

"... Yes, I am."

… That might be a lie, but she doesn't need to know that. 

No one does.

"Good. We're about to leave the city, so we must be careful."

With that, we approached the double-layered wall covering the entire city.

Light gray stones covered most of the walls, with a few dark spots popping here and there. To finish it up, multiple stairs leading to the top of the walls rose from the dirt, overseeing a small part of the city.

'Strange choice of material, considering this city seems to be rich or relevant enough to have a Teleportation Array… Or maybe, it's the norm?'

I'll find out later down the line, I guess. 

For now, my focus should be on the dirt road ahead.

'Hopefully we can stumble upon a bunch of merchants in their caravans, and let them take us…'

I looked at Ren, and recalled the town's attitude. 'On second thought, nevermind.'