Chapter 7

Everyone followed Eva to the autopsy room across the hall, while Zhen Ai stood several meters away, not daring to approach.

Eva lifted the white cloth, revealing the victim's head and shoulders.

Yan Su leaned in to take a quick look.

Eva pointed out several areas as she explained, "The marks on either side of the neck are clearly visible. What strikes me as odd are the dark red bruises located right beneath the shoulders, aligned with the collarbone. You see, those two bruises are in a straight line. But I'm not sure what could have caused them."

Yan Su straightened up. "What do the results say about the respiratory tract and lungs?"

Eva replied, "There's a certain amount of water in the lungs, and the respiratory tract shows minor injuries."

At that moment, she had completely shed the playful attitude she had with Yan Su earlier and now mirrored his seriousness and focus.

"That makes sense," Yan Su said slowly, raising his hand to gesture as if demonstrating. "Initially, the murderer grabbed her from behind, choking her and repeatedly submerging her in a sink full of water."

"Ah!" Eva exclaimed, realization dawning on her. "That explains the shoulder injuries! I couldn't find any tool that could leave such straight indentations; it must be the edge of the sink."

She added, "The forensic department said there were no other unusual fingerprints, footprints, or DNA. As for those oddly-shaped bloodstains you mentioned, one has indeed been wiped away, while the other seems to have been pressed down by something. That tiny drop of blood contained a trace of ink, but we haven't matched it to any specific type yet."

Yan Su raised his gaze, deep in thought, then quickly lowered his eyelids again.

Eva turned to the side cabinet and brought over a small plate, on which lay a platinum ring. "This was found in the victim's stomach."

Zhen Ai looked over from a distance and felt slightly nauseous.

Yan Su took out his phone to photograph the ring, a thoughtful smile forming on his lips. "So, she was missing three items."

Owen asked in confusion, "Another missing item?"

"Yes," Yan Su said, glancing at the ring before lifting the cloth to examine the victim's fingers, confirming his suspicion. "A brand new ring. Where's the ring box?"

Not bothering to look again, he asked, "Was there any sign of metal scraping in the esophagus?"


He nodded. "It was swallowed not long ago."

After covering the body again and thanking Eva, he started walking out.

Owen asked where he was going, and Yan Su replied, "It's time to start questioning witnesses."

As the three descended the stairs, Yan Su explained.

The police had already narrowed down the suspects based on alibis and motives, identifying four individuals who had recently had conflicts with the victim. All four were willing to cooperate with the investigation and provide information during questioning.

She had called Yan Su early in the morning, knowing he hated to delay, but he surprisingly said it wasn't urgent and that they could go in the afternoon instead.

Once in the car, Owen fastened his seatbelt and asked, "You actually think solving the case isn't urgent?"

Yan Su replied briefly, "Waiting for the autopsy results."

"What have you discovered from the results? Any new clues?"

His answer was concise, "Our murderer is quick-thinking and highly adaptable."

As he said this, Yan Su leaned back in the car seat, eyes half-closed, appearing to catch a nap. The high collar of his black trench coat obscured his sharp jawline, giving him an aloof and unapproachable demeanor.

He spoke casually, leaving Owen and Zhen Ai in confusion about how he could deduce the murderer's quick thinking and adaptability from just a few traces on Jiang Xin's body.

Owen was too lazy to ask further, but Zhen Ai was curious. "Why do you think that?"

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes, his head remaining still as his light brown irises turned to focus on her.

Outside the car, the scenery whirled by. In that moment, his eyes shimmered like amber submerged in water, glimmering with a beautiful light, clear and transparent.

She knew that this radiant gaze, filled with pure arrogance and pride, only appeared when he was mentally stimulated and inspired.

He let out a light breath:

"Earlier, there was one detail I couldn't understand. The murderer left the scene covered in blood without drawing attention, indicating he was very skilled. Besides the disordered bloodstains, everything else was intact, with no signs of struggle. This suggests he controlled the entire scene and came prepared. However,

"causing blood to splatter in a busy public dormitory is a terrible tactic. Moreover, if it were about venting anger, one stab would be too few; and the murder weapon was a kitchen knife not carried by him.

"On one hand, it seems premeditated, while on the other, it looks like an act of impulse. These two aspects contradict each other."

Zhen Ai was captivated, involuntarily engaging in the analysis and couldn't help but ask, "So you think the murderer initially intended to drown the victim?"

