Chapter 23 Recovery!

Aside from the Legendary Pirate Rocks, a bounty of more than a billion is basically unheard of in this era—it simply doesn't exist. Even Roger's bounty was only increased by the World Government after he discovered Raftel.

"A pirate with a bounty over 100 million makes a good target."

With his hands on the bow, Ron suddenly wanted to test the new capabilities of the undead warship.

"My undead, awaken!"

Ron's voice echoed throughout the entire undead warship. After a brief silence, the cabin and deck began to shake violently. One by one, dried-up figures wearing tattered clothes, like mummified corpses, emerged from the hull, exuding a rotten stench. 

In no time, the deck in front of Ron was packed with hundreds of undead, kneeling with confused and bewildered expressions. They didn't understand why they were still here, even though they had already died.

"I don't need to explain much. You should know your situation, but I'll keep it brief."

"You are dead. I brought you back to life, and this ship is now where you will exist."

Ron's calm tone silenced all the undead.

"I am the master of this ship. Only those who obey me can gain freedom and move around. Those who defy my will shall return to eternal slumber, lost in endless darkness and loneliness."

"However, if you behave well, I may show mercy and set you free, allowing you to leave this undead warship."

Before Ron could finish speaking, a loud, angry voice interrupted.

"Brat, you think I'll follow your orders?"

"Send Sengoku here, and maybe I'll consider it!"

Ron narrowed his eyes at Byrnndi World, who stood defiantly. In his undead state, Byrnndi World's power had been weakened, but he had gained immortality and boundless energy. However, the undead warship kept him under control, so no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't fight against its dominance.

"I gave you life, so if you don't want to work for me, go back!"

With a wave of Ron's hand, tentacles shot out from the ship and wrapped around Byrnndi World's body, dragging him back inside. Although Ron could forcibly control him with the ship's power, undead enslaved in that way would lose half their combat ability, fighting purely on instinct. 

He preferred to let Byrnndi World return to the dark, empty realm of the undead. In that lifeless, lonely place, any sane being would go mad. 

For unawakened souls, they might sleep through it, but for someone like Byrnndi World, the awakened undead, the endless loneliness was something they would truly experience until they returned to sleep. Ron knew that within days, Byrnndi World would accept his reality and obey.

Even Byrnndi World, who had never shown fear, couldn't help but feel a pang of panic as the darkness engulfed him.

"You cursed Marine! Let me go!" 

Ron snapped his fingers, and Byrnndi World lost the ability to speak.

On this warship, Ron was the absolute master of all undead, and no one could resist his will.

"Now, go destroy that pirate ship!"

Under Ron's command, a horde of undead, dominated by fear, leaped into the water and swam furiously toward the distant pirate ship. 

Within moments, they were approaching it. 

"Captain, something's moving in the sea!" 

On the pirate ship, a crew member called out. 


The captain, dressed in aristocratic attire with a knight's sword at his waist, moved to the bow of the ship. After using binoculars to get a closer look, he frowned. 

"Why do they look like humans?"

He stared in shock.

"Are they mad? Swimming in the open sea? Even if they reach our ship, will they have the strength to fight?"

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind before he barked an order.

"Prepare the cannons! Aim southwest! Blow those things out of the water!"

The crew sprang into action, loading the cannons and lighting the fuses. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several explosions rocked the sea, destroying many undead. But as soon as they were obliterated, their mutilated bodies reassembled, or they were reborn on the undead warship. 

"They can't die?"

A surge of excitement spread through the remaining undead. Without fear of death, they swam even faster toward the pirate ship.

"What are these monsters?" 

The pirate captain's face turned pale as he watched the undead clamber aboard his ship. 

"How are we supposed to kill something that won't die?"

Onboard, a bloody massacre unfolded. The undead, impervious to pain and death, slaughtered the crew without mercy. In a matter of minutes, no living soul remained except for the pirate captain, who, despite his injuries, still fought fiercely.

"I'm a big pirate with a 130 million bounty! I won't be defeated by monsters like you!"

With a roar, he cut down dozens of undead with a single slash, but more took their place, unrelenting. Hours later, exhausted, the pirate captain collapsed, a rusty blade piercing his body.

The undead warship moved closer, consuming both the corpse and the pirate ship.

"The undead army grows stronger," Ron mused, watching his warship swell with power as more souls were enslaved. His excitement grew as he realized that, at this rate, his army would soon number in the hundreds of thousands.

At that point, his warship would rival the combat power of the entire Naval Headquarters.

The only thing missing was high-level combat power. If he ever faced off against the World Government, they could send a few Admirals to destroy his ship and it would be over. So, to truly secure his strength, he needed to devour the bodies of powerful fighters and create undead capable of matching Admiral-level combatants.

It didn't matter if they couldn't defeat an Admiral outright; they only needed to hold them off. As long as his undead were immortal, it was only a matter of time before the enemy was worn down.

The World Government's forces, including Marines, CP0, and Admirals, numbered in the double digits, so Ron needed to enslave at least ten Admiral-level undead to challenge them. For safety, twenty would be better.

Two days later, Ron remembered Byrnndi World, still locked away in darkness.

"He's been in there long enough. Time to release him."

With a thought, tentacles emerged from the ship, forming a cocoon around the hull. When they retracted, Byrnndi World appeared, gasping for air.

The once-defiant pirate now trembled with fear, his unruly eyes filled with a mix of terror and submission.

"Have you come to your senses?"

Ron asked lazily, sipping lemonade on a beach chair.

"As long as you don't send me back to that hell, I'll do whatever you want." 

Byrnndi World, quivering from head to toe, knelt before Ron.

"The name Byrnndi World is too long. From now on, you'll be called Bond, Commander of the First Legion of the Undead."

Ron said casually. It didn't matter what Byrnndi World thought; this was not a request, but an order. 

On this ship, Ron's word was law. If he wanted, he could call him whatever he pleased.

"Until a new leader appears, the undead are under your control."

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