"Smart!" Yan Su seemed pleased with the mental exchange, not holding back a compliment, and continued, "Stabbing someone and watching their blood flow away is undoubtedly a good way to vent anger. But equally, repeatedly pushing someone underwater, watching them struggle for breath, losing their ability to fight back, and feeling the control of their suffocation—this would provide a different kind of satisfaction."

Satisfaction? His choice of words was indeed peculiar.

Zhen Ai imagined that scenario, feeling a shiver down her spine, yet her curiosity overtook her, and she analyzed further: 

"Indeed, forcing someone underwater for an extended period before drowning them would give the murderer a greater thrill without getting himself dirty. This means the murderer initially planned it this way; otherwise, he wouldn't have used Jiang Xin's kitchen knife instead of bringing his own. But why did he switch to using a knife later?"

"That's the interesting part," Yan Su's eyes glimmered with a hint of excitement as he spoke, his lips curling without a smile. "Something interrupted the murderer's mindset, making him feel that drowning her wasn't sufficient to vent his frustration, prompting him to switch methods."

Zhen Ai was taken aback. "You mean he got triggered mid-way?"

"Yeah," Yan Su affirmed.

"Even though he changed his method mid-way, he still managed to escape perfectly. This killer appears disorganized at first glance, but in reality, he's intelligent and methodical, acting cautiously while being adaptable. He craves the feeling of control. This type of murderer will make every effort to involve themselves in the investigation, wanting to know what the police are searching for, and may even mislead the police."

Zhen Ai was stunned. "You mean...?"

A flicker of challenge and anticipation crossed his eyes, along with a rare sense of carefree attitude as he said, "My dear, the real murderer is among those cooperating with the investigation."

Upon arriving at the police station to meet Jasmine, she had changed into casual clothes and was accompanied by a recorder. When she saw Zhen Ai getting out of the car, she widened her eyes in surprise, pondering for a moment before asking Yan Su, "Why is she still with you?"

Yan Su showed no interest in the question, keeping his eyes closed and absently saying, "She's a witness."

Owen explained, "She's my friend."

Only then did Jasmine drop the matter.

The first person of interest was Jiang Xin's boyfriend, Sidney Taylor, who lived in his parents' suburban villa.

As the car drove into the peaceful suburban neighborhood, surrounded by typical large homes with manicured lawns, they soon arrived at the Taylor residence. A young man around 24 years old was cleaning out the garage.

A freshly washed red sports car sat in the driveway, with water from the hose flowing onto the lawn.

In the tranquil surroundings, every passing vehicle was noticeable.

Sidney Taylor glanced back at them while carrying a storage box.

Yan Su and the others got out of the car.

To Zhen Ai's surprise, Yan Su was the last to step out, moving slowly with his head slightly bowed while his eyes scanned the area.

After Jasmine introduced herself and explained their purpose, she began the questioning, starting with the alibi: "Where were you from 3 to 4 PM on February 29th?"

"At the school dorm."

"Was anyone with you?"


Taylor appeared calm, though he looked a bit worn out, with deep dark circles under his eyes.

Yan Su glanced at the box in his hands, then looked at Jasmine, who understood and asked, "We still have some questions, so you can put the box down for now."

Taylor hesitated momentarily, looking uneasy, but eventually turned and walked into the garage to place the box down before returning.

Jasmine continued, "When did you and Jiang Xin start dating?"

"About a year ago."

"Your classmates say your relationship was quite poor and that you argued often?"

Taylor's demeanor shifted, becoming defensive as he paused for a long time before responding, "We were good before, but recently we've been spending less time together, which caused some friction."

"How was her relationship with other boys?"

"She had many friends, both male and female."

Before Jasmine could ask her next question, they were interrupted.


Taylor's parents stepped out from the house, halting the conversation.

Taylor glanced at his parents and understood, so he fell silent.

His mother approached, casting a disapproving look at Jasmine. "His relationship with the victim was too close, and without an alibi, we've hired a lawyer to prevent him from saying anything he shouldn't."

This implied that every future question directed at Taylor would require a lawyer to be present.

Jasmine felt a sense of defeat and was about to explain that she meant no harm when Yan Su suddenly spoke up, asking Taylor, "Do you like playing basketball?"

The question didn't seem malicious to his parents, and Taylor nodded. "Our school even won the Eastern College Basketball Championship."

Having no further questions, Yan Su walked over to the Porsche and casually complimented, "Nice car."

Taylor smirked slightly. "A birthday gift."

Yan Su took a few steps and then shifted his approach. "Do you know anything about the last note the victim recorded?"

Taylor looked down briefly before meeting Yan Su's gaze. "What note?"

This first visit concluded